MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Kurt Wheeler, Trustee Amy Mann, Trustee Dave Porter, Trustee Maureen Fellows
ALSO PRESENT: Jim Stokes, Bill Carr, Mike Hayes, Bob Lucas, T. Lewis, Brenda Switzer, Barry Schreibman
Mayor Kurt Wheeler opened the Village Board meeting at 7:00 pm.
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler, seconded by Trustee Mann the Board approved the minutes from the July 5, 2016 Village Board Meeting by a vote of 4-0.
The Village Board scheduled the September meeting for Tuesday, September 6th at 7:00 pm.
Mayor Wheeler reported the Board had received a request from a merchant in the Historic Business District asking to be able to put a display of merchandise on the public sidewalks. The mayor stated the Board had a similar request three years ago pertaining to merchants putting small tables and chairs in front of their stores and this has worked out very well.
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler, seconded by Trustee Porter, the Board scheduled a public hearing for September 6th at 7:00 p.m. to consider a local law relating to displaying merchandise on the public sidewalks in the Historic Business District by a vote of 4-0.
Brenda Switzer who owns the property at 6 Albany St. read a letter regarding the ongoing flooding of her property due to storm water drains. (see attached) Ms. Switzer also provided the Board a short video and several photos of a recent rain storm. Mayor Wheeler agreed to call the Dept. of Transportation to see what could be done to correct this situation.
Attorney Barry Schreibman spoke representing Ben & Erin Craig who reside at 12 Gillette Lane. Mr. Schreibman reported that the Craig family observed more storm water run-off than usual in recent weeks and believes it may be related to the alterations completed this year on Gillette Lane.
Mayor Wheeler reported he had a lengthy conversation with Mr. Craig today. The village will investigate the storm water system in the vicinity of the Craig property to confirm it is functioning properly.
Trustee Dave Porter gave his monthly report:
Water pumped last month was 8.56 Mgal > 276.0 kgal/day – historic ave is 9.3 Mgal for month of July. Water usage was about 100,000 gallons greater than last two years (possibly due to increased levels of lawn watering, addition of Brewery and Hotel).
- Amy Mann and Dave Porter met with Bill Carr and John Dunkle (Dunn & Sgromo) to review and summarize recommendations from Dunn and Sgromo for installing two test borings to help determine the best location of a future water well that would provide additional capacity and backup to our water supply. A summary email was sent to the Village Board members and is attached to this report.
- Additional Storm Water Separation: Recent roof drain testing performed by Bill Carr indicates that the Cazenovia College roof drains are connected to the storm sewer and not the sanitary sewer. A storm sewer separation project will not be needed as originally believed. The Sewer Board had approved $5k-$10k grant to prepare preliminary documents to be eligible for a future grant to separate the roof drains.
- Legislation to transfer ownership of Madison County Wastewater Treatment plant has passed both houses of the State Legislature. Once the bill is sent to the Governor, it must be acted upon within 10 days.
Fire Dept:
- New Fire Dept. member applications: none this month
Lake Watershed Council:
- Last meeting June 14th, 2016 at 7:00pm. Highlights include the following: Town weed harvester removed more weeds in 2 weeks than all of last year; Long term goals need to be revisited and established; Discussed blue/green algae planning; Economic impact study; Koi in Carpenters Pond; Town is testing all inlets to the lake (phosphorous, pH, Oxygen); piezometer wells continue to be monitored
- Lake Summit: Last year’s event was held on Dec 5th – LWC needs to finalize date for this year and list of presenters.
- Next Mtng: TBD
- Solarize NY project: Presentation by Chris Carrick of CNYRP&DB at April meeting. We have received the preliminary evaluation for a 205 kW solar PV installation at the Village Water Plant that could potentially offset 68% of the current municipal electricity usage. The Water Plant site would serve as a host site for remote net metering for the other electric accounts that belong to the Village. Received email from Chris Carrick on 6/28/16 stating that the request for bids will likely occur this Aug or Sep.
- Electric Vehicle Charging Station: CNYRP&DB is also promoting installation of electric vehicle charging stations. They are working with Energetics, Inc. and plan on installing five such stations in CNY. Chris Carrick would like to know if the Village has an interest in a project where we would pay one half of the cost. We are one of five communities under consideration.
- National Grid has recently announced a program for replacing existing street light fixtures with LED fixtures (letter dated May 24 forwarded to board members). D. Porter participated in webinar on June 15th sponsored by National Grid. See June 29, 2016 letter from National Grid on buyback options for s 192 street light fixtures (we have 284 street lights and 225 are the cobra-head style). We are still having conversations with SmartWatt to see if we could still perform an LED street light project with them. We have 90 days from date of letter (June 29th) to lock in to the fixture replacement price that was presented ($72.65 average for the 192 fixtures listed in the letter and does not include cost of arm and pole) – if we go past the 90 days the cost per fixture could change.
