Intensive Reading

Mrs. Keisha Thomas, M Ed.


You are cordially invited to room 2B25. A place of Learning, exploration, and inspiration! My goal is to motivate, educate, and inspire you to do and be the best in whatever you do. As my guest please come and explore all this year has for you. As you open your policies and procedures please take note of classroom expectation. I look forward to a great year filled with academic growth that will propel you into a brighter future. My hope is that you leave this room with a new level of comprehension that will improve your academic experience in all your subjects.

Grading Policy:

Most assignments will be completed in class and will be graded based on the grading system listed below. Students are required to turn in assignments on the due date unless otherwise agreed upon. All assignments will be recorded in their interactive notebook that will be kept by the students. All handouts, assignments, and notes from the class will be collected in this notebook as well. The grading categories that will be used to calculate your grade will be as follows:

(30%) class assignments (30%) formative assessments and (40%) Tests.

Materials Needed:

At a minimum, the following materials are required to be kept in classroom:

ü  A College Rule Spiral Notebook 1Subject

ü  Pencils/Ink pens (colors other than black or blue)/highlighters

ü  Glue sticks, scissors, and school issued planner

ü  Google Account (assigned by District)

Grading System:

ü  90 – 100 A

ü  80 – 89 B

ü  70 – 79 C

ü  60 – 69 D

Attendance Requirements:

Parents will be called when a student reaches 5 excused or unexcused absences. After the 9th absences an official doctor’s note is required to be considered excused. No make-up work can be completed after the 15th absence or for any unexcused absences. A student who is not in class for at least ½ the class period shall be counted as absent.

Make-Up Work:

Students are responsible for making-up work when absent.

Missed assignments and instructions will be in the master notebook and the missed assignment crate. Students will have 5 days to make-up work/tests unless other arrangements have been made with the teacher.

Pass Policy:

No more than one student should be signed out on a hall pass at one time. Students will use a teacher provided whiteboard hall pass. Students are NOT to be issued a hall pass to the following areas: gym, parking lot, cafeteria or vending machines. ONLY to restroom or locker.

Options for Fsa/ela testing

Students are able to use a concordance score in reading on either the ACT (19) or on SAT either the score on Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (430) OR the score on Reading Subtest (24) (administered in March 2016 or beyond) as a graduation compliance in place of the FSA/ELA exams. There will be ACT/SAT tutoring as well as FSA/ELA tutoring offered afterschool From August to April to all IR students. ACT/SAT on Mondays and Thursdays.

Internet Usage

All students must have a signed “Internet Acceptable Use Policy” on file.

Class Conduct:

Students are expected to be aware of and adhere to the Choctawhatchee Student Code of Conduct. It is strongly recommended that students have their school identification I.D badges and school planners with them at all times while on campus.

Tardy Procedures:

Tardy 1-6 = Warning

Tardy 7-9 = 30minute Detention

Tardy 10-12 = One hour detention

Tardy 13 and Up = Saturday Detention

Snack Policy:

Students are allowed to eat small snacks and drinks with lids in class.


Individual success in this class will be directly related to the combined efforts of student, parent and teacher:

1.  Student – sincere effort made by the student during class to be actively involved in learning, completing assignments on time, participating in classroom discussions and group activities, and remaining on task during independent work time. (no personal cell phone use during class for any reason). IT IS MY TIME AND I WANT MY 50 MINS.

2.  Parent – stay informed and regularly check your child’s grades and assignments on-line with the grade book program.

3.  Teacher – provide enthusiastic instruction; be prepared, informative and encouraging. Work with both the student and the parent to provide the most effective learning environment possible


Students will be required to complete a number of assignments in Achieve 3000, as well as diagnostic assessment in MAPs (a computer-generated program purchased by the district).

·  Each student must have the following technology accounts:

·  GMAIL (assigned by the district)

·  Commonlit


·  Google Classroom

·  Achieve3000/MAPs

Please feel free to email or call me during my office hours 7:00-7:45

Please sign to acknowledge that the teacher has reviewed the information in this document and allowed for any questions to be answered concerning information in this document

STUDENT Sign here:

PARENT sign here: