2011: D/O Packet Tender Drafting Skills Facilitator Guide
Facilitator Guide & Lesson Plan
TBD by Training Division, Shift BC’s, or Captains of individual Companies
Tender Ops and Engine Fill/Water Supply Drafting with Jet Siphon, 6”x Male-Storz and 6” x Female-Storz Couplings
Table of Contents
SubjectPage Number
Introduction, Orientation, and Agenda …………………………………...... 1
Facilitator Orientation, Times, Learning Goals, Objectives, & Outcomes …………2
Learning Objectives, & Outcomes, Methods, Evaluation, Staffing ………………..4
Days & Shifts
1.A-Shift Day, TBD
2.B-Shift Day, TBD
3. C-Shift Day, TBD
Facilitator orientation (times)
Lead Facilitator: Engine Captain
SME Facilitators: Engine 3, Engine 6, Engine 12 Captains
Supervising Facilitators: Captains of the involved apparatus
Helpers: As requested from Training Division; Associated companies involved.
1) Setup = 15 Minutes
2)Porta-Tank front of pumping apparatus; three sections of 6”, Jet siphon, drafting operation = 1 hour
3) Two Porta-Tank side (double diamond) & water levels between tanks balancing = 30 Minutes
4) Cleanup = 15 Minutes
Class Outline (times)
2.0 hours
(Subject) Learning Goals, Objectives, & Outcomes
Learning Goals: Engine Companies will have a working understanding of how draft with an engine utilizing 6” x Male/Female TFT Adaptors; or with removal of pump intake valve and 6” hard suction.
Learning Outcomes: Crews should have a working understanding of how to train using PFA Tender’s equipment, dump valves, Supply Engine,6”Draft Hose, 6” x Storz-Male/Female couplings, Low Profile Strainer @ Jet Siphon with 1 ¾” hose, and at leasttwo porta-tanks -- with demonstrated competency.
Learning Objective 1: PFA companies should review the Power Point presentationand IFSTA DOP Lessons 12 & 14for content details.
Learning Objective 2: Crews will facilitate the setup of their engine as a supply engine utilizing a PFA Tender and equipment. Porta-tanks should be set to off-set for safety and ease of tender approach and dump.
Learning Objective 3: Crews will successfully establish a draft (to both front positioning and side positioning of Porta-tanks) by utilizing a jet siphon to evacuate air from the 6” draft tube.
Learning Objective 4: Crews will practice tank water balancing at 100 psi using a jet siphon and 6” draft tubes.
Learning Objective 5: Crews will review the Tender Cycle time examples and calculate for 10, 15, and 20 minute cycle times. Consider one, two, and three tenders, as well as mutual aid resources. Try to figure how many resources may be needed depending on cycle time to sustain 300 gallons per minute (two average preconnects).
Learning Objective 6: Crews are requested to fill out the post training survey on Surveymonkey.
Required Materials
1) PFA Engine and crew (Best if done as multiple with two Engines and Tenders)
2) PFA Tender and equipment; 6” x Storz Male & Female Adaptors
3) One section of 1 ¾” hose
4) Second porta-tank available at Training
Methods: (use methods to support individual problem solving in novel situations)
1. Solid subject domain information available on D/O Skills Tab of the Training Website
2. Constructive Learning Environments at each engine: Supply Engine operations where the learner will build upon their previous knowledge and construct new knowledge from this experience.
Evaluation: (what form of evaluation will you be using?)
1. Assessment by Captains: Qualitative data based on observation, interview, and survey.
Required Training Staff
1) Facilitator Guide
2) PFA Engine Captain supervising D/O
1.4.10 Location (facilities?)
1) PFA Training Center or multiple site as arranged by shift or companies.