held at St John’s Centre, Merrow on Monday 30th March 2015
The Chairman, Keith Meldrum, welcomed those present, especially Councillors Graham Ellwood and Jenny Jordan and MP Anne Milton, Tim Harrold from CPRE, Police Sgt Sam Barwood and PCSO Hannah Buckley.
Chairman stressed that the MRA was an apolitical organisation and he hoped that the discussion would also be apolitical.
- Minutes of the 44st Annual General Meeting were approved.
- Chairman’s Report:
- There are traffic and parking problems in Merrow as a whole
- Problems of traffic, inconsiderate parking and congestion doing school hours continue to be a problem in both Horseshoe Lane East and West. Cllr Graham Elwood commented that £100,000 had been set aside for road and kerb improvements and for an awareness and training programme. A consultation was planned to make parking on the zig zags an offence.
- There are now no sponsors for two of the planters. New sponsors are being sought.
- Grit had been stolen from grit bins owned by MRA
- Enforcement of illegal parking on double yellow lines was a ongoing problem now being the responsibility of GBC
- Redwood Care Centre has been sold to Linden Homes and the MRA will keep a close eye on their proposals for development. The lovely Redwood tree at the front of the site is covered by a Tree Preservation Order
- Gosdon Hill development proposal would be covered under item 7.
- Clandon Golf course development proposal would also be covered under item 7
- Financial Report: The Treasurer introduced the 2014 year end accounts. She said that the accumulated fund is on a straight line, mainly due to the increased insurance premium and subscriptions being slightly down on previous years. This made an impact on the Income and Expenditure. She said that alternative insurance is being sought. 16 new members had joined on the evening for which she thanked them, Philip Ross proposed the adoption of the accounts; this was seconded by Dick Piper and approved. Philip Ross was reappointed as the Voluntary Independent Examiner.
- The following officers were elected:
Chairman Keith Meldrum
Vice ChairmanGordon Farquharson
Hon. TreasurerDenise Hilton
Environmental OfficerKate Dumbleton
Membership Secretary Claire Rymell
Hon. SecretaryHenriette Whitehead – van Prooije
WebmasterDave Smith
Publicity officerSarah Smith
- Election of Ordinary Committee Members
Douglas Sutton was re-elected.
- Neighbourhood watch
Allen Johnson talked to the meeting about the genesis of the scheme in Merrow and encouraged members to join. Chairman said that important information from the Neighbourhood Watch was emailed to members.
- Local Plan and discussion
- Chairman gave an overview of the proposal from the Trustees of the Clandon Estate to remove the Clandon Golf site of 146 acres from the Green Belt and for it to be developed with 1000 houses, a new secondary school, an extended Park and Ride, a re-positioned cricket pitch and some shops- as described in Merrow Life. This is not a planning application but a proposal that this site should be removed from the Green Belt within the new and revised Local Plan- a draft of which was not expected until the end of the year.
- Tim Harrold, Chairman of CPRE Guildford described the history of Clandon Golf course. However part of the Golf Course is adjacent to an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. He confirmed that the CPRE will oppose the proposal.
- A lively discussion took place involving many members of the audience.
- It was clear from the discussion that Cllrs Graham Ellwood and Jenny Jordan, if re-elected, would also oppose the removal of the Clandon Golf site from the Green Belt as would the Guildford Green Belt Group- who were also present.
A motion was proposed for the MRA committee to write to GBC to oppose any suggestion that any part of the Clandon Golf site should be removed from the Green Belt. On a show of hands those present mandated the Committee to write in opposition. Six people were against the motion.
- Kate Dumbledon asked for volunteers for the Gardeners Club for Merrow Infant School.
- The meeting concluded at 9.35 pm when members were offered canapés and wine.