Studentsoften require assistance in developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for effective life management, and academic/professional success.Research and our own data have revealed a strong correlation between regular school attendance and academic achievement.Our goal is to identify students at-risk for attendance as early as possible in the school year, and to provide targeted tiered intervention in support of improved attendance, achievement, and life management skills.
Attendance Intervention Plan
Identification of Target Students -Ongoing communication with Home base teachers will alert the Dean of Students of individual student attendance trends and concerns.Students who have accumulated five (5) or more absences and/or incidents of tardiness in any nine-week attendance period (updated throughout the year) will be identified forintervention.
Needs Assessment &Parent Involvement -Werecognize that parent involvement is vital to a child’s academic success.Phone calls, letters, parent meetings at school, and home visits will be utilized to inform parents of their child’s attendance status and proactively encourage cooperation in support of progress.Emphasis will be placed on helping parents understand how a healthy home environment, that includes time for sleep and study, supports academic success.
To assist families and the school in the identification of behaviors and attitudes that lead to absenteeism and truancy, aSchool Refusal Assessmentmay be administered.This assessment, which identifies the functions of student absenteeism and tardiness, will assist in the identification of appropriate intervention strategies.
Instruction –George Washington Carver has adopted a school-wide approach to discipline known as Positive Behavior Management (PBM).PBM promotes strategies intended to change the focus of our school’s disciplinary efforts toward positive reinforcement of desired student behaviors without compromising our expectations for compliance.In addition to consequences, we believe that there should also be rewards for positive behavior.
- Our instructional PBM approach to attendance intervention is based upon the following principles
- Negative consequences do not change negative student attitudes about school
- Positive reinforcement produces long term change
- Negative consequences can increase the frequency of tardiness and absenteeism
- Life and time management skills can be taught and learned through positive reinforcement
- Incremental reinforcement allows students to observe and appreciate even small improvements in attendance
- Attendance improvement must always be reinforced no matter how long it takes
Comprehensive school-wide activities will be designed to support the Instructional Phase of Intervention.Building signs, morning announcements, and school-wide attendance incentives will be regularly incorporated into the program.In consultation with the School’s Counselor and Attendance Officer, targeted at-risk students will develop attainable short-term attendance goals with a schedule of rewards.Daily attendance will be tracked and posted for the individual student’s review, creating a positive accountability system in support of short and long-term change.Regular contact with the School Counselor will facilitate meaningful dialogue about the habits and behaviors required for consistent attendance and academic achievement.This regular dialogue will reinforce the student-school relationship and provide the student with an expanded support network.
Referral & Support -The responsibilities for assuring the implementation of the interventions identified in our plan are shared by all staff.The administration of (GWCHS) will support all attendance interventions by providing practical assistance in initiating communication between students, parents, staff, and our partner agencies.Student attendance remains a component of George Washington Carver’s Comprehensive School Improvement Plan, while teachers and staff are provided with continuous support and training with regard to attendance policies, procedures, and guidelines.
Partner AgenciesChild Protective Services / Birmingham Alabama, CPS Unit
1321 5th Avenue South, Birmingham, Alabama 35233 Local (205)933-0280
Local: (205) 324-2135
CPS units investigate complaints of abuse and maltreatment or neglect against children under the age of 18 years. Caseworkers initiate investigations within 24 hours after receiving a report from the hotline and are prepared to begin a complete safety assessment of the children involved.
Family Court of Jefferson County
120 Second Court North, Birmingham, AL 35204
Phone: (205)325-5538
PINS Diversion Intensive Case Management Program / Students younger than age eighteen who exhibit a pattern of truancy, curfew violations, or being beyond the control of parents/guardians or school staff are candidates for a Person in Need of Supervision (PINS) orPINS Diversion Intensive Case Management Program (PINSDICM) Referral.Key components of the program include a thorough mental health/substance abuse assessment, drug screening, family support services, academic assistance, linkage to other community service agencies, and family therapy once each week.
Life Transformation Ministries / Youth Transformation Ministries
P.O. Box 282
Chelsea , AL 35043
205) 470-3830
Pilot project aimed at reducing educational neglect and truancy for boys and girls ages 12-17.Includes morning interventions, screening, evaluations, and the facilitation of cross-system collaboration.
Multi-systemic Therapy (MST) / Multi-systemic Therapy
600 Beacon Parkway West Suite 800
Birmingham, AL 35209 Directions
Phone: 205-917-2990 Fax: 205-917-2980
Families who meet eligibility requirements are provided in-home therapy.Emphasis is placed on the development of parenting skills and effective child support networks.
Family Support Institute / Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment
2701 Jefferson Ave SW. Birmingham, AL, US, 35211·(205) 923-6552
State of Alabama licensed mental health clinic providing individual, family, and group therapies to address a child’s specific needs.
Truancy Prevention Program / George Washington Carver High School
3900-24th Street North Birmingham, AL. 35207
(205) 231-3507 Fax (205) 231-3973
In cooperation with Focus on Families assistance is provided with school-parent communication, home visits, student wake-up, and transportation.
The purpose of the Student Attendance Intervention Plan is to identify the reason(s) for a student’s truancy, document the previous steps taken by the school to address the student’s truancy problem, and develop the plans necessary to improve the student’s future attendance.
Conference Date: ______
Identification information: ______
Student’s Name: ______DOB: ______
School: ______
Address: ______
Parent/Legal Guardian: ______
Parent/Guardian Primary Language: ______
Home Phone: (____) ______Cell Phone: (_____) ______
Work Phone: (____ ) ______Emergency Phone: (___ )______
Student Attendance History (days absent, past problems, previous schools, etc.)
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
Alabama law requires schools to take measures to assist the student and his/her family in resolving an attendance problem. Documentation of these interventions is necessary and should include dates as well as comments. The following school personnel should be utilized in the intervention process:
Designated Intervention Team Leader: ______
Intervention Planning Participants: ______
Parent/Guardian (1): ______
Parent/Guardian (2): ______
Teacher: ______
Social Worker: ______
Counselor: ______
Administrator: ______
Special Education –Case Manager (if applicable): ______
1. School Refusal Assessments Scale Completed Parent Child
2. What is the nature of the student’s attendance problem? (Please check all that apply)
Transportation Issue / Safety Issue / Health IssuesToo far to go / Surrounding Communities not safe / Pregnancy
No Money for Transportation / School Not Safe / Lacking medical care / immunizations
No reliable Means of getting to or from school / Gangs / Medical problems
School Problem / Substance abuse
Academic / School Issue / Home Issue / Social Issue
Problems with staff or other school personnel / Tending to younger siblings / Gender Intimidation
Poor academic performance / Parent/Guardian not well / Gang Activity
School discipline / Physical / sexual abuse in the home / Financial Issues
Suspended from school / Substance abuse in the home / Difficult Peer Relationships
Homeless / Bullying
Domestic violence / Personal Relationships
Runaway / Other:
Date violence
Student is also a parent
Student Characteristics:
Low Achievement / Low Attendance / Health Failure Rate
Parenthood / Credit Deficiencies / Discipline Referral
Drug/Alcohol Problem / Health-Related Issues / Other:
Please specify the details of the attendance problems(s) checked above and describe any applicable problems no listed above:
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
3. Collaborative recommendations of the student, parent/guardian, and school personnel to
Solve the attendance problem:
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
4. Actions to be taken by the parent(s)/guardian(s) to resolve the causes of the unlawful absences:
□The parent will make sure that the student is up and prepared for school each day.
□The parent will make sure the student has transportation to and from school each day.
□The parent will send written and/or medical excuses when student is absent for a valid reason.
□The parent will immediately notify the school by phone or note when the student is absent.
□Other: ______
5. Actions to be taken by the student to resolve the4 causes of the unlawful absences:
□The student will take the necessary steps to ensure that he/she is awake and is ready for school.
□The student will attend school daily and be absent only for lawful reasons.
□The student will immediately provide written and /or medical excuses for all lawful absences.
□The student has signed an attendance contract (see attached).
□Other: ______
6. Actions to be taken by intervention team members:
□Develop an Attendance Intervention Plan.
□Monitor student’s attendance at school.
□Review and update the Attendance Intervention plan as appropriate or as needed.
□Refer the student to school administration for additional follow-up by the District’s Attendance Officer.
