ATTENDEES: Charlie & Kitty Holley, President; Michael & Kimberlee Streby, VP Western Region; Len & Connie Houle, VP Eastern Region; Bill & Bobbie Shepard, VP Central Region; Bill Flick, Treasurer; Jim Maczko & Patty Wilcox, Parliamentarian; Lyle & Jean Beck, Information Officer; Joe & Joy Vaccari, Credit Card, Badges, USA Traveler; Pat & Ave Herndon, Facilities & Sound; Al & Portia Bruning, Historian & Handicapable

ABSENT: John & Alitia Becker, VP Plains Region, Youth Advisor; Si & Marilyn Kittle, Secretary; Loraine Backus, Insurance Coordinator; Jim & Edythe Weber, Past President, Web Master, USDA News & Dress & Apparel; Bill Appel, Publications, Prescription Card & Long Term Care

2006 Winter Meeting hosted by Western Region Vice President, Michael and Kimberlee Streby.

INVOCATION – Given by Jean Beck

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Led by Charlie Holley

WELCOME – Kimberlee Streby, on behalf of the Western Region, welcomed everyone to San Diego. Michael was unable to attend the meeting on Friday because of work. Kimberlee thanked Patty Wilcox for helping with the shuttle service to and from the airport, and helping with the hosting responsibilities. There is food available in the hospitality room for lunch on Friday and Saturday. Kimberlee also thanked the Beck's for transporting the hospitality box. She also announced there is a dance Saturday night, with Ken Bower calling, if anyone would like to attend.

Pat Herndon and the Beck's asked that when you speak at the meeting to please state your name and speak into the microphone so that the Kittle's will be able to print out the minutes correctly. The Kittle's were unable to attend because of a prior commitment. Beck's will also be taking some notes to help reconstruct the minutes.

A motion was made by Pat Herndon to accept the minutes of the Pre-Annual Meeting of June 21, 2005 as presented. Seconded by Bill Flick. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Kimberlee Streby to accept the minutes of the Board of Directors Annual Meeting of June 22, 2005 as presented. Seconded by Pat Herndon. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Kimberlee Streby to accept the minutes of the Post Annual Meeting of June 25, 2005 as presented. Seconded by Bill Flick. Motion carried.

TREASURER REPORT – Bill Flick distributed the Treasurer report.

Profit and Loss Detail - Page 1 – Interest for escrow accounts has not yet been transferred. Page 2 – Affiliate dues. One affiliate has not yet paid their dues and that is WASCA. After several notices they have not yet paid. Bill asked what he should do. Charlie suggested we table that until later for discussion. Page 3 - Received a list of all officers of affiliates except for NE Oklahoma. A copy of this form will be given to the Secretary and the Webmaster.

Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual – This gives what our budget was for January through December 2005 and the third column is the percent of the budget that we used.

Bill stated he received a letter from Hope College thanking USDA for supporting higher education and thanking us for the $500 scholarship, which was given to Paul Conley.

Bill stated that he has gotten bills from some of us without a voucher and this makes it difficult for him. Please send in a voucher each time you submit bills.


President – Charlie Holley read their report, which was also enclosed in the packets.

Eastern Region VP – Connie Houle read their report, as it was not included in the original packet. They reported they have been promoting USDA in the Eastern Region by attending State Meetings, distributing pamphlets and answering many questions. Many of their clubs are losing their insurance through their previous insurer and are looking for insurance through USDA through the help of Loraine Backus. They also are promoting the prescription card program and stated that people that are using this card are having good results.

Central Region VP - Bill and Bobbie Shepard stated they had nothing more to add to the report included in the packet.

Charlie Holley stated that on November 20th Kitty and he had an opportunity to see Bill and Bobbie in Jeffersonville, IN. Loraine along with the Kentuckiana Association had been having a problem with a man that got injured at a square dance and was not insured. Two weeks later he joined the insurance and he was upset because we did not pay his claim, and he was creating much discord in the Kentuckian Association, which includes 49 clubs. We had an opportunity to see Bill Shepard at work and he did an outstanding job of representing the USDA. Instead of going home from Memphis to Nashville, Bill went out of his way to come to Indiana, meet with these people for two hours, get everyone calmed down and Charlie was very proud of Bill in his handling of this matter.

Plains Region VP – Lyle Beck read the report from John and Alitia Becker, which was also included in the packet. They reported they have been traveling and attending many dances in their region. In their own state of Louisiana they had many dancers affected by the hurricanes and floods, however were fortunate that no dancers' lives were lost. Their neighbors in Texas are busy preparing for the National in San Antonio. All these plans for the coming event have made it virtually impossible to gain ground with them on joining USDA at this time.

