Audio-Visual Resources for Each Chapter
(Please note that we will NOT watch the majority of these. They are merely options that the instructor can choose from that compliment the text and the content of the course.)
Chapter 1:
Bring Down the Walls – this creative, practical video reflects on the heritage, principles, and practice of the Catholic social teaching (USCC, 19.95)
Human Rights Education: The Promise of the 21st Century – human rights education principles and discussions by members of the Global Human Rights Education Campaign on Women’ Human Rights and Gender Equality on a range of issues (USCC)
Chapter 2:
Avalon - a family leaves the “old” country to pursue the American dream. A much-praised film about the immigrant experience. (126 min., Teacher’s Video Company)
Gideon’s Trumpet – starring Henry Fonda, this 1980 film is based on the true story of how one man’s fight for justice changed the course of US legal history. (1980, 104 min,.’ Choice Video)
Keeping Our Doors Open: A Pro-Immigration Response
Catholic social teaching dealing with how we should accept newcomers (1993, USCC)
Marketplace Prophets
A highly praisedportrayal of one hundred years of Catholic social teaching (USCC, 29.95)
Simon Birch - a young boy with stunted growth is convinced that God has a great purpose for him. (1998, Caravan Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, 113 min)
The Mission – a much-acclaimed portrayal of the Jesuit Missions on South America. Shows the conflict between colonialism, which wants to enslave the native [people, and the missionaries (1986, 125 min,. DonBosco Multimedia)
Who are my Brothers and Sisters? Understanding and welcoming immigrants and refugees – a brief history of immigration in the US with examples of how three parishes are working with immigrants (USCC)
Chapter 3:
Les Miserables – the classic based on Victor Hugo’s novel. Helps students understand what the meaning of justice and love is. Contains an exciting chase scene that students enjoy. The author of the text has used this film with great success for years. It has led to stimulating discussions on the meaning of honesty, the nature or a theft and a lie, and what it means to do justice for the “least of these”. The 1998 version with Liam Neeson playing Jean Valjean, Geoffrey Rish as the relentless Javert, and Uma Thurman as Fantine (1998, Mandalay Entertainment Tri-Star Pictures)
It’s A Wonderful Life – The evergreenvividly depicts how a man’s ethical decision has a rippling effect of care and concern on his community. Outstanding illustration of the theme of solidarity. (1946, 129 min)
Pay It Forward – Responding to a teacher’s challenge to “improve the world”, and eleven year old boy decides that if he can do three good deeds for others, and they in turn can “pay it forward” and so forth, positive changes can occur (2000, Warner Brothers, 123 min)
Romero – this excellent film can be used in many contexts in this course. For this chapter, you can use it to show how an apolitical man of God begins to identity in solidarity with the Salvadorian people, eventually leading to his assassination in 1980. (1989, 105 min, Videos with Values)
A Time for Justice – a 38 min film which is part of the teaching package available to schools from Teaching Tolerance, 400 Washington Ave., Montgomery, AL36104 (205-264-0286)
Chapter 4:
Sex Has a Price Tag - a unique film that encompasses the topics of abstinence, self-esteem, decisions about dating, tradition and more, while also focusing on the consequences of premarital and extramarital sex. This film is not intended to scare teens out of having sex, but to present solid facts that will help them make wise, long-term decisions for the right reasons.
Dead Man Walking- A caring nun receives a desperate letter from a death row inmate trying to find help to avoid execution for murder. Over the course of the time to the convict's death, the nun begins to show empathy, not only with the pathetic man, but also with the victims and their families. In the end, that nun must decide how she will deal with the paradox of caring for that condemned man while understanding the heinousness of his crimes.
Abortion Issues: Molly Kelly explains the various methods of abortion and treats various statistics about this modern-day tragedy (30 min., Center for Learning)
After the Choice – hear the stories of sixteen women who have had abortions and tell in their own words what comes after the choice. Order from Concerned Women for America, P.O. Box 65453, Washington, DC 20035 Tel 202-488-7000.
The Death Penalty – An A&E presentation that raised issues on both sides of the debate.
Euthanasia: False Light – This fifteen minute video contains moving testimony both from medical experts and people who resisted the false solution of euthanasia.
Final Blessing: A one-hour video and discussion guide on the spiritual dimension of terminal illness. Order from U.S.CC 800-235-8722
In the Womb: Revolutionary 3-D and 4-D ultrasound imagery sheds light on the world of the unborn child as never seen before (2005, National Geographic, 24.95, 100 minutes)
The Right Choice – produced under the sponsorship of the U.S. Bishops Pro-Life Committee, this video helps convince young people not to choose abortion. Order from the pro-Life office at 202-541-3070.
Chapter 5:
Philadelphia- Andrew Beckett, a gay lawyer infected with AIDS, is fired from his conservative law firm in fear that they might contract AIDS from him. After Andrew is fired, in a last attempt for peace, he sues his former law firm with the help of a homophobic lawyer, Joe Miller. During the court battle, Miller sees that Beckett is no different than anyone else on the gritty streets of the city of brotherly love, sheds his homophobia and helps Beckett with his case before AIDS overcomes him.
Just Like Anyone Else: Living with Disabilities – an NBC News Productions award winning video that fosters empathy for teens who are physically challenged in a variety of ways – deafness, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, and the like (30 min., HRM Video)
Mask – a touching film in which Eric Stolz plays a teens with a disfiguring disease (1985, 120 min’s Choice Video)
School Ties – An excellent film used with great success by the authors of the Student Text and Teacher Manual. Treats Anti-Semitism and issues of honesty and peer pressure. Starts Brendan Fraser, Chris O’Donnell, and Matt Damon (1992, 107 min, Choice Video).
Chapter 6:
The Color Purple – The powerful story of a mistreated black woman as she grows to maturity and independence between 1909 and 1947 in rural Georgia. The lead is played by Whoopie Goldberg (1985, 152 min.,’s Choice Video)
A Dry White Season – A film about black and white South Africans and their families. Death was the punishment for speaking out against apartheid (1990, 107 min.., Critics Choice Video).
Roots of Racism – an exploration of the causes of racism and hate. Hosted by Louis Gossett, Jr. Includes interviews with students fromdifferent racial and socioeconomic backgrounds as they discuss their hopes, feelings, and concerns (50 min., Teacher’s Video Company)
Separate but Equal – Starring Sidney Poitier, this film shows how Thurgood Marshall led the struggle for Civil Rights all the way to the Supreme Court (1991, 193 min, Teachers Video Company)
Why Can’t We Live Together? Tom Brokaw in a Dateline NBC special examines the state of racial relations in the United States today (50 min, Teacher’s Video Company)
Chapter 7:
The Business of Hunger – This video shows how multinational corporations acquire land and grow cash crops for export while local people go hungry (World Church Services Film Library)
City of Joy – Patrick Swayze plays a disillusioned American doctor who discovers his purpose in life by serving the poorest of the poor in Calcutta (1992, 143 min, Choice Video)
Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story – a biography of Dorothy’s earlier years, including her conversion and her dedication to work for the poor and homeless (1997, 112 min, Choice Video)
The Richest Dog in the World – presents the challenges regarding the world’s poor : aid imbalance, interdependence, empowering the poor, and limits to growth (USCC)
Hoop Dreams – The documentary follows two young boys trying to take their basketball fame from the inner-city streets of Chicago to the NBA. Tackling issues of racism, politics, and the dangerous power of how, the film stands out as a complex and astute examination of the African-American experience.
Remember the Titans – uplifting drama set in 1910 about the desegregation of two powerhouse high school football teams that learn to overcome racism and go on to victory under the leadership of their African-American coach.
Chapter 8:
Banking on Life and Death – Shows how the international debt owed by Ghana, Brazil, and the Philippines imprisons the poor of these nations (30 min., Maryknoll World Productions)
Gandhi – this epic film introduced the life of one of the twentieth century’s moral giants who believed in nonviolence to win over enemies. Starts Ben Kingsley as Gandhi (1982, 188 min., Choice Video)
Chapter 9:
John Q – A down-on-his-luck father (Denzel Washington) fights, sometimes violently, for heart transplant surgery for his dying son despite his lack of medical insurance. (2002, 116 min., PG-13, MPAA)
Chapter 10:
Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster - a compelling documentary produced by ABC's Nightline (30 min., Teacher’s Video Company)
China Syndrome – a suspense-filled, yet frightful film depicting an accident at a nuclear power plant. Powerful acting by Jack Lemmon as a principled plant executive (1979, 123 min., Teacher’s Video Company)
Hope for a Renewed Earth -reviews major environmental concerns from the Church’s perspective (USCC).
Videos on Poverty:
Room at the Inn
When Did I See You Hungry? (Harcourt Publishers)
Social Justice Videos:
Tuesdays with Morrie
Slumdog Millionaire
The Soloist
Pursuit of Happiness
Hotel Rwanda