Heckington Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held in the Council Chambers, St Andrew’s Street, Heckington on Monday 29th April 2013 commencing at 7.00pm.
Attendance: Chairman Cllr R C Higgs in the Chair,
Cllrs – Mrs J Palmer (Vice-Chairman),Mr T Atkinson, Mr P Banister, Mr A Garlick, Mr A Israel, Mr J Little, Mrs L Peto, Mr P Marshall and Mr I Sydney together with Mrs A Edwards (Clerk), D/Cllr S Tarry, D/Cllr S Ogden and C/Cllr B Young.
Neither press nor Police were in attendance. There were 7 members of the public.
Cllr Higgs welcomed everyone and opened the meeting. Cllr Peto asked that Standing Orders were suspended and item 23 be moved forward, after the public session had closed.
A member of the public brought up the issue regarding dogs at the allotments. There had been an incident a few weeks ago where dogs were running free on the allotments, and it had recently been confirmed that these were not tenants’ dogs but dogs from a neighbouring property. In the past the Council had turned a blind eye to dogs provided that they were tethered or fenced in and most tenants had respected this. Cllr Higgs said that there had been a lot of unpleasantness recently and if the allotment holders were unable to resolve this then the Council would carry out a full investigation and fully enforce the ‘no dog’ rule. A petition asking for the rule to be changed was handed to the Clerk and Cllr Higgs stated that there would have to be a resolution to change the lease, which would be discussed at the next meeting. There had been concern about trespassers at the allotments, following a spate of thefts, and Cllr Higgs stated that only tenants should be at the allotments and they should be the only ones to have a key to the front gate. This would also be discussed at a later date.
Parking opposite the barbers was raised again and Cllr Higgs reiterated what the Council had been told by Highways and the local police. Highways had been asked to do a feasibility study in the village but we had yet to receive a response.
Cllr Higgs thanked C/Cllr Young for all his work in resolving the state of the level crossing and that it had been greatly improved. C/Cllr Young was also thanked by Cllr Atkinson, who had continuously raised this issue over the past 2 years.
The public forum closed at 7.15pm.
The Chairman opened the ordinary meeting of the Parish Council at 7.15pm.
1. Chairman’s Remarks.
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given.
Cllr West was unable to attend and his reasons were made known to the Council.
3. To receive a declaration of interest in accordance with the 2007 Local Government Act.
Cllr. Marshall registered an interest in items 20 and 21 which concerned the proposed loan to the Playing Field Management Committee.
4. Draft minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 25th March 2013 to be approved as Minutes and signed.
Matters arising – no resolutions may be passed.
Cllr Palmer stated that the Rev. Harrington would give a short rededication service at the Chapel on Tuesday 14th May 2013 at 4.30pm. Local funeral directors would be invited and posters displayed on the notice boards.
Item 12. Cllr Peto asked about the outcome of the survey and Cllr Higgs said that it would be discussed under item 12 on this agenda.
Item 14. Cllr Peto asked if there had been a response from Tritton Knoll and Cllr Higgs confirmed that there had not been a reply.
There was a slight amendment to two of the figures given by D/Cllr Tarry under item 7.
The Council RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes (as amended) of Monday 25th March 2013 as a true record of the meeting and they be accepted as minutes. Proposed by Cllr Palmer and agreed unanimously.
5. Financial Matters.
1. To approve payment of outstanding invoices.
The Council RESOLVED to approve the outstanding invoices for payment. Proposed by Cllr Higgs, seconded by Cllr Atkinson and agreed unanimously.
