Date: November 17, 2010

Attendees: W. Cook P. de Oliveira-Squitiero

H. Holman A. Balboni

M. Sullivan

The meeting was opened by Armand Balboni. Discussion ensued about making the IACUC Committee larger…..some concerns about biased views unless the committee was comprised of more of a cross-section of the campus community. While it is clear the membership must include enough science faculty for the co-chair to recuse himself when there is a conflict with protocol review, the committee would like to invite other campus members with their perspectives. Names were discussed and Armand has asked the committee to forward names of faculty/staff/students who might want to participate. Also needed will be one person who is not from the campus community. Dr. Hazel Holman fulfills the requirement for a veterinarian.

Discussion about the mouse-room and when/if we can expect the installation of a sink, and dishwasher . These are requirements that need to be in place no later than January 31st if the committee is to accept the protocols involving mice for the spring semester. Mindy Sullivan explained the equipment costs must have a funding source and the labor may be a significant issue due to the decreased plumbing staff and the absence of an overtime budget. Mindy will correspond with Liz Preston and Curt Robie about the funding and the project completion date. The one plumber on staff has visited the area and has concerns about placement of a drain for this room.

While mice are no longer housed in a breeding colony, the protocol for the spring semester will involve mice coming from a pet-shop environment and staying for a period of three weeks. At the close of the project, the mice will be returned to the pet-shop.

Storage of Records:

Armand stated that Mary Kronholm has retired and she forwarded all IACUC documents to him. The committee feels the records should be immediately available for review and located within the Department of Biology.

CITI Membership

Everyone agreed we should maintain the CITI training modules at least for another year.