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Jackson, Ky., July 01, 2015

The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the LBJ Elementary School Library at 10:00 AM, with the following members present:

Attendance Taken at 10:00 AM:

Present Board Members:

Ms. Ruschelle Hamilton

Mr. George Johnson

Mr. Albert Little

Mrs. Rebecca Watkins

Absent Board Members:

Mrs. Ina Southwood

I. Call to Order/Roll Call

The special meeting of the Breathitt County Board of Education was called to order by Chairperson Ruschelle Hamilton at 10:03 AM in the LBJ Elementary School Library.

II. Consider approval of student insurance for the 2015-2016 school year.

State Manager Larry Hammond clarified that the money used to pay for the student insurance would come from the contingency. He also stated that student insurance is a difficult budget item and is very costly; however, he does not believe it is responsible to go without the insurance. The students need to have insurance.

Ms. Hamilton stated that she had spoken with a representative from the insurance company and they told her that the contract had already been signed to have insurance for athletes for the 2015-2016 school year. Since Mr. Hammond has already signed the contract, she doesn't feel the Board should have to take action to approve it.

Ms. Hamilton called for a motion to approved student insurance; however, no motion was made.

III. Consider approval of the following policy revisions:

III.A. Policy 01.45-Board Meeting Agenda (second and final reading)

Order #1 - Motion Passed: Based on the recommendation of State Manager Larry Hammond, approval of the second reading of Board Policy 01.45-Board Meeting Agenda passed with a motion by Mr. George Johnson and a second by Mr. Albert Little.

Ms. Ruschelle Hamilton Yes

Mr. George Johnson Yes

Mr. Albert Little Yes

Mrs. Ina Southwood Absent

Mrs. Rebecca Watkins Yes

III.B. Policy 08.113-Graduation Requirements (second and final reading)

Order #2 - Motion Passed: Based on the recommendation of State Manager Larry Hammond, approval of the second reading of Board Policy 08.113-Graduation Requirements passed with a motion by Mr. Albert Little and a second by Mr. George Johnson.

Ms. Ruschelle Hamilton Yes

Mr. George Johnson Yes

Mr. Albert Little Yes

Jackson, Ky., July 01, 2015

Mrs. Ina Southwood Absent

Mrs. Rebecca Watkins Yes

III.C. Policy 09.123-Absences and Excuses (first reading)

Since this is the first reading, no action was taken.

III.D. Policy 09.433-Corporal Punishment (second and final reading)

Order #3 - Motion Passed: Based on the recommendation of State Manager Larry Hammond, approval of the second reading of Board Policy 09.433-Corporal Punishment passed with a motion by Mr. George Johnson and a second by Mr. Albert Little, even though the Board did not vote to pass the item.

Ms. Ruschelle Hamilton Yes

Mr. George Johnson No

Mr. Albert Little Yes

Mrs. Ina Southwood Absent

Mrs. Rebecca Watkins No

IV. Consider approval of RFP for Central Office Water Damage Repair.

Order #4 - Motion Passed: Approval of entering into closed session in compliance with KRS 61.810 (f) at 10:11 AM passed with a motion by Mr. Albert Little and a second by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins.

Ms. Ruschelle Hamilton Yes

Mr. George Johnson Yes

Mr. Albert Little Yes

Mrs. Ina Southwood Absent

Mrs. Rebecca Watkins Yes

Order #5 - Motion Passed: Since it was discovered that there was another agenda item prior to closed session, approval to exit closed session and go into open session at 10:12 AM passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. Albert Little.

Ms. Ruschelle Hamilton Yes

Mr. George Johnson Yes

Mr. Albert Little Yes

Mrs. Ina Southwood Absent

Mrs. Rebecca Watkins Yes

Order #6 - Motion Passed: Based on the recommendation of State Manager Larry Hammond, approval of advertising an RFP for repair of the Central Office Water Damage passed with a motion by Mr. Albert Little and a second by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins.