- John Lincklaen Statue Project: Attended July 27th. Visioning process has resulted in a concept that will be developed with a sculptor/caster in Penn Yan, NY.
Text below from 7/21/16 email memo from Dunn & Sgromo Engineers
Bill, Amy and Dave:
As requested, I am writing to summarize the process for providing a reserve well and expanded treatment for the Village’s water works on Water St.
Currently water is supplied to the Village residents and outside users from two wells that produce 500 gpm and 340 gpm each. To meet the current daily demand of about 300,000 gpd., both wells are utilized daily. This leaves no back-up well, in the event of reduced water yield, or if one well needs to be taken off-line for repairs.
For this reason, a reserve production well has been recommended in previous engineering evaluations, and is even more essential now, as new users are being added and contemplated being added to the Villages’ system. As water use increases, there will also be a need to expand treatment capacity by adding a fifth softener unit.
Below are the anticipated steps and a preliminary budget for completing this expansion:
- Conduct two test borings on the Village property to establish the best location for a new well. $10,000 ( as per Kinney proposal).
- Install a new 12” dia well - $75,000 ( estimated from Kinkaid proposal )
- Conduct 72 hr pump test and water quality analysis of new well $15,000 ( based on costs for Erieville)
- Complete Hydrogeology and Engineer’s Report for HD approval of new well. $ 9500 (as per D&S memo)
- Complete engineering plans for well pump, piping, electrical, and treatment expansion, for HD approval. $25,000 ( as per D&s memo)
- Install pump, pump controls, and piping to connect new well to the village system $ 100,000 (work performed by Village)
- Construct treatment building expansion and add 5th softener $100,000 ( work performed by Village)
Note: Budget numbers provided for items 2, 6 and 7 are very rough estimates that are subject to adjustment following testing, approvals and final design.
John C. Dunkle, P.E. CPESC, CMS4S
Village Engineer
Dunn & Sgromo Engineers, PLLC
5800 Heritage Landing Drive
E. Syracuse, New York 13057
Telephone: (315) 449-4940
Facsimile: (315) 449-4941
Upon a motion by Trustee Porter, seconded by Mayor Wheeler, the Board approved the following resolution by a vote 0f 4-0:
RESOLUTION # 9 - BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body the Board of Trustees, hereby agrees to expend an amount not to exceed $10,000.00 from the Water System Infrastructure Capital Reserve Fund to purchase two test borings at the water treatment plant and the engineering fees . By law, this type of expenditure is subject to permissive referendum, and as such the public has thirty days to submit written comments.
Trustee Maureen Fellows gave her monthly report:
Youth Recreation
- Summer Rec. Program runs from July 11, 2016 – August 19, 2016.
- 270 campers registered 2016 as compared with 240 in 2015
- 16 counselors, 11 lifeguards and 2 staff hired this season
- 7/15/16 Surf City Field Trip 73 campers
- 7/22/16 Hamilton Theater Field Trip 92 campers
- 7/29/16 Sky Zone Field Trip 102 campers
Boat Launch:
2015: 400 village/town passes issued
2016: 385 village/town passes issued
2015: 163 out of town passes issued
2016: 173 out of town passes issued
2015: 15 day passes issued in July
2016: 13 day passes issued in July
Inquiry if there could be a discount on multiple passes.
Lakeside Park boat ramp economic impact survey – approx. 30 collected and additional 30 distributed.
CACDA Meeting held July 20, 2016
- Development of Creekside Park funded by CNY Community Foundation – site work/drainage is underway and should be completed this summer/fall; planning will continue through the fall and installation of park features planned for spring
- Municipal Restructuring grant still under development
- Grant application submitted to CNY Community Foundation for interpretive features for the New Woodstock micro-hydro site $11,702 – FUNDED
- Market Development Survey was completed and received 440 responses. CACDA trying to understand the gaps that exist locally in goods and services available. Analysis of the data is ongoing.
- Friday night movies – additional movies will be planned for this winter
- Planning is underway for the trolley initiative
Village Court
Totals not available by meeting time
Lake Watershed Committee
Nothing to report
Trustee Amy Mann gave her report:
We will be starting to stake planting locations and start ordering UFPO this week. Several takedowns in the past month by National Grid and the village. All residents were notified and replacements will be made where possible. Our bareroot order should be ready by the end of the summer, I will announce our community planting day in Lakeside Park when we are ready.
Jim Stokes to update us on the launch contract talks with Saratoga.
Rowing Club's usage arrangement for the summer expired yesterday, waiting to hear from them about August.
CPF has approached the village about partnering with them and with Lincklaen House to restore the historic marker in front of the hotel on Albany St. Will update as we progress on this project.