□Other: ______
7. Actions to be taken in the event unlawful absences continue:
□School officials will review and update the Attendance Intervention Plan.
□School officials will contact the parent by letter or phone to notify them of the continued absences.
□School officials will refer the student to the Office of Student Services for continued non-attendance.
□Student will be referred to the appropriate outside agency (i.e. Family Court, Child Protective Services) for intervention.
□Other: ______
8. Referred to Social Service Agency:
□Student Counseling
□Parent Counseling Center
□Student Evaluation
□Parent Training
□Alternative Placement
□Child Care Services
9. The next meeting to review the progress of attendance improvement recommendations will be heldon: ______
10. Weekly attendance will be monitored by: ______
Plan Approval Date
Student’s Signature Parent/Guardian’s Signature
School Administrator’s Signature Parent/Guardian’s Signature
School Counselor’s Signature Agencies Signature & Date
______Conference Contact Documentation______
1st Attempt to Contact Parent/Guardian Successful? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Date: ______
[ ] Phone Call [ ] Certified Letter [ ] Other ______
[ ] Letter [ ] E-Mail
2nd Attempt to Contact Parent/Guardian Successful? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Date: ______
[ ] Phone Call [ ] Certified Letter [ ] Other ______
[ ] Letter [ ] E-Mail
3rd Attempt to Contact Parent/Guardian Successful? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Date: ______
[ ] Phone Call [ ] Certified Letter [ ] Other ______
[ ] Letter [ ] E-Mail
4th Parent/Guardian attended Intervention Plan Conference? [ ] Yes [ ] No
I, ______, understand that I am being asked to sign an attendance contract because I have been displaying behaviors consistent with a chronic attendance problem student. A chronic attendance problem student exhibits a pattern of behavioral characteristics, which interfere with the learning process of that student; thereby endangering the academic success of that student and the overall academic success rate of the school.
The following behaviors are the behaviors I agree to improve:
- I will attend every class every day. If for some reason I have a legitimate excuse for being absent, I will immediatelybring in the doctor’s excuse to the school’s attendance office the next day of attendance. Iwill NOT have over 4 unexcused absences inany class or nine week grading period.
- I will also make-up all missing work within two days.
In an effort to alleviate future repercussions, I have been counseled on the consequences of this behavior.
I understand that if I violate this agreement and have 5 unexcused absences in a class again, will NOT be allowed to appeal and will automatically lose credit in that course.
Regular school attendance is important in order for a student to maintain passing grades and to remain on track for graduation. Students and parents should refer to the attendance policy in the parent-student handbook. Students who fail to attend school may be withdrawn at the discretion of the school.
If I violate any of the above behaviors, I understand that I will be responsible for the consequences as so determined in the parent/student handbook.
As a student at George Washington Carver High School, I understand that it is important for me to follow all rules and regulations. In addition, the high school will provide me with opportunities to meet with the community outreach worker, my counselor and administrator to discuss concerns as they arise. I am encouraged to discuss situations with the appropriate personnel in order to make better and more educated decisions before the situation becomes out of hand.
Student’s Signature & Date Parent or Guardian’s Signature & Date
Administrator’s Signature & Date School Counselor’s Signature & Date
Agencies Signature & Date District’s Attendance Offices Signature
Attendance Hardship Appeals Procedures
- Student must fill out and return Hardship Packet.
- An In-House Committee consisting of Principal, Assistant Principal, School Social Workers, Counselor, and Community Stakeholders; Districts Attendance Officer will review serious cases.
- A decision will be made by this committee either to go ahead and grant credit or send the case on to the Appeals Committee consisting of School Staff.
- The Appeals Committee will meet with each student and review his/her case. The parents are encouraged to attend this meeting. A decision will be made to either grant or deny the appeal.
- The students whose appeals are granted will have to sign an Attendance Contract to hold them accountable for their future attendance practices.
- Those students whose appeals are denied will have one more opportunity to regain credit. These students may make up seat time the first two weeks of the second semester. IF these students attend after school classes from 3:45 – 5:30 Monday – Thursday during these weeks and on assigned weekends, Saturday’s 9:00 – 1:00 they may have their credit reinstated. Students MUST attend ALL classes. There will be NO excuses for missed days. If they miss a day of these classes, credit will be denied.