Attention Parents/Guardians of the Central Dauphin School District:

Over the past few months, the Central Dauphin School District (CDSD) and local and state law enforcement agencies have seen a rise in the use of Synthetic drugs amongst adolescents. The issue of synthetic drugs is not just a school problem, but a community problem as well.

The CDSD is working with law enforcement and the district’s treatment provider, Mazzitti and Sullivan Counseling Services, to educate our staff and students on this issue. Because synthetic drugs are often sold illegally via the Internet and in some local gas stations in various formats, the District is providing you with information regarding synthetic drugs so that you may address this issue with your children. All staff and students will be educated on the dangers of synthetic marijuana. A power point presentation provided by Mazzitti and Sullivan is attached for your reference and can be viewed on the district website,, under News and Events.

Please be aware that any student found to be in possession of drugs, synthetic drugs, or look-alike drugs will be in violation of the law and the district’s Student Code of Conduct and face legal consequences and expulsion from school.

The CDSD will be partnering with local drug and alcohol prevention and treatment agencies to host a Parent Information Night on this topic in the near future.

Questions and Answers Regarding Synthetic Drugs


Synthetic drugs are chemically laced substances similar to marijuana and cocaine.

Based on their chemical make-up, these drugs are commonly divided into two categories:


Popularly known as K2 or Spice, cannabinoids are chemically formulated versions of synthetic marijuana that consist of lab-manufactured Marijuana.

What do they look like?

2.  HOW IS IT USED OR INJESTED? Synthetic marijuana is mainly smoked or infused into a drink.

3.  WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF SOMEONE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF SYNTHETIC MARIJUANA? Individuals may suffer from the following: insomnia, vomiting, tremors, depression, agitation, altered perception, anxiety, paranoia, long term hallucination and death.


Often known as “bath salts”, cathinones contain chemical compounds that mimic the effects of cocaine or meth.

Though the drugs’ packaging states the products are not intended for human consumption, their design, labeling and marketing clearly allude to the products being smoked and/or inhaled as a drug.


One reason that synthetic drugs are extremely dangerous is that buyers do not know what chemicals they are ingesting. Individual products can contain a vast range of different chemical formulations and potencies, some of which can be two to 500 times stronger than Marijuana

WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I SUSPECT MY CHILD IS USING? You can contact your family doctor, local police, school guidance counselor, Dauphin County Drug and Alcohol Services (717-635-2254).

Parent/Guardian Resources