Attendees: Intel – Devra, Kevin, & Tamara

IRO – Barb, Cheryl, Vicki, Debbie, & Ben


Retirees as Assets Discussion

-Staffing proposal from Intel - We will have a retiree (part of IRO) to work with Intel & help the IRO board implement what needs done on our side. When will you have a project manager in place ? Is the project a “go? “ We’d like to work with the project manager to successfully design and implement the program. This is our #1 priority for having an effect on Retirees being recognized as assets.

The current HR owner will have a program manager and plan to begin working with IRO on this by the end of the year. Devra agreed that we should have our own program manager and be part of the design team on this. We will consider this an experiment. Debbie suggested that we put a survey in the News Flash and see how many retirees will be interested in participating. We can’t do that until we understand what jobs will be required and where, etc. Potential positions might be hosting an event or scanning social media for candidates. IRO currently has many member retirees from HR, Staffing, etc.

Temp Agencies, how do we connect like we did with Corporate Affairs? (same model) We want to develop a link between Intel’s temp agency and us for appropriate temp postings for retirees

We agreed to include this in the staffing experiment. Intel’s primary temp agency is still Kelly Services, but there could be other suppliers for this program. The cleanest way appears to be bringingretirees on board through employment at appropriate tempagencies.

-Volunteer for anniversaries (Folsom 30th, Intel 50th, other site events?) Put an IRO board member on the 50 year anniversary planning committee ! Plan retirees into the celebration as well as employees.

We discussed how this is working with Folsom & Massachusetts primarily because of the site committee connections. Devra told us that Mike Greene, our Santa Clara dinner speaker is the new Santa Clara Site Committee Chair, so Cheryl will connect with him on that at our dinner next week. Devra will see what is happening for Oregon & Arizona that is site wide. New Mexico should be easy to get. Retirees have asked to be included in these type events. When planning for Intel's 50th anniversary begins, IRO would love to have a member on the Planning Committee from the start.

IRO Story next steps We hoped that this article would be useful externally to Intel in some sort of GPTW type application setting up recognition for Intel and it’s retirees. We hoped that it would be helpful internally to inform existing employees about IRO, to recognize IRO volunteers and to show retirees utilizing Intel values to employees. We will send the article to Devra to read prior to the meeting.

Devra read quickly this morning and gave us good input that we needed to say more about the work retirees do in the community and the Intel matching. We should also include what IRO put in place that supports this volunteerism. Devra believes that we are heading in the right direction using current retirees to help future retirees. This also helpsbring to light that retirees are still active, useful and have stories to share. She recommends instilling more of "a sense of pride" in the story. What IRO does might be "unique " compared to other companies and that could be highlighted too.She also suggested we run it by Denise, our other Intel contact. When it is final, she will take it to Corporate Communications and External Relations see what they would like to do with it. Devra also asked if IRO is set up to handle the growing number of retirees - 2X-3X. IRO believes we are ready with our current structure of site coordinators, committees, distribution channels, etc. IRO also shares what we learn as we learn it. We are not set up to handle international retirees but they do have access to our mail box.

It Support Issues changes submitted 1 year ago We have details, this pertains to missing information on the Intel website

Cheryl and I talked about how we feel that this is a more complex issue than just IT support. We are the integrators of information for retirees and obviously, our requests are not understood.Changes requested by Tamara have not been made to the Intel website, or have been made wrongly, a whole section has a broken link and the open enrollment date for 2015 has not been updated. I proposed that we go back to simplifying the website to talk about IRO and direct retirees to our website (where we would keep it all updated). Tamara said that will not work for folks who do not belong to our organization or have opted out. They use an IT checkbook process to prioritize IT resources and they do have direct effect on resource allocation. We discussed that this seems to be a different problem then they won’t put a IT resource on the project. We did show Devra all the broken and inaccurate things on that website. We believe that Tamara and Devra or Kevin will be attempting to understand what is going wrong with the process of keeping the Intel website up to date and why Tamara’s request for changes haven’t been implemented.

-The EPP/ Auxiliary Circuit portal announced June, still pending Retirees are very interested in this

This is also in the checkbook queue and will be done by the end of October.

BK BUM Video?

The proposal went to BK and he is not comfortable in his first year with modifying his BUM message to ensure that it is OK for retirees (this would make him be sensitive to things that shouldn’t be said outside of Intel). He is the only one who does BUM’s now (because the clear, consistent message is important to Brian), so there is no other option like Richard. If retirees want a BUM, they need to come to our annual dinners. We need to emphasize this in our next News Flash.

Business Card Proposal Barriers to implementation that we have run into, review our idea for the approach from here with Devra

-Official retiree ID for discounts+

-Business card for Intel Involved to promote Intel


We came to a clear understanding that we can have a business card with either IRO or Intel Retiree on it. No logos of any kind. Next steps is to design it and figure out how to get them to retirees. Ben continues to own and will have design proposals for next Communications meeting. Also, IRO cannot use the same "font" as Intel business cards but we can use "sharing, caring, and connecting".

Folsom & MA Site Committees examples We are developing links to site committees at FM and MA. We have seen good some cooperation and are on the path of more. We’d like to develop these relationships with the other major US sites. Need to know who to contact

-Speakers +3oth Anniversary + MA luncheon funded

-How can we connect with OR, SC, AZ, & NM?

Devra told us that Mike Greene, our Santa Clara dinner speaker is the new Santa Clara Site Committee Chair, so Cheryl will connect with him on that at our dinner next week. Devra will see what is happening for Oregon & Arizona that is site wide – to hopefully find a contact for us. New Mexico should be easy to get.