See Bill's report. Below:
BuildingsPainting has been completed at Lakeland Park bathhouse.
DEC inspection all of the fuel tank at DPW and everything is in good shape.
Signs at the entrances to the Village have been painted.
Bleachers at the skate park have been repaired
StreetsGillette Lane is has been being paved. Topsoil and hydro seeding work has been completed and driveway aprons are being paved.
The wall at Riverside Drive park has been removed.
We have repaved a water leak repair on Clark Street.
We also repaved water valves at Fenner and Sims Lane
Cemetery Mowing continues.
The east fence has been removed for the new sidewalk to Fenner field.
2 Burials
Also I would like to declare our Gator and the firewood at the DPW barn surplus so we can sell them. We have ordered a new Gator.
Finally, it looks like our streets budget will allow us to repave Audubon this fall. In addition, since we have to rent the equipment for the day and Audubon will not take a full day, Bill has proposed doing Evergreen as well. Any shortfall will be covered by the Streets capital line if it pleases the board.
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Mann, the Board passed the following resolution by a vote of 4-0:
RESOLUTION # 10 - BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body the Board of Trustees, hereby authorizes the Mayor to sign the contract with Saratoga Associates for bid documents to bid the hand held launch at Lakeland Park.
Upon a motion by Trustee Mann, seconded by Mayor Wheeler, hereby approves the request by the Public Works Administrator to declare the John Deere Gator and the firewood at the DPW garage surplus and to sell to the highest bidder by a vote of 4-0.
Chief Hayes reported the Lake Association is very pleased with the Lake Patrol.
Chief Hayes reported since the Dallas massacre the Police Dept. has received many care packages from local residences. Chief Hayes will reach out to Jason Emerson, the editor at the Cazenovia Republican to publish a thank you.
Chief Hayes reported some of the part time police officers will be taking part in the “Cops on Top” fundraiser scheduled for Friday, August 5th at Dunkin Donuts. Chief Hayes stated most of the officers volunteer their time.
Mayor Wheeler reported there were two very minor changes to be made in Chapter 180 of the Village Code. One is a final revision to language related to historic preservation at the request of SHPO to make us eligible for CLG status, the other is related to an outright prohibition on flag lots in the code.
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Mann, the Board scheduled a public hearing for September 6th at 7:05 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard, to consider a local law amending Chapter 180 of the Village Code pertaining to the certified local government by a vote of 4-0.
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Porter, the Board approved the appointment of Don Raleigh to fill the vacancy on the Village Ethic Committee by a vote of 4-0.
Mayor Wheeler stated he is following up with Senator Valesky on an offer to help with the kayak hand launch grant.
Mayor Wheeler spoke to Julie Shotzberger regarding Caz Cares. Caz Cares has another 2 ½ years left on their lease. They are located in Village Edge North and know there is talk of someone developing property adjacent to them. Mayor Wheeler wanted to make the Board aware that this could impact their current location. They have invited the board to come observe their operations.
Mayor Wheeler stated the Cazenovia Children’s House has approached the Cazenovia School District about using space at Burton Street School for after school care which is very much needed. The Mayor has been talking to Matt Reilly, the school superintendant and Mr. Reilly stated due to a technicality when the school bonded for improvements to the building, there is a provision when you bond through the state other than the school itself only municipal entities could use the facility. The village may be able to play a role in enabling the cooperative use of the surplus space.
The Board approved a sign request from the Cazenovia Athletic Association for a sign on Lakeland fence from September 3rd – September 12th for their fundraiser to benefit Cazenovia District sports programs.
The Board approved a park request from SUNY Upstate Dept. of Psych. for both pavilions at Lakeside Park on Saturday, September 10th.
The Board approved a request from the Cazenovia Chamber of Commerce to use Lakeland Park on Saturday, October 22nd for their Chamber Fall Festival.
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler, seconded by Trustee Mann, the Board approved the following resolution by a vote 0f 4-0:
RESOLUTION # 11 - BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body the Board of Trustees, hereby agrees to expend $ 9,201.50 from the Evergreen Cemetery Capital to pave the cemetery driveways. By law, this type of expenditure is subject to permissive referendum, and as such the public has thirty days to submit written comments.
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Mann, the Board approved the payment of the Village bills below which the Clerk received today by a vote of 4-0.
The Board approved the following bills to be paid in the month of August:
Lifeguard Store484.84
S & S worldwide273.59
Sky Zone920.00
Strike ‘N Spare Lanes 1180.11
Onondaga County Assoc. 150.00
of Mayors & Municipal
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Fellows, the Board approved the payment of the Village bills for the month by a vote of 4-0 (see attached list).
Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Mann to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 p.m. All aye. Approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Katherine A. Burns
Village Clerk