Australasian Centre for Human Rights and Health

3.3/20 Collins Street, Melbourne

Victoria 3000

27 September 2016

Re: National Anti-dowry Summit

Our organization the Australasian Centre for Human Rights and Health has campaigned against dowry since 2012. We also had a petition that was tabled in the State Parliament on three occasions. The petition demanded that dowry demands be made illegal by placing them under “Economical Abuse” section of the Family Violence Protection Act of Victoria 2008.

We also appeared in front of the Royal commission and made a substantial submission.

It was indeed a huge honour for us that the Royal commission into Family Violence accepted our petition and recommended that dowry be included in the FV Protection act as an example of economical abuse (Recommendation #156 to be implemented within 12 months). I understand from Minster Fiona Richardson that this issue is under your department’s control now.

It has come to our attention that dowry as a form of domestic violence is a national problem and a multi-ethnic problem. With strong lobbying by our organization, the word “dowry as an example of complex form of abuse” is also included in the Federal Department of Social Services PLATFROM FOR ACTION 2017.

So we are holding the very first National anti-dowry summit in Melbourne which will be tilted "Continuing cultural tradition of dowry without harm". We are highly honoured that Minster Michaelia Cash has accepted out invitation.

It is our honour to invite you to grace our very first National anti-dowry summit.

We would like to hold it on 14 December, 10 30 am till 1 30 pm .

Venue – TBC

The participants include University of Melbourne, UNSW, Senior lawyers and Barristers.

As we have discovered that dowry is a big problem for many ethnic communities - African community, Indian community, Turkish, and Others will all be participating.

White Ribbon Australia, “Say No to Violence”, OMAC and most probably the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrist will participate

Interstate participants include- Adelaide‘s Legal Commission, Sydney Migrant Community, Perth Young African people’s organization, Brisbane and of course Melbourne.

Our Ambassadors are three eminent members of community- Ms Rohini Kappadath, Ms Sadhna Smiles, Mr Anupam Sharma.

We would be highly honoured to have your gracious presence. Our aims and goals include to commence national discussion on the nature of dowry, and its prevalence in ethnic communities, and to demonstrate the harm that dowry is doing to migrant women and an urgent need for dowry demands to be included as an example of complex form of family Violence in the 3rd Federal National Plan. And finally to ensure that the Victorian Royal Commission recommendation #156 is implemented

Your input will enhance the level of debate and discussion on the day.

With best regards

Dr Manjula O'Connor
Executive Director, Australasian Centre for Human Rights and Health
Address - 3/20 Collins Street, Melbourne Vic 3000
Winner of Victorian Government Multicultural organizational Award for INNOVATION .2016