6. Receive a report relating to Police matters.
The police were not in attendance
7. Receive a report from County and District Councillors.
Cllr Higgs stated to the District Councillors that the Parish Council were unhappy with the results of the North Kesteven District Council Housing Survey. He stated that he had proof that the survey had not been delivered to every resident and big areas had been missed. Cllr Higgs went on to say that from the outset the Council had wanted to see the evidence and to be involved. D/Cllr Ogden said that the Council needed to engage earlier before the forms were printed and Cllr Higgs stated that is exactly what he had done via email when the survey had first been suggested. D/Cllr Ogden said that it was fairly rare for a Parish Council to step forward and be involved but Councillors stated that Heckington had always been like that. Cllr Peto asked what percentage had been returned and D/Cllr Tarry confirmed that 269 (16%) had replied, out of 1642 that had been sent. Cllr Peto confirmed that when the Council had conducted surveys in the past the average return was 40%.
Cllr Higgs also stated that letters regarding the Conservation Area Review had not been received by all in the Conservation Area. Again this Review had been done without consultation with the Council and had only been informed of the open day in the village hall 3 days before the event.
C/Cllr Young, D/Cllr Ogden and D/Cllr Tarry left the meeting at 7.40pm.
8. Receive a report from Clerk in relation to outstanding Council matters.
There were no outstanding Council matters.
9. Planning Matters.
a. Tree/282126/CA31-120 – Fell Norway Spruce, 61 Church Street, Heckington.
b. 13/0224/FUL – Demolition of existing loading bay and extension to factory, Unit A formerly Priestley Building, Station Road, Heckington.
c. 13/0325/HOUS – Erection of single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory, 113 High Street, Heckington.
d. 13/0220/HOUS – Erection of single storey rear extension, 73 Cameron Street, Heckington.
e. 13/0329/ADV – Replacement internally illuminated fascia and hanging signs, Lloyd TSB Bank, High Street, Heckington.
f. 13/0336/HOUS – Erection of two storey rear extension, 14 Boston Road, Heckington.
The Council RESOLVED to have no objections to these applications. Proposed by Cllr Higgs and agreed unanimously.
Applications to be Ratified:
a. Tree/278160 – Fell Horse Chestnut at Cobham House, Eastgate.
b. 12/1296/FUL – Erection of detached two storey dwelling (with accommodation in roof space), Land adjacent to 6 Foster Street, Heckington. PC objections logged.
c. 13/0254/FUL – Demolition of existing 2-bedroomed pre-fabricated bungalow and erection of 2 no semi-detached bungalows, 7 Churchill Way, Heckington.
Comments had been forwarded to the Planning Department.
a. 13/0034/FUL – Change of use from commercial to residential, Chapel House, Sidebar Lane, Heckington Fen.
10. Receive reports from Councillor’s relating to their affiliation to local organisations.
Cllr Marshall said that Sleaford Live started on Saturday 4th May and that the sports pavilion would be hosting a band. The dance school and Fit 4 Life were going well, and the football had now finished. He said that on Tuesday 14th May Help 4 Heroes would be undertaking a walk from Newmarket to Catterick and asked for everyone to come out and show their support. They would set up camp overnight at the playing fields and leave the following morning.
Cllr Higgs said that things were still being sorted out at the swimming pool.
Cllr Garlick said that there was nothing new to report at the Windmill.
11. To discuss any further multi-unit developments within Heckington.
Item 11 and 12 were discussed together.
Cllr Higgs reiterated his dissatisfaction with the housing needs survey and that the Parish Council would formally write to NKDC saying that we did not accept the results and ask that it be redone, this time under our scrutiny. It was felt that only a 16% return did not give a full or fair picture.
12. To discuss NKDC Housing Survey and the wishes of the Parishioners.
13. Insurance for Multi Surface Play Area.
The Council formally accepted responsibility for the Multi Surface Play Area, which would now be covered under the Council’s public liability cover.
The Council RESOLVED to take responsibility of the Multi Surface Play Area. Proposed by Cllr Higgs and agreed by all.
14. To consider a request from Mr & Mrs Regan to purchase small parcel of land adjacent to their property.
Cllr Higgs stated that it was not policy to sell Parish Council owned land but had looked into this request. There was concern that if the fence was moved it would be harder to see round the corner and youths might congregate.
