August 10, 2016
Attendees: Greg Cameron, Eric Jarvi, Amelia Arnold, Lisa Martin, Linda Earley, diane blanchette, lARRY lAMIE, Betty Harris
- Minutes fromJune meetingand July Notes
- Treasurer’s Report (Eric)
Income $77,863 to Expenses $57,494.84 leaving us in the black$20,368.33 versus last years plus 3,159.37. YTD we are better than ~$17,000. The balance sheet checking $80,983.43, Invest in Cost $43,685.99,Invest at market $14,663.09 total Balance Sheet total of $139,332.51. No questions.
The only line item we are over is convention expenses. This is due to the cost of the presentation handouts, CPR training and UNE CE processing fees.
Motion made to approve budget. Seconded. Approved.
- Allocation of PhRMA Grant
- Conventions (Larry)
- Fall 2016 – September 9-11, 2016 --Hollywood Casino, Bangor, ME
Registrations are coming in a little bit ahead of last year. Will need to pay attention to capacity since last year it was tight.
Vendor space is 9 tables. We have 5 platinum members that have reserved tables. To date, we have received payment from Janssen and PCTB and confirmation from NovoNordisk and Amerisource Bergen. I have another request from Astellas. Will follow up with platinum vendors to be sure they are going to be coming.
- Sesquicentennial -2017 –October 13-15, 2017, Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland, ME
-Save the Date Cards – The expense of up to $500.00 was approved to have the ‘Save the Date” cards printed and distributed at the Ne Pharmacist convention. Linda had sent out a sample Save the Date card and the feedback that was provided had been included. The question is how many cards to print. We need 700 for NE Pharmacists and 100 for the Fall Convention.
-Planning Meeting -
-Sponsorship Levels –
- Legislative Update /Board of Pharmacy (Mac & Greg)
- Officer Election, President Elect
The ballot for the office of President Elect is open until the August 14. Cassandra White will be the nextPresident-elect being the only nominee to accept.
- Golf Tournament
The golf tournament is all set for this Saturday. There are 36 golfers registered, 12 more than we have had the last few years, and all of the holes have been sponsored. We are targeted to make about $2100.00.
- Membership Committee (Betty)
Membership numbers are steady and
- Education Committee
- Awards (Lisa)
Lisa stated that in October, Cassie, Deb and Lisa are going to begin working on establishing the criteria for the Douglas Kay Distinguished Educator Award to present to the board in January to award in 2017. If you have any thoughts of criteria, please let any of us know or add comments to the google doc that was distributed in July.
Greg reached out to all of the recipients to congratulate them and invite them to the awards ceremony. Linda processed the awards. Will follow up to see who will be attending the awards banquet. So far we have received regrets from Ashley Chace, and Stephanie and Cassie will be at Cassie’s wedding.
Also, we will revisit the new scholarship process/rubric to see if any revisions are needed early fall.
- MPA Office Report (Linda)
Insurance – Sent the updated application to Hanover Insurance for quotes for next year. Waiting to hear back from them to see what we are offered. Our current policy expires Sept 11th, so me may need to meet for a bit at the convention to discuss the policy.
- MPA History Archive
- New Business
Next Meeting: Will be at the Fall Convention, if needed.