Ms. Ruschelle Hamilton Yes

Mr. George Johnson Yes

Mr. Albert Little Yes

Mrs. Ina Southwood Absent

Mrs. Rebecca Watkins Yes

Facilities Director Darrell Watts shared with the Board that the insurance company has offered to pay us $41,000 for repairs at the Central Office. Since this is probably not enough to cover the entire repair, an RFP will be advertised to see what kind of prices might be obtained for the different repair/replacements that will be necessary. The RFP's will be brought back to the Board for approval once they are opened.

V. Consider approval of going into closed session in compliance with KRS 61.810(f) to discuss employment of superintendent.

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Order #7 - Motion Passed: Approval of entering into closed session pursuant to KRS 61.810(f) to discuss the employment of the superintendent and his contract at 10:14 AM passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. Albert Little.

Ms. Ruschelle Hamilton Yes

Mr. George Johnson Yes

Mr. Albert Little Yes

Mrs. Ina Southwood Absent

Mrs. Rebecca Watkins Yes

VI. Consider approval of resuming open session.

Order #8 - Motion Passed: Approval of resuming open session at 12:00 PM passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. Albert Little.

Ms. Ruschelle Hamilton Yes

Mr. George Johnson Yes

Mr. Albert Little Yes

Mrs. Ina Southwood Absent

Mrs. Rebecca Watkins Yes

VII. Consider discussion/approval of employment of Superintendent.

Board Chair Ruschelle Hamilton announced that contingent on approval of the contract by the Commissioner of Education, the Board will hire David Gibson as superintendent of the Breathitt County Schools.

VIII. Adjournment

Order #9 - Motion Passed: There being no further business of the Board, adjournment at 12:05 PM passed with a motion by Mr. Albert Little and a second by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins.

Ms. Ruschelle Hamilton Yes

Mr. George Johnson Yes

Mr. Albert Little Yes

Mrs. Ina Southwood Absent

Mrs. Rebecca Watkins Yes




Board Chairperson



Jackson, Ky., July 10, 2015

The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the LBJ Elementary School at 10:00 AM, with the following members present:

Attendance Taken at 10:00 AM:

Present Board Members:

Ms. Ruschelle Hamilton

Mr. George Johnson

Mr. Albert Little

Mrs. Rebecca Watkins

Absent Board Members:

Mrs. Ina Southwood

I. Call to Order/Roll Call

The special meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by Chairperson Ruschelle Hamilton at 10:02 AM, in the LBJ Elementary School Library.

II. Consider approval of the superintendent's contract.

Board Chair Ruschelle Hamilton introduced David Gibson, a native of Magoffin County, as the new superintendent of Breathitt County Schools. He will begin his tenure on July 15, 2015; the Board is expecting positive outcomes for the District through his leadership.

Mr. Gibson then told the audience that he is "proud to work" for the Breathitt County Schools; and has a "passion" for improving the District.

Order #10 - Motion Passed: Approval of the superintendent’s contract for David Gibson passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. George Johnson.

Ms. Ruschelle Hamilton Yes

Mr. George Johnson Yes

Mr. Albert Little Yes

Mrs. Ina Southwood Absent

Mrs. Rebecca Watkins Yes

III. Informational Items regarding Waste Water Treatment Plant Replacements and Staffing Adjustments.

State Manager Larry Hammond reviewed some actions that he has taken to make the Board aware of them, since it was not possible to add them to the agenda for approval at today's meeting.

The bids for the waste water treatment plant replacements were opened and lowest bid for each plant was accepted. Frederick and May had the lowest bid for the MRC Plant for $229,404; and Davis and Plomin had the lowest bid for the HT plant for $221,800. Additionally, the Division of Water contacted the District yesterday to see about the progress of replacing the plants since they are out of compliance with water testing.

Mr. Hammond also reviewed some staffing adjustments that he has made to include increasing the LBJ principal position from 220 days to 240 days per year; combining the School Secretary position with the Clerk position to make it a "High School Secretary I" position, and increasing the days from 190 to

Jackson, Ky., July 10, 2015

200; and also adjusting the pay as well. The combining of the positions creates a savings in the budget of approximately $8,000. Mr. Hammond has also allowed MRC to maintain its teacher staffing at the 2014-2015 level, which grants the school one teacher above the Staffing Allocation; however, it prevents scheduling difficulties that would otherwise occur.