Western Region VP – Kimberlee Streby read their report, as it was not included in the original packet. They stated that since the National Convention in Portland, OR, they have been busy visiting clubs and state meetings to hand out prescription cards, credit card information and other USDA related information. As a USDA Representative of ARTS they have collected surveys, and with the help of Patty Wilcox, have compiled many results. Kimberlee reported they have spent the past couple months finalizing arrangements for this Winter Meeting.

As an addition to their report, Kimberlee passed out information from Larry Scheibel from the Colorado Affiliation, regarding a proposal of a seminar in October to get USDA information out to the people in the club level. Charlie stated this would be discussed later under New Business.

Secretary Report – Jean Beck read the report from Kittle's, which was included in the original packet. There was nothing further to add to the report.

Historian Report – Al Bruning stated the report stands as submitted in the packet. The only thing they had to add is that they are looking forward to visiting with Patty regarding other opportunities in which they can be of service to the USDA.

Director of Information – Lyle Beck read the report that was included in the packets. To update his report, Lyle stated that the ad for the Program Book for the 55th National Square Dance Convention has been completed. Lyle suggested that as your committee does any work, please submit this information to them and they will work with you to get a News Release made up.

There was some discussion regarding News Releases and it was suggested to make a draft of what you want in a News Release and the Beck's and Weber's will get it put together and distributed for you. In that discussion, Charlie Holley again stressed the point of sharing your ideas with the other committee members.

Parliamentarian Report –Jim Maczko's report was included in the packet and he was not in attendance in the morning session of the meeting. His report will be tabled until he arrives in the afternoon.

Committee Chairman Reports

Insurance Chairman – Loraine Backus was not in attendance and her report was handed out at the meeting. A question was raised regarding the Ending Checking Balance and if this included payments of all bills to date. Bill Flick said that in speaking with Loraine, he thought that the entire Markel premium had not yet been paid. Charlie Holley suggested if anyone had any question regarding this report to call or fax Loraine and get the answer from her.

Credit Card Report – Joe Vaccari added a few comments to the report. Joe stated they are getting information out the best they can regarding the credit card program. He had requested someone from the bank attend the meeting in San Diego to speak on how we can further promote this program, however they had no one available on the West Coast to attend. Joe announced that MBNA has merged with Bank of America so we probably will be seeing some changes as they complete the integration. The square dancers with the credit card will be receiving new credit cards in the future. This will be explained in their statement when and how this will take place. The plan is that they will start "rebranding" in the middle of 2006 and the process will be a phase process, which will take many months to complete.

Prescription Card Report – Due to the absence of Bill Appel, Lyle Beck read the report, which was included in the packet. Much discussion was held on ways of getting the new prescription drug cards distributed and ways of letting the people that are now using the old card, which is still usable, to start using the new card which is a simpler card to use. Some of these ideas will be passed on to Bill Appel.

Youth Report – Due to the absence of the Becker's, Jean Beck read the report presented in the packet.

USDA NEWS Report – Lyle Beck read the report prepared by Jim Weber, Editor of USDA News.

Charlie Holley made the comment that the USDA News looks great.

Education/Publication Report – Jean Beck read the report prepared by Bill Appel. In this report he stated that requests for educational material has been down and he hopes that people are downloading copies from the Website.

Long Term Care Report – Lyle Beck read the report prepared by Bill Appel. Bill reported that of this date we have received commissions from four enrollments. Bill Flick stated he has received only $200 for two enrollments and questioned the other two.

25th Anniversary Report – Pat Herndon reported that the 25th Anniversary Committee is hard at work. Patty and Ave have been making a "critter" which was shown and will be handed out at the Board or Directors Meeting in San Antonio. Charlie had available the pens which will be handed out at the Showcase of Ideas and at the After Party. The Weber's have a banner, which states "USDA 25 Years" which they will have at the annual meeting and After Party and possibly in the Showcase of Ideas. There is a possibility of printing up a special commemorative 25th Anniversary Edition of the USDA News and this would be given to all the delegates at the annual meeting in San Antonio. The committee will be contacting the hotel to check on the price of some type of commemorative cake for refreshments at the annual meeting. Pat stated they would be looking into getting silver dangles for the delegates to the meeting to attach to their badge and these would cost approximately 50 cents each.

Charlie asked if thought had been given to send invitations to our 25th Anniversary Meeting, to the past members of the Executive Committee. The names and addresses of these people can be found in the history files. It was the general consensus that this would be an excellent idea.