The Council RESOLVED not to sell the small parcel of land to Mr & Mrs Regan but would clear away the vegetation and rubbish. Proposed by Cllr Higgs, seconded by Cllr Marshall and agreed unanimously.
15. To discuss the trimming back of the trees on the edge of the Playing Field and at the rear of Houlden Way.
This was part of the same problem as item 14. Cllr Peto asked that the Council be mindful of the nesting season when considering the tree pruning.
The Council RESOLVED to trim back the trees and hedges. Proposed by Cllr Higgs and agreed.
16. To discuss the trimming back of the hedge on the roadside at the allotments.
Cllr Banister confirmed that Countryside Alliance had done this some years ago as a demonstration for hedge laying. It was agreed that Cllr Banister should contact Countryside Alliance and see if they would be willing to do this again. Cllr Banister also suggested the Council think about the alternative of trimming back the top and sides, which would give greater security for the allotment holders and keep down road noise.
17. To consider the purchase of Anti-virus software for office PC.
The Council RESOLVED to purchase Anti-Virus software for the office PC, and due to the nature of the licence of anti-virus software the Council agreed to the special dispensation of Cllr Higgs purchasing it using his personal credit card. Proposed by Cllr Israel, seconded by Cllr Peto and agreed.
18. To consider a 2013 ‘Showcase Saturday’ event.
There had been a poor turnout to last year’s event however several businesses had expressed an interest once they had seen the event up and running. Cllr Palmer said that there had been interest in the village for an association of local traders which, if formed, could approach the Council about holding an event on the village green. Cllr Higgs suggested putting an article in the village magazine to see if there would be interest in such an event being held again.
19. To discuss the Heckington Village and Heckington Station Conservation Area Review.
Cllr Higgs said that a small number of people had gone to the display in the village hall although the display was very disappointing. The 83 page document had several old photographs, with most of it having been lifted directly from the 2009 review. Cllr Higgs went on to say that it was a very detailed report with many valid points. He agreed with the summary that the current Conservation Areas should remain as they were. There was no point in spending more public money on trying to change what had worked extremely well since 1975. The former Heckington Manor was in a dilapidated state and the core of the building was definitely at risk if allowed to deteriorate. The current owner had no interest in the building, only the land for development.
20. To discuss the recommendations of the Finance Sub Committee Meeting held on 28th March 2013 and to ratify the following: the purchase of a trailer & signage; loan to Playing Fields Management Committee for replacement boiler, pump & radiators; purchase of emergency generator; ½ repair cost of multi-surface play area; shutter for Chambers; flowers for Heckington Station.
The Council RESOLVED to take this item into closed session. Proposed by Cllr Palmer, seconded by Cllr Israel and agreed by all.
21. To consider a request from the Playing Field Management Committee to pay for the services of the village caretaker on the Friday before the Heckington Show weekend.
It was agreed that the caretaker, who had been consulted, would undertake his Council duties in the morning and help at the playing field, with the Farr, in the afternoon to help position the 200+ caravans expected. The Playing Field Management Committee would pay for the caretaker’s time.
22. To consider tenders for the Parish Chambers extension and to apply for funding for the same.
The Council RESOLVED to take this item into closed session. Proposed by Cllr Palmer, seconded by Cllr Israel and agreed by all.
23. Allotments –
To consider a request to keep quail at the allotments.
As allotments holders were permitted to keep chickens it was agreed that the allotment holder be allowed to keep quail.
To allow dogs at the allotments.
It was agreed to defer this item to the next meeting.
24. To receive general correspondence.
a. Highways Major Utilities Work – Spring/Summer 2013.
b. CPRE Lincolnshire Branch – Best Kept Village Competition 2013.
c. NKDC – civic collection charges increase.
d. Revenue & Benefits Shared Service.
e. Road Closure.