Australasian Association for Institutional Research Inc. /
2010 Annual General Meeting

Minutes of the 2010Annual General Meeting of the Australasian Association for Institutional Research (AAIR) held at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel, Geelong commencing at 10.00 AMon Friday,12th November, 2010

  1. Attendance


Name / Surname / Institution
Dave / Marr / ANU
Bob / Hall / Canterbury University
Linda / Glassop / Deakin University
Cara / Garnuat / UNISA
Ros / Clermont / UNISA
Andrea / Matulick / UNISA
Robert / McCormack / UWA
Scott / Nichols / University of Canberra
Mark / Bazzacco / University of Canberra
David / DeBellis / Flinders University
Joanna / Allwood / Deakin University
Michael / Cudmore / La Trobe University
Craig / Courley / Deakin University
Helen / Jacob / Deakin University
Wendy / Marchment / Wendy Marchment Consulting
Lachlan / Murdoch / ANU
Andrew / Bradshaw / Macquarie University
Pheng / Schooling / Australian Catholic University
Andrew / Giles / Deakin University
Andrea / Jeffreys / Deakin University
Richard / Dillon / Deakin University
Liesha / Northover / AUQA
Rob / Toutkoushian / University of Georgia
Dennis / Ham / Curtin University
Rob / Sheehan / Sharp Words
Kevin / Duggin / University of Wellington
Don / Johnston / Southern Cross University
Kathie / Rabel / Victoria Uni of Wellington
Lester / D’Souza / Australian Catholic University
Peter / May / University of New England
Julie / Straghair / QLD Office of Higher Ed
Dave / Marr / ANU
Josie / Polermo / Deakin University
Jeff / Holmes / QUT
Bruce / Guthrie / Graduate Careers Australia
Dean / Ward / Edith Cowan University

1.2.Apologies and Proxies:

No apologies or proxies were submitted.

  1. Confirmation of the Minutes of the 2008 Annual General Meeting

The Minutes of the meeting held on held at the Intercontinental Hotel Adelaide commencing at 10.15 am on Friday,13th November, 2009 were accepted as a true and accurate record of proceedings.

Moved: Dave Marr, Seconded: Andrea Matulick

The Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted by the Annual General Meeting.

  1. President’s Report

Josie Palermo, President AAIRpresented the President’s Report for 2010 and highlighted the following points from the report:

­AAIR Website Redevelopment– Considerable work and effort had been applied to develop a revisedWebsite and the work of both Liesha Northover and Dave Marr was acknowledged.

­Load Management and Data Warehouse Special Interest Groups – These two SIG’s held successful events this year. The conveners Jeff Holmes and Andrea Matulick were thanked for their efforts.

­Newsletter: AAIR’s newsletter has been well received within Higher Education and VET circles and the work of the Newsletter’s retiring Editor, Rob Sheehan was acknowledged. Interested parties were invited to express their interest in taking over the Editorship.

­Streamlined Processes: The work undertaken to improvement a range of processes was describe and especially the membership renewal process. The Member Secretary Bruce Guthrie was acknowledged for his work on process improvement

­Journal of Institutional Research –AAIR continues to publish twice yearly and JIRA is available on the AAIR Website. Currently the Editor is inviting reviewers and the Presidents thanked those that had reviewed in 2010.

Moved to accept the Report: Rob Sheehan, Seconded: Andrea Matulick

The President’s Report was accepted by the Annual General Meeting.

  1. Treasurers Report and Financial Statement

Jeff Holmes presented the Treasurer’s Report.

A Treasurer’s Report was in the process of being audited and would be made available to members on the website.

-The Association has a sound financial position as at 30 June 2010.

-AAIR was in the process of setting up an interest bearing deposit account

-AAIR was closing its Merchant Account with the ANZ and if payment was required by credit card, this could be processed by way off direct debit using the credit card

Moved to accept the Treasurer’s:Kevin Duggin, Seconded: Lachlan Murdoch

The Treasurer’sReport was accepted by the Annual General Meeting.

  1. Election of Committee

The President advised that both Andrea Matulick and Rob Sheehan were retiring and were not seeking re-election. On behalf of AAIR, the President thanked them for their work over the years.

The Secretary invited members at the AAIR AGM to nominate for any positions that they were interested in. Sally Nimon was nominated by Andrea Matulick and Mark Bazzacco nominated.

The members presents at the AGM elected by way of majority vote –

Josie Palermo, President

Dave Marr, Vice-President

Dean Ward, Secretary

Jeff Holmes, Treasurer

Committee: Don Johnston, Kathy Rabel, Sally Nimon, Mark Buzzacco, Bruce Guthrie

for a term of two years.

  1. Next Meeting

The next AGM is planned for the 2011 Forum to be held at Waterworld, Gold Coast, QueenslandGeelong, Victoria.

The meeting concluded at 10.40am.

Dean Ward
Hon Secretary / Josie Palermo

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