NOVEMBER 15, 2010
The regular monthly meeting of the Branch Township Supervisors was held on Monday, November 15, 2010, 7:00 P.M. at the BranchTownshipMemorialBuilding, Llewellyn, Pennsylvania.
Attending were John Purcell, Joseph Wank, Robert Yeager, Supervisors, Gino DiNicola, Solicitor, Joyce Beach, Secretary/Treasurer, Norman Bertasavage and Dave Bell of the Planning Commission.
The minutes of the meeting of October 18, 2010, were read. A motion was made by Jack Purcell to approve the minutes as read, seconded by Robert Yeager, all in favor.
The bills were then read. A motion was made by Jack Purcell to approve the bills as read, seconded by Robert Yeager, all in favor.
Matt Williard of Light-Heigel & Associates, the Branch Township Sewage Enforcement Officers, presented the fee schedule for 2011. Mr. Williard reported there are no rate increases and no new regulations which would change existing policy.
A motion to have Gino DiNicola prepare the documentation for a $30,000.00 Tax Anticipation Note for 2011 was made by Jack Purcell, seconded by Joe Wank, all Supervisors in favor.
A 2011 Budget work session is scheduled for Monday, November 22, 2010, 7:00 P.M. at the BranchTownshipMunicipalBuilding. This session is open to the public.
Mr. James Croley would like to open a restaurant at 1415 Bunting Street, the former TerraceMusicCenter. For this reason he has asked the Supervisors to consider his request to transfer a liquor license into the township. Mr. Croley has applied for a variance to the Zoning/Hearing Board for change of use; however, the only issue before the Supervisors tonight is the transfer of the liquor license. Mrs. Darlene Matz, 1411 Bunting St., Pottsville, PA, commented the township doesn’t need another barroom. Mr. Thomas Owsinski, 1410 Bunting St., Pottsville, PA,asked if Mr. Croley plans to have live entertainment. Mr. Croley did not rule out the possibility but live entertainment is not in the plans at present. Mr. Owsinski was also concerned that approval of the transfer of the liquor license by the Board of Supervisors at this time would imply approval of the project in total and would influence the Zoning/Hearing Board. Mr. Jerry Costic, Bunting Street, Pottsville, PA, said he opposes the liquor license transfer 100%. Mr. Ed Gleason, 1418 Bunting Street, Pottsville, PA, would like some input from the property owner, Mr. Marnikas.
On a recommendation by Gino DiNicola, a motion was made by Jack Purcell, seconded by Robert Yeager, to table this item until after the Zoning/Hearing Board meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 2, 2010. All Supervisors in favor. The public hearing on the transfer of the liquor license will be on the agenda for the Supervisors meeting of Monday, December 20, 2010.
With regard to the dissolution of the BCRSA, Gino DiNicola will visit the issue with Attorney Dave Rattigan in January. He is currently researching the “Wind Energy” ordinance and the “Marcellus Shale” ordinance. He will have recommendations on these ordinances next month.
Kim Krasinski reported that to date $2,010.75 in delinquent garbage fees has been received. Some customers have paid in full and several others are making payments. She will begin the process of putting liens on the property of those that are still delinquent.
Joe Wank gave the Roadmaster’s report. The township purchased a new salt spreader for the pick-up truck. There was (1) one compost burn. Road work was done on Church Road and in New Minersville. The parking lot at the MemorialBuilding was resurfaced. Township workers cleaned drains of leaves and other debris.
Chief Joe Wenner read the Police Report into the record.
On a recommendation by the Planning Commission, a motion was made by Joe Wank, seconded by Robert Yeager, to approve a sub-division of property belonging to the Estate of David Lord, Maurice Lord, Executor. This sub-division was necessary in order to settle the estate. All Supervisors in favor.
On the recommendation of the Planning Commission, a motion was made by Jack Purcell, seconded by Robert Yeager, to approve the annexation of seven (7) acres of property purchased by Mr. Joe Auker to the parcel he now owns. This property is not for development. All Supervisor in favor.
Mr. Auker, 123 Church Road, thanked the Supervisors for the work they did to correct an existing problem on Church Road.
A motion was made by Jack Purcell, seconded by Joe Wank, to adjourn the meeting, all Supervisors in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joyce m. Beach, Secretary/Treasurer