Mr. Hammond then welcomed Mr. Gibson to the District, and thanked all who have contributed to the improvements that have been made in the last 31 months since he has been assigned as State Manager. He stated that success in Breathitt County Schools hinges on the Board making decision for the students of Breathitt County; and while he will no longer be here as state manager, the state will still manage the District until, at least 2017.

IV. Adjournment

Order #11 - Motion Passed: There being no further business of the Board, adjournment at 10:17 AM passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. George Johnson.

Ms. Ruschelle Hamilton Yes

Mr. George Johnson Yes

Mr. Albert Little Yes

Mrs. Ina Southwood Absent

Mrs. Rebecca Watkins Yes




Board Chairperson



Jackson, Ky., July 28, 2015

The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the LBJ Elementary School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present:

Attendance Taken at 5:00 PM:

Present Board Members:

Ms. Ruschelle Hamilton

Mr. George Johnson

Mr. Albert Little

Mrs. Rebecca Watkins

Absent Board Members:

Mrs. Ina Southwood

I. Call to Order.

The special meeting of the Breathitt County Board of Education was called to order by Chairperson Ruschelle Hamilton at 5:00 PM, in the LBJ Elementary School Library.

I.A. Roll Call

Order #12 - Motion Passed: Approval of excusing Ina Southwood from attending the meeting due to an extended illness passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. George Johnson.

Ms. Ruschelle Hamilton Yes

Mr. George Johnson Yes

Mr. Albert Little Yes

Mrs. Ina Southwood Absent

Mrs. Rebecca Watkins Yes

I.B. Pledge of Allegiance

I.C. Review of Commissioner's Approvals

State Manager Larry Hammond shared with the audience that all items from the previous meetings were approved as recommended and voted for by the Board with the exception of two items. The first one being, no action taken by the Board on student insurance. Mr. Hammond received confirmation from the Commissioner and Hiren Desai that student insurance remains effective for the District regardless of the lack of a vote by the Board; and that the District needs to eliminate corporal punishment.

Furthermore, Mr. Hammond shared with the Board and the audience that the District has stabilized and is now in a position to move forward. Mr. Hammond said that the Board has gone through the selection process and hired Mr. Gibson as superintendent and he is confident that Mr. Gibson is working hard to continue the improvements that have taken place and is reaching out to the community to involve the community and to promote the positive initiatives that are taking place. He stated that for continued improvement expectations must be higher for all involved in the process. While finances still remain a challenge for the district, other areas have shown significant improvements. For example, attendance has risen from 91-92% in 2012-13 to 94-95% in 2014-2015; significant facility issues have been addressed including the energy project; and other instructional programs or practices have been implemented to provide more opportunity for growth and improvement. Mr. Hammond said he was thankful for his time in Breathitt County and for the

Jackson, Ky., July 28, 2015

opportunity to work here. He is proud of the improvements that have been made and sees great opportunities for continued growth.

II. Presentations/Reports

II.A. Reports

II.A.1. Superintendent's Report

New Superintendent David Gibson thanked the community and the staff for an overwhelming welcome to the District. He is thankful for the opportunity to be the Breathitt County Superintendent and plans to work collaboratively with the community and staff to reach the district goals. All decision making will be done with and through a student centered focus. While the District is still a "state managed" district; state management will have a new look with a new state manager beginning August 1. The new State Manager will be Steve Meadows, and he will be in the district on a part time basis. Mr. Gibson stated that he plans to work to end state management as soon as possible. While the district faces lots of challenges, there are tremendous efforts being made on a daily basis to improve instruction in the schools and improve the district overall. Mr. Gibson wants to put an emphasis on working with the community to improve the district image. He wants to celebrate district success, including past graduates who have been successful in life.

Additionally, Mr. Gibson will be attending and participating in the Kentucky Board of Education meeting each time to update the Board on progress made in the district.

