Auditor Accreditation Workshop



Auditor Accreditation Workshop

08:00 / Registration
08:30 / Introductions and Administrative Issues
IBAC Updates
IS-BAO Overview
Audit Program Overview and Updates
Conducting the Audit
12:15 / Lunch
13:15 / Conducting the Audit, cont.
·  Evaluating the SMS
·  Findings

·  The Audit Report

·  Audit Discussion Items

IBAC Schedule and Upcoming Activities

16:30 /

Workshop Concludes

This workshop is required for the initial and renewal accreditation of auditors. Note that auditors applying for initial accreditation must also attend the Introduction to IS-BAO Workshop.

The Workshop outline includes:

·  IS-BAO concept, history and status,

·  Auditing basics,

·  Audit process,

·  SMS evaluation,

·  Following the protocols,

·  Audit reports, and

·  Auditor issues.

Workshop Fee Schedule:

A.  Auditor Initial Accreditation

Ø  Fee: $2500 (US)


Ø  Registration in both the Introduction to IS-BAO and Auditor Accreditation workshops plus workshop materials,

Ø  IS-BAO and Audit Procedures Manuals, and

Ø  IS-BAO auditor accreditation

Ø  Listing on IBAC web site, and

Ø  Auditor credentials

NOTE: Initial auditor accreditation applicants will receive the following credits:

Ø  $300 (US) if they already possess a copy of the IS-BAO Standard and are on record with IBAC as being the custodian of that document, or,

Ø  $500 (US) if they will become the second or subsequent auditor within a single company.

B.  Auditor Accreditation Renewal

Ø  Fee: $1000 (US) (class notes provided but no manuals).

C.  Auditor Non-Accreditation Workshop:

Ø  Fee: $750 (US) (Includes Audit Procedures Manual) or $500 (US) (no manual)

Ø  No accreditation provided.

Ø  To sign up, email

Auditor Accreditation Application Process

Auditor Initial Accreditation Process:

1.  Download the IS-BAO Accredited Auditor Application form at

2.  Complete and send form to John Sheehan, IBAC Audit Manager:

Auditor Accreditation Renewal Process:

·  Auditors who have not conducted an IS-BAO audit either as a lead auditor or an audit team member during their current validity period will be required to first attend an Introduction to IS-BAO Workshop.

·  Download the IS-BAO Accreditation and Workshop Registration form

·  Complete Auditor Accreditation Renewal portion of the from and send it to John Sheehan, IBAC Audit Manager:

Please mail, e-mail or fax applications and payment no later than 14 days prior to the workshop to:

International Business Aviation Council

Suite 16.33

999 rue University

Montreal, Quebec H3C 5J9


Fax: (514) 954-6161


Payment can be made by bank draft or money order in US dollars made payable to:

International Business Aviation Council – IS-BAO Account, or by VISA or Master Card.