Dear councillor,

You are summoned to attend the following meeting on Thursday 15th March 2012, arranged to take place at Wood Lane Community Centre at 6.30pm

Date of Issue: 09.03.12



To receive apologies – Mr A Wemyss
Approval of minutes from last meeting 17 March 2011
To consider taking action with regard issues raised - dogs and vehicles accessing the site and other issues
To review the Tenancy Agreement terms and conditions
To note the decision taken by Audley Rural Parish Council to devolve the management of the site at Audley, to Audley Allotments Association and to consider future arrangements
To note income and expenditure accounts for 2011/12
To discuss and agree the rent increases for the future


To receive apologies (through the Clerk in accordance with Standing Orders) - Mr A Wemyss
To consider approving and signing minutes of the last Parish Council meetingon 1st March 2012
Declaration of interest in any item
Public Participation: Members of the public are invited to address the Council on any issue over which it has a power for up to 5 minutes each, with the item lasting up to a maximum of 15 minutes. / 7.05 – 7.20
Admission of the Public: To determine any items on the agenda considered to be of a private nature that should be discussed at the exclusion of the Public and Press, under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 19601 (2). / 7.20 – 7.21
Planning - To consider any planning applications received, including:-
12/00042/COU Mr Alan Brown, The Lodge Red Hall Lane Halmerend, Change of use of land to caravan storage compound - Delegated/GREEN BELT
12/00055/FULMrs K. Kelsall, 33 Stephens Way Bignall End, Ground floor rear extension and rear conservatory, Delegated/ Village envelope
12/00057/FULMr Mark Cotterill, Cartref Rye Hills Bignall End, Two storey side extension, ground floor front and rear extensions, Delegated/GREEN BELT
12/00085/FUL Mr Nigel Landon, Land Rear Of 186 High Street Off Podmore Lane, Halmerend, Erection of detached dwelling – Delegated/Village envelope
12/00075/FUL Mr and Mrs Bloor, 296 High Street Alsagers Bank – Ground floor side/rear extension – Delegated/GREEN BELT
To note outcome with regards to issue at Moat Lane
Newcastle Borough Council agendas and minutes – tabled / 7.21 – 7.30
Playing Fields/Areas inc:
  • To note Play Area Monthly Inspection for February and March, and approval of any action required or taken
  • To approve the purchase and repaint of the trip rails to green at Alsager Road Play area (approx. 5L) by Community Warden
/ 7.50 – 8.00
To confirm the terms of reference for appointment of Internal Auditor, and to approve the Council Risk assessment – see appendix A
NOTICE OF AUDIT – 26h May 2011 is the appointed date on or after which interested persons may exercise their rights under the Audit commission Act 1998 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2011. The Annual Return must be approved before 30 June 2011, and the audited annual return must be published or displayed by 30 September 2011.
To consider approving the following:
-Use of car park on Nantwich Road forthe overspill parking of the Medieval and Community Fair on 21st April and 22nd April 2012 – Parish of Audley Medieval Society
-Use of "Wakes" Field off Alsager road for car parking for Audley Day on Saturday 1st September 2012, between 10am and 3pm and to consider the condition of a permanent car park attendant be amended to only present at the start - Audley Community Centre Management Team
To consider appointing Poole Alcock in Alsager to store the deeds
Community Chest 2012/13:
-Audley Medieval Society of £300 for Medieval Event in April 2012
-Audley Bowling Club(amount pending Sports Council decision)
-Audley Allotments Association – £1000 clearing land / 8.53 – 8.55
To consider position of the Leasefor Halmer End Bowling Club lease following discussions
To consider arrangements and quotes for Diamond Jubilee in June 2012 eg:
  • To consider if a beacons will be organised on private land by Wedgwood Monument (MUST be registered by 30th April)
  • Planting an avenue of Trees
  • Attendance and distribution of coins to Primary Schools
/ 8.55 – 9.00
To agree the Parish Awards for the Annual Parish Meeting and to consider nominating a Chair for the meeting in absence of Chair and Vice Chair
Correspondence and circulars received for information only (see Appendix B)
  1. Newcastle Borough Council – Temporary Investment
  2. Lloyds TSB regarding High Interest Deposit
  3. Highway Winter Operations theft of grit (rock salt)
  4. To consider a bid for Community Paths Initiative 2012/13 deadline 1st April
-To review other items as listed for information and consider for next agenda / 9.00 – 9.
For Information only - Clerks Update On Actions Taken - see Appendix C / 9.5 – 7
Councillor Reports (for information only/further actions and decisions must be included on next agenda) / – 9.15
Misc Assets
To note outcome regarding ownership of Audley Pitwheel and agree ongoing maintenance
To consider taking on maintenance of land by new bus stop on Station Road (opposite Corbetts Cottage)
To note the condition of seats in Westfield Ave (2), Alsager Road (near to Cullins Hill) and Leddys Field (weir)
To agree the date for theopening tenders on Tuesday 27th March 2012 at 7pm at Wood Lane Community Centre and resolve to exclude the Press and Public under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 19601 (2).
To consider the following items on the agenda to be of a private nature that should be discussed at the exclusion of the Public and Press, under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 19601 (2).
To approve Clerks annual leave request to carry forward (32.56hrs remaining) and request to attend SLCC Regional conference at a cost of £39
To approve the Accounts as listed – see Appendix D