Attendance Contract
Attendance Policies and Procedures
· Attendance policies are printed in the Student/Parent Handbook
· Students can use 3 parent notes per semester
· Students have 3 days to bring in an excuse note
· Parents can write notes for sickness or death
If a student is absent for any portion of the day, he or she is required to bring a note to be excused. This includes signing in or signing out of school. A parent signature on the S/I or S/O page is not sufficient to excuse the absence. A note is still required. In addition, parent notes for oversleeping or car trouble are not acceptable. Violation of the above policies may result in detention, referral to the CDW and/or referral to the district Director of Pupil Personnel possibly resulting in a court appearance for truancy. Three unexcused absences will constitute truancy.
Detention Hall
Students may be detained after school five days a week, Monday through Friday, between 3:15 and 5:27 for failure to follow school policies. Students assigned detention hall need to be in the cafeteria before the clock reads 3:15. Students arriving past 3:15 will have to make up time with the detention hall coordinator the following day or be assigned another detention. Students will not be allowed to enter detention past 3:20.
Students may attend detention the day they are given the white slip that serves as notification they are to serve the next day. If a student falls to serve the day after they receive the white slip, fails to be in the cafeteria by 3:20, or fails to stay the entire time, they will be marked as missing detention. If a student misses detention he or she will have to serve the original detention plus an extra detention for missing. One missed detention will then equal two. Once a student has missed three detention halls or has accumulated five or more detention halls, parents will be required to bring the student to school for a meeting with the assistant principal. If the student continues to miss detention hall or continues to accumulate other infractions, the student may be suspended.
No changes will be made regarding the date to serve. If you have to miss for a doctor’s appointment, court appointment, or death in the family, a note must be given to Mr. Dailey the day you return to school. If you choose to miss for work, sports, or other activities you will have to serve the original plus one.
Please Print
Student’s Full Name: ______Grade ____1st Block Teacher ______
I have read and do understand the above Policies and Procedures.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______