Attendance: Adam, Aaron, Mayela, Anna, Allen
-Two guests from SP4 Government are here, introductions of Board members
-Guests: Michael Rorro, VP of MSA, speaking as chair for S4PG, founded to look at/ rewrite all campus constitutionlooking to move from culture of isolation to culture of collaboration, seen a number of initiatives i.e. Stop the Hike that shouldve had
-Phil Zeke, 1st year Law Student, Chair of Governance Committee, speaking to us as a graduate student, thinks that the Univ. council, every college would appoint a member, legislative/even executive functions, benefit grad students, any of his 90 constiuents can bring something to the board, 7.15$ paid by grad/law students to no longer be divorced from the student, no longer isolated from Law Student Senate isolated from RSG gov for best practices, didn’t achieve grad student executive persay but they will be able to serve on the “cabinet”, and will have more interaction with exec branch
Marie: Timeline & justification
MR: Written a ratification clause, let incoming stud govs have a say asap but the 1986 constitution will stay to be the constitution until they can fig out their own ideals
PZ: Let them pick their own by March 2012
Robert W.: You say graduate students will have a larger voice, how if our numbers are smaller & less participation
PZ: Goes by degree granting for seats, more of those then undergrad, 11 to 8 or 10 to 9, thinks grad students are more diffuse & have more connections on campus & have more leadership exp/role
Marie: Concern to question, Seems to be a further bureaucy & only have an agenda setting power, why do you see the need to create a body that will be redundant
MR: Sees its hard for MSA represents constiuents, this body should be a link between smaller & larger gov., give them power, i.e. impeachment; keep work low so various stud govleaders can be included, biweekly meetings, rubbing elbows between undergrad/grad, mentor, good experiences
PZ: Thinks freshmen new to the gov. & disperse grad students are a good voice even though they aren’t the most powerful voice
Lily: Largest benefit for undergrad/grad
MR: Hard to distinguish, having a place to bring to people together & deal w/ issues
PZ: Access, individual students ability to access student funding & student resources, change in grads mostly bring grads together, doc talks about ways to get the balling rolling
Ethan: MSA should be that central body for such collaboration, you are taking away the general assembly role, what is the motivation to take an MSA seat now?
MR: No mechanism for MSA to give $ back/student fee
Marie: Final document?
MR: Need 1,000 signatures by next weds. At 500, looking for support throughout different student govs.
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Committee Updates
Budget: Cherisse- Have committee budgets, less than the budget, send out figures after mtg for the Board to vote on 2 week
Student Life: Sunday Valentines day event basement of Blue Leprechan, trying to do about 2 events a month, happy hour next month, Comm. Meets 5:30 in the basement of the Heidelberg, Ethan & Michael meeting w/ Natalie soon for collaboration
Administrative: Meeting soon, working on website
Academics: A few things on the radar, need to vote on penalty fee
Penalty fee, as it reads now penalty fee 25% of tuition, makes it more difficult for students to re-enroll, under the current policy, students going on detached study don’t have to pay anything. Robert has a brief rebuttal to Adam’s comments, RW rationale as head of committee, disenrolling & later enrolling still wouldn’t be encouraged but it should be free as a safety mechanism for people that have to leave under certain life events: not making satisfactory progress, illness, etc. Dean Weiss says ppl not paying tuition now, wouldn’t be paying under current system would be paying under this system,
EE: Does CE change the fee total/semester total to Rackham?
Committee does not know, Robert will look it up
EE: The conditions you are describing are described in the leave of absence policy
RW: Included that in the statement, many different “leaves”, You are speaking of the medical leave, requires information from a doctor, doesn’t think it accounts for medical issues that don’t count as debilating,
Vote to approve Penalty fee? 1o to 1 in favor of the Resolution
Have been speaking to other student gov. of other graduate students, at Business/Med/Law, execs will be mtg
Election Committee, Nominate lily, vote in favor for her to take Div. I seat in EC, need to have election directions