VPWG Minutes

January 8, 2016

Attendees:ABrose, BGC;LGuralnik,DD’Anna, MWCDC;JJones, PHDC; BKossis, OPDC;RGermany, LCG; JReiland, PLI;STilghman, HI;IBrown; GTECH, ZAhmed, LBelayneh, NSLC;TDolan, HA;MLandrum,HCDC; JWingenfeld, UPP;PBrewton, ELDI;DKolke, AMarie, OBB;LBelayneh, NSLC;RBey, LCF; Staff: KSchlesinger, BDavidson

Welcome and Introductions: Chair ABrose called the meeting to order at 9:10am. Introductions were conducted.

Minutes:The December 2015 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved without revision. (First: PBrewton/Second: JW; Abstain: TDolan, DD’Anna)

Land Bank review:

The group reviewed the sign-up list as well as the shared priorities for testimony during public comment at land bank board meetings. A question was raised about the difference and role of a master developer and their interaction with the Land Bank. This should be crafted in the policies and the procedures.

Code Enforcement: Community Relations Manager, Julie Reiland, from the Department of Permits, Licenses, and Inspections[PLI] provided training to the group on the 311 complaint process, including steps, timelines, and city department interaction. There is a new search function on the website to track complaints.

Regarding increasing capacity, PLI has hired 3 new inspectors who will be fully cross-certified by spring and are hiring a construction plans examiner and just certified another femailinstpector. Miss Reiland address the gender diversity in hiring and let the group know that there 3 of the 4 new / recently certified inspectors are women. Her direct number: 412.255.2811

She responded to a number of questions from the group.


Q: Will violations prior to Oct. 2015 be captured on the website?

A: No, because it is two different systems.

Q: What if a house is posted with no trespassing?

A: PLI/DPW can still access properties because of the notice being sent out.

Q: Will you receive a case number if you call for a 311 complaint?

A: Yes, you will receive a reference number.

Q: How often will the Magistrate issue fines?

A: We don’t have tracking in place currently but are working to get numbers on that. Most people are fined if they get to court. If they do not show up for Court, a warrant can be issued, but that rarely happens at this time.

GLS Update:

Staff and Chair reviewed the meetings to-date with the County Executive and his team as well as a brief overview of the GLS lien portfolio history to-date.Groups are asked to provide information on results of the round 1 buyback as well as 5-year priorities for round 2. This is not a promise of clear title or site acquisition – it removes GLS, Inc from the quiet title process.

Q: What types of properties are these?

A: All kinds. Occupied residential structures, commercial, hillsides, vacant house/land, etc.Groups should be strategic about which properties you tag – don’t tag everything.

Q: What about doing two phases of priorities?

A: Groups are not responsible for paying the county back.

Reminder: Bernstein will negotiate down to 50% value and are more willing to for private individuals.

ACTION: Groups are asked to provide their input by the next VPWG meeting (2/12/16).

Policy/Procedure changes for Property Reserve

The following changes were made to the Treasurer’s Sale / Property Reserve Process:

  • Removal of $300 minimum tax delinquency
  • Additional $800 operating cost (less title report) on each parcel from the august t/sale forward

The groups acknowledged and thanked the City for removing the minimum delinquency amount and were understanding of the change in costs on the settlement sheet.

ACTION – invite a city zoning representative to an upcoming VPWG meeting.

Land Recycling:

The group reviewed the Property Reserve and Treasurer’s Sales reports.

City Leadership Meeting:

The group discussed agenda items for the upcomgin meeting with Chief Acklin and Director Leger. Most importantly is the desire to get to clear title as early as possible as it mitigates the risk of losing property. Given the nature of real estate development, the guarantee of site control allows groups to move forward with plans/projects. Groups also want to express thanks for removing barriers when able, including the recent tax limit. Additional procedural issue to discuss, if time:

  • Remove additional notification of all vacant lots
  • Add Additional costs on upset price / vacant lot

Volunteer attendees: JWingenfeld, RGermany; LGuralnik,DKolke, ABrose, PBrewton, ENusser, MMasterson

There was no more business and the meeting adjourned at 10:40am.