Audiology Annual Meeting with Service users

April 28th 2010, 10am – 12am


Chair – Sara Coulson

Minutes – Brogan Barry

Linda Abbott

Richard Gray

Nicola Lindley

Debbie Evans

Lesley Duerden

Lorraine Briscoe – RNID

Christine Muscroft – RNID

Patient Representatives:

Brian Smyth


Beverley Powell, Equality and Diversity Advisor

Liza Smeeton

Tracey Lee

Frances Priestnall

  1. Welcome and introductions
  1. Terms of Reference – Sara read through the proposed Terms of Reference It was highlighted that ‘Audiology staff’ needs to be added to the first one. Everyone present accepted them.
  1. Developments from the Quality Enhancement Tool –Sara explained what QET is for the people not present at the last meeting. The Quality Enhancement Tool (QET) is a web-based assessment tool that enables audiology departments to assess how well they provide a patient-centered service.Sara went on to explain that the rating system scores departments from ‘A’ to ‘D’, with A being the highest score.

A departments overall rating comes from the lowest rating in one of five sections: -The Quality of the Patient Experience, Clinical Quality, Workforce and Training, Performance Management / Systems and Process and Technology. At our first census in March 2009 we came out with an overall ‘D’ rating. Between March and September 2009 we made a lot of changes to the department and atthe next census in September we came out with an overall ‘C’ rating.

Sara explained that shortly after this the Clinical Quality domain changed and we returned to having a ‘D’ rating. Brian asked what areas we were rated a ‘D’ in, Sara went on to list these.

-providing a written care plan to every patient.

-Working with ENT to improve information in letters to patients

-Use an accredited questionnaire to assess outcomes

The next Census will be performed in September 2010.

Debbie showed a Care plan that had been produced as part of the QET to give to patients at there appointment. It outlines what we had done at the appointment and what we would do in the nearfuture. Sara explained that we had a trial period of a week and gave the care plans to every patient we saw. As a department we had decided that they weren’t suitable for every patient and we should give them out to individual patients we feel would benefit from one - In particular patients from care homes, so that the staff there are also aware of what we did. Everyone present was in agreement that these were a good idea and that it is something we should carry on with. Brian explained he would find the care plan extremely useful as in the past he has forgotten what we have done at an appointment or what we said we would do next.

After every appointment we write in an electronic journal what we have done at the appointment and these are saved for every patient. It was suggested that we could create a word document and use this as a template to copy and paste these journals into. We would then print this off and give to the patient to take home. We agreed this would be as well as the Care Plan.

Debbie also showed the ‘communication card’ provided by Hearing Concern. The card gives simple tips to help the speaker make communication more easeful for the hard of hearing person. These are available to anyof our patients that request one but we are not giving them out to every patient as standard. Christine added that the RNID have a similar card but it is larger and this communication card is good because of the size.

  1. Patient support group – Lorraine explained that she is employed by RNID to work in Rotherham and offer support to people with hearing aids away from the Hospital. Lorraine announced that the Hard of Hearing group had re-started in Rotherham and the next meeting would be held on the 17th May 2010 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Unfortunately Tracey, who wants to start a similar group in Barnsley, couldn’t be present but Sara will pass on Lorraine’s details.Brain added that he may be interested in being part of the support group. He doesn’t know how much he could commit but will help out if he can.
  1. Any other business – Lorraine also runs a group of 5 volunteers who, apart from one, are all hearing aid users themselves. They run the ‘Here to Help Project’ where they work along side Rotherham Audiology Department to offer a drop in service at health centers in the Rotherham area. During these sessions the group performs retubes and issue batteries. If the Hearing Aid needs more attention e.g. broken battery door, it is taken to the Audiology Department at Rotherham where it can be repaired. Patients are given an Analogue Hearing Aid whilst their Digital Hearing Aid is being repaired.

The drop in service has proven very popular and Lorraine saw 230 patients in March and 2800 patients in the whole of 2009. We discussed the possibility of there been a similar service in Barnsley and Debbie will liaise with Lorraine and Christine about this.

  1. Date of next meeting – The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 3rd November 2010. Time to be confirmed.