ARTS Report – Charlie read the ARTS Report that was included in the packet. Charlie read a brochure that stated the ARTS/Dance Travel Program is ready to be used by everyone. It is a good way for all square dancers to save. Go to the Website and click on USDA and follow the leads. All members of the ARTS/Dance have a connection, and square dancers can share in the commission that we get from the travel people. Everyone that you know that travels can use this program and we benefit from it. You can order whatever you need such as hotels, cars, airlines, cruise ships.

Handicapable Report – Al Bruning read the report that was included in the packet. Al stated that there are three items to be considered which were stated in the report. The first is whether or not we wish to make a donation to the USH Convention and he recommended that we do that, as there is definitely a need for this in Baton Rouge. The second item we need to look at as a group is whether or not the $750.00 donation is indeed adequate or whether we should increase the amount. The third item would be the option that Mr. Emery suggested that perhaps we use our donation to offset the cost of the banquet that is on Friday evening of the convention. Everyone that registers is signing up for the banquet so everyone would have some type of direct benefit. The other item that the Bruning's would like the Executive Committee to consider is that they would like to attend the USH Convention representing USDA, visit with some of the Handicapable Clubs and representatives to determine other ways we may be of benefit to them. As far as a budget for attending the convention it would include payment of the hotel for 3 nights, which would amount to $328.41, and Bruning's would appreciate assistance with the registration fee, which is $65.00 per person, and the full request to attend the convention would be $458.41.

Pat Herndon made a motion that we make a donation of $750.00 to the USH Convention to be used as the Handicapable Association sees fit for the benefit of the convention. Seconded by Jean Beck.

Discussion: Joe Vacarri complimented the Brunings on their work and also wanted to point out the fact that the monies that are in escrow has built up to over $9,000 for Handicapable. Joe stated that if we are to give monies to the USH Convention, we need to do the same for both the east and the west.

Al stated that historically this has been the amount of donation. To the 1st US West Convention we donated $750, to the 8th East it was $750, the 2005 which would have been the 2nd US West was not held so we did not make a donation so this one back east would make it equitable to all the conventions that we have supported up to this point. There is a 2nd Handicapable West for 2007 but we have not yet discussed supporting that at this point yet.

Above motion carried.

Pat Herndon made a motion that the USDA Executive Board authorize the expenditure up to $500.00 for the USDA Handicapable Chairman to attend the USH Convention in Baton Rouge, LA. Seconded by Joe Vacarri.

The question was asked by Bill Flick as to where these funds would come from, General Funds or Handicapable Escrow.

Joe Vacarri stated there is over $9,000 in escrow and upon approval of the Executive Committee the necessary funds can be transferred to the General Fund.

It was suggested a check be made out at this time for $750.00 for the donation and Bruning's expenditures will be transferred to the General Fund at a later date and then paid to them.

Above motion carried.

Badge Report – Report was submitted in the packet. Joy Vaccari stated, "please notice that there is a new address for the Badge Hut". Also just as Bill Flick requests a voucher when turning in bills, Joy requests that you use the form when requesting badges and bars. Joy reported that the expenses for badges have gone down since we asked the delegates to please pass on badges to the new delegates.

Much discussion was held on whether Executive Committee members should wear the USDA Badge to dances even though they do not wear the USDA clothes. It was the general consensus that this badge should be worn at all times so that people can ask questions and get to know what USDA stands for.

Adjourned for lunch at 12:00 noon.

Meeting reconvened at 1:30 p.m.

Kimberlee announced that when you leave this afternoon; please take everything with you, as we will be meeting in a different room on Saturday.

Facilities – Pat Herndon read the report presented. Our hotel in San Antonio has been confirmed at the Holiday Inn Express and the meetings on Tuesday and Saturday will be held there also. A two-bedroom suite has been reserved for the hospitality room. The parking fee will be $6.00 per night. If they try to charge anything more than $6.00, tell them that when the reservations were made the fee was $6.00 and they should honor that. Our Wednesday Board of Directors Annual Meeting will be held at the Menger Hotel, which also is the location of the NEC meetings. Pat has talked with the 56th NSDC Chairman, Wayne Bowman in Charlotte and he assured him that USDA would be accommodated in Charlotte. He recommends we stay at the Headquarters Hotel, the Weston, and they can provide space for all our meetings there. We will have final arrangements by our meeting in San Antonio. We will also be checking out the Hilton Gardens in Charlotte. The Weston is $129.00 per night and the Hilton Gardens is $99.00.