II.A.2. TRANE Construction Update

Jim Sparks, Construction Manager updated the Board on the energy savings project. He reassured the Board and the audience that schools would be ready for opening day. He stated that all "learning environments" would be complete of all construction. That doesn't meant they won't still be in the buildings, because the entire project isn't scheduled to be complete until September, but instruction won't be interrupted by their work. The chiller at BHS is scheduled to be "started up" this week to begin the cool down of the building. BHS is approved for occupancy; and the permits for occupancy at SMS are expected early next week.

II.A.3. Treasurer's Report/AFR

Finance Officer Darnell McIntosh presented the June Treasurer's report as well as the 2015-2016 Annual Financial Report. Over the entire year, the District collected approximately $1,700,000 in property taxes, which is about 95% of what was budgeted. Additionally, 79% of expenditures were salaries. The AFR shows a total savings in salaries, utilities, and diesel fuel when comparing actual expenditures to the budget; however more was spent than budgeted in substitute salaries and matching retirement benefits, where the district spent more than $500,000. Since 2011-2012, the district has lost more than $750,000 in SEEK funds, which presents a huge challenge for the district even though there have been significant reductions. Therefore, the 2015-2016 budget is going to be challenging. In looking at projected revenue and expenditures, it will be difficult to maintain a 2% contingency. The budget committee will meet in August or September to discuss the working budget which is due September 30. At that time, reductions may have to occur in order to meet the required 2% contingency.

II.A.4. Attendance Report

DPP Jennifer Spencer reviewed the annual attendance report that has been finalized by KDE. Attendance did decline about 0.9% since last year. However, Ms. Spencer noted that the District had been hit with a lot of

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sickness last year that adversely affected attendance. The final ADA for the 2014-2015 school year was 1775, down about 45 over last year, which will cause a decrease in SEEK funding for the upcoming school year. The district attendance goal remains at 95%; the District achieved this goal in 2013-2014, so there's no reason it can't be attained in the upcoming year as well.

II.A.5. Breathitt High School

II.A.6. Highland-Turner Elementary School

II.A.7. LBJ Elementary School

II.A.8. Marie Roberts-Caney Elementary School

II.A.9. Sebastian Middle School

III. Student Learning and Support Items Recommended for Approval


III.A.1. Consider approval of revised BG-1's for HT and MRC Waste Water Treatment Plant Replacements.

Facilities Director Darrell Watts reviewed the BG-1's for the Waste Water Treatment Plants reminding the Board that the bids were slightly higher than anticipated in the original BG-1's. The total for the both plants is approximately $530,000, which has to be bonded. The tanks are steel tanks which have an estimated life of 30-40 years. Ms. Hamilton asked whose responsibility it is to maintain the plants. Mr. Watts stated that it is a maintenance function. Mr. Johnson asked why the current plants had deteriorated earlier than their expected life; have the plants not been properly maintained. Mr. Watts said that is impossible to keep the current plants as it is not possible to meet the required chemical balance in the water with the current plants. When new plants are installed, maintenance staff plans to monitor the plants at least an hour a day, and keep logs of all work, in order to lengthen the life span of the tanks.

Order #13 - Motion Passed: Upon the recommendation of State Manager Larry Hammond, approval of the revised BG-1's for the Waste Water Treatment Plant replacements at HT and MRC passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. Albert Little.

Ms. Ruschelle Hamilton Yes

Mr. George Johnson Yes

Mr. Albert Little Yes

Mrs. Ina Southwood Absent

Mrs. Rebecca Watkins Yes

III.A.2. Consider approval of the resolution initiating the financing process for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Replacements at HT and MRC.

Order #14 - Motion Passed: Upon the recommendation of State Manager Larry Hammond, approval of the resolution to initiate financing for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Replacements at HT and MRC passed with a motion by Mr. Albert Little and a second by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins.

Ms. Ruschelle Hamilton Yes

Mr. George Johnson Yes

Mr. Albert Little Yes

Mrs. Ina Southwood Absent

Mrs. Rebecca Watkins Yes

III.A.3. Consider approval of recessing to the Breathitt County Finance Corporation Meeting.

Dwight Salisbury, with Ross Sinclaire, our bonding agent presented the Board with the necessary resolution to approve funding for the Waste Water

Jackson, Ky., July 28, 2015