Australasian Sexual Health and HIV Nurses Association Executive Committee

2017 Nomination Form

The ASHHNA Executive Committee is responsible for management of ASHHNA business and

membership funds.

The ASHHNA Executive meet on the 3rd Monday of each month via teleconference from

5-6pm EST. It is expected that members are able to attend the majority of meetings

throughout the year.

The election of members must be made in writing and signed by 2 members of the Association

and accompanied by the written consent of the candidate.

All current financial ASHHNA members are welcome to nominate for any position.

The majority of positions are elected unopposed and member voting is normally not needed.

Details of positions and responsibilities are outlined below.

Being a member of ASHHNA Inc. I nominate myself for the position of:

Office Bearer


Vice President



Committee Member

Assistant Treasurer

Membership and email list Coordinator

Scholarship Coordinator

Knowledge Network Coordinator

Newsletter Coordinator

Social Media and Association representative Coordinator

ASHA Conference Representative and coordinator

Promotions Coordinator

Signature: ……………………………………….

Name: …………………………………………….

Date: ……………………………………………….

My nomination is endorsed by the following 2 current ASHHNA Inc. members:

(1) I, ……………………………………………………………………………………….(name)

being a current financial member of ASHHNA Inc. endorse the above applicant for an executive committee position:

Signature ………………...... Date………………

(2) I, ……………………………………………………………………………..……..…(name)

being a current financial member of ASHHNA Inc. endorse the above applicant for an executive committee position:

Signature ………………...... Date………………

If you would like to nominate for more than one position please complete an additional nomination form.

Scan and email your nomination to

Nominations must be received by Friday 27 October 2017

Office Bearers
President /
  • Chairs all meetings
  • Presides over all ASHHNA activity
  • Assures business is conducted in line with association aims and constitution
  • Collaborates with external organisations and stakeholders

Vice President /
  • In the absence of the President, chair Committee meetings ensuring that they are run efficiently and effectively
  • Assists President to ensure business is conducted in line with association aims and constitution
  • Australasian Sexual Health Alliance Representation (or delegate)
  • Represent ASHHNA at ASHA meetings and find replacement if unable to attend
  • Attends ASHA committee meetings
  • Reports back at exec meetings and sends minutes to secretary
  • Actions any business as per ASHA committee minutes
  • ASHM Affiliate liaison (or delegate)
  • Liaison with affiliate officer at ASHM
  • Sends list of affiliate members to membership coordinator, who will then check against our membership register. People to be removed from ASHM affiliate list provided to ASHM
  • Sub-Branch Coordinator
  • Liaison with Sub-Branch Coordinators in each state
  • Coordination of sub-branch report for newsletter and AGM
  • Coordination of sub-branch report for newsletter and AGM

Treasurer (includes Public Officer if residing in NSW or liaison with delegate) /
  • Ensure all money due to ASHHNA is received and all payments authorised are made
  • Ensure correct record of receipts and expenditure
  • Financial report for AGM
  • Undertake duties of Public Officer (if residing in NSW) or liaison with Public Officer regarding NSW Fair Trading association requirements

Secretary /
  • Preparation of monthly meeting agenda
  • Monthly meeting minute taking and distribution to committee
  • Notification of AGM to members

Committee Positions
Assistant Treasurer /
  • Assist Treasurer with banking and cheque signatory as necessary
  • Relieve Treasurer as necessary

Membership and email list Coordinator /
  • Ensure membership list is current and accurate
  • Send membership renewals when due
  • Add and remove members from email list as required
  • Collaborate with Treasurer to ensure payment has been received
  • Manage membership enquiries
  • Ensure membership activities are in line with NSW Fair Trading requirements

Scholarship Coordinator /
  • Source funding for scholarship and arrange contract with funding body
  • Advise members when scholarship open
  • Revise scholarship application and judging forms annually and amend forms with Executive Committee input
  • Organise scholarship judging
  • Notify applicants of outcome
  • Follow up successful applicants regarding report for newsletter and website on use of scholarship
  • Send information about scholarship recipients to Knowledge Network coordinator to add to website

Knowledge Network Coordinator /
  • Proactively ensures information on website is current and adds information as required
  • Works closely with Newsletter Coordinator and Social Media Coordinator to ensure continuity and currency of content distributed though all ASHHNA sources
  • Sources content for website
  • Liaises with website company to update website as needed
  • Ensure payment for domain name is current with Anchor Systems and liaise with Treasurer when payment required
  • Provide annual report to committee on website traffic and update undertaken or required

Newsletter Coordinator /
  • Sources content for newsletter from both ASHHNA members and external sources
  • Ensures newsletter content is in line with Association aims and constitution
  • Compiles newsletter using ASHHNA template and distributes to members 3 times per year (March, July, November)

Social Media and Association Representative Coordinator /
  • Regular posting of information on email list including evidence based information and job advertisements in line with association aims and constitution
  • Liaison with Facebook and Twitter account owners and quarterly reporting on activity
  • Provide annual summary to Executive Committee on Associate Committee Representation and seeks opportunities to advance state and federal representation in line with association aims and constitution

ASHA Conference Liaison /
  • Liaise with Conference Secretariat regarding ASHHNA requirements for AGM and breakfast meeting and other activities at the conference
  • Source funding for conference breakfast and arrange contract with funding body
  • Source nurses speaker for ASHHNA breakfast
  • Undertakes activities to promote ASHNNA at conference or delegate to exec member attending conference
  • Arrange judging of nurses prizes for Sexual Health conference
  • Organise announcement of the nurses prize
  • Coordinate RSVP’s for AGM and liaise with Treasurer and Secretary re attendance list and numbers

Promotions Coordinator /
  • Sources quotes and arranges printing of promotional materials
  • Distributes promotional material
  • Undertakes member surveys and provides feedback to Executive Committee on findings and action plan

Other ASHHNA business undertaken by committee members
  • Review and update of the ASHHNA Competency Standards for Sexual Health and HIV Nurses
  • Representative on Coalition of National Nursing & Midwifery Organsiations (CoNNMO) committee
  • Representative on other committees and working groups in line with the associations aims and constitution
  • Maintain Facebook account
  • Maintain Twitter account