Revision: July 10, 2018

NorthWestern Energy Transmission Planning and Attachment K Business Practice

Links Document

This Business Practice provides URLs addresses to NorthWestern Energy’s (“NWE”) local planning documents and business practices. URL addresses for Northern Tier Transmission Group (“NTTG”) regional and Western Electric Coordinating Council (“WECC”) interconnection wide planning documents are also included within this business practice. These links are directed to specific documents, business practices and folders that are stored on the following websites:

  • NTTG Regional website (
  • WECC Interconnection wide website (

Accessing these documents will provide information on NWE’s Attachment K, local transmission planning business practices, processes and results and other informational documents.

Please refer to the Index table on page 2.

Broken Link

Please report any broken link to:

Section Index:

1. FERC Order 890 & 1000 Local Transmission Planning and Attachment K Link Information

A. Attachment K

B. Attachment K – Intervention


D. Calendar of Events and Study Cycle

E. Comments on behalf of...

F. Confidentiality Agreement

G. Economic Congestion Studies (Economic Studies)

H. Frequently Asked Questions

I. How to Contact Us

J. L&R Data Request

K. LTP Study Cycle – Data Collection

L. Load Forecast – Forecast

M. Local Cost Allocation Methodology

N. Local Transmission Plan

O. NWE Anti-Trust and SOC

P. Attachment K Business Practice

Q. Business Practice ETP Method Criteria & Process

R. Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT)

S. Planning Docs Process for Amending Documentation

T. Transmission Advisory Committee (TRANSAC) – How to Become Involved

U. Transmission Advisory Committee (TRANSAC) Charter

V. Other Transmission Planning Links

W. Public Policy Project Request

2. NTTG Regional Link Information

A. NTTG Home Page (includes map)

B. Planning - Biennial Reports

C. Calendar

D. Charters & Agreements

E. NTTG Cost Allocation Principles

F. NTTG Attachment K Documents and NTTG Business Practices

G. NTTG Economic Congestion Studies

H. NTTG Frequently Asked Questions

I. NTTG Planning Committee Home Page


K. NTTG Planning Cycle

L. NTTG Regional Planning and Cost Allocation Practices

M. NTTG Study Plan

N. NTTG FERC Order 1000 Information

3. WECC Interconnection Wide Link Information

A. WECC Home Page

B. WECC Reliability Assessment Committee (RAC)

C. WECC Closed Session Confidentiality Agreement for non-group member participants

1. FERC Order 890 & 1000Local Transmission Planning and Attachment K Link Information

Documents in this section address FERC Order 890 and FERC Order 1000 - Local Transmission Planning and are currently in effect.

A. Attachment K



Fourth Regional Compliance filing, submitted December 30, 2014 (which applies to the 2014-2015 Local Area Planning Cycle) was accepted by FERC March 24, 2015 with an Effective date of October 1, 2013 and matches the OATT. Attachment K revisions were submitted on December 30, 2014 in Docket No. ER13-67-003 to comply with FERC’s December 8, 2014 Order.

FERC Acceptance Letter

Attachment K-Effective 10/1/2013



Second Interregional, submitted February, 18, 2015 – NTTG FERC Order Joint Compliance filing was in response to the December 18, 2014 Order on Interregional requirements. On June 1, 2015 FERC issued a final order accepting the Western Filing Parties Interregional compliance filings in Docket No. ER13-1448-001.

Attachment K-Effective 6/1/2015

B. Attachment K – Intervention

Currently there are no intervention documents.


Posted Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII)

D. Calendar of Events and Study Cycle

2018 Calendar of Events and Study Cycle

2017 Calendar of Events and Study Cycle

E. Comments on behalf of...

Currently there are no ‘Comments on behalf of...’ documents.

F. Confidentiality Agreement

Confidentiality Agreement Form 3359 12.04

Shortcut to:

G. Economic Congestion Studies (Economic Studies)

Economic Congestion Study 2016-2017 Cycle

Economic Study Request Listing & Meeting Information

2018 Economic Congestion Study Submittal Reminder

Economic Study Request Form

Other Info on EconomicStudies

Note: A description of the process, procedure, and methodology for processing Additional Economic Congestion Studies is available in the “Attachment K Business Practice”. See Section 1.P of this document.

H. Frequently Asked Questions

I. How to Contact Us

J. L&R Data Request

L&R Data Request 2017 includes the following Documents:

Generation Request Letter-NWE 2017

Generation Data Request 2017

Load Request Letter-NWE 2017

Load Data Request 2017

WECC 2017 Data Manual Section 2

Note: Additional information regarding the Load and Resource (L&R) Data Requests can be found on NWE’s OASIS site in the “Transmission Planning – Attachment K” folder. Under the “L&R Data Request” folder there is a folder for individual annual L&R Data Request cycles (such as “Customer L&R Data Request Information-2017”).

Shortcut to:

K. LTP Study Cycle – Data Collection

2016-2017 LTP Study Cycle – Data Collection – Timeline (effective 10-17-13 per FERC)

Annual Stakeholder Reminder Submittal-2018

Submitting Alternative Solutions

L. Load Forecast – Forecast

Spring 2017-2018 Load Forecast – 05-07-18

M. Local Cost Allocation Methodology

2008 Local Cost Allocation Methodology Projects outside OATT effective 05-14-08

Shortcut to:

N. Local Transmission Plan

2016-2017 Planning Cycle

2016-2017 Electric Transmission Local Area Plan – Final

NWMT 2016-2017 Local Area Plan Development & Distribution

2014-2015 Planning Cycle

2014-2015 Electric Transmission Local Area Plan – 11-10-15 Final

NWMT 2014-2015 Local Area Plan Development & Distribution

O. NWE Anti-Trust and SOC

2009 NWEAnti-Trust and SOC 03-17-09

Shortcut to:

P. Attachment K Business Practice

2017 Attachment K Business Practice - approved 12/22/17, effective 12/28/17.

Q. Business Practice ETP Method Criteria & Process

2018 Business Practice ETP Methodology, Criteria and Process - approved 06/10/18, effective 06/15/18.

R. Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT)

Transmission Services Procedures: Business Practice

Open Access Transmission Tariff Vol. 5

Accepted, effective date– March 12, 2016

NorthWestern Corporation, FERC Docket: ER16-707-000 (March 7, 2016)

Table of Contents

NOTE: Each Part, Attachment, and Schedule is posted separately and to lengthy to list. Please go to:

1)NorthWestern Energy’s OASIS website, (

2)open the ‘Tariffs/FERC Filings’ folder,

3)open the ‘Current NWE MT OATT’ folder – all files are listed in this sub-folder

S. Planning Docs Process for Amending Documentation

2017 Planning Documents Amend Process

Document Posting Log (tracks the documents being amended)

T. Transmission Advisory Committee (TRANSAC) – How to Become Involved

U. Transmission Advisory Committee (TRANSAC) Charter

2014 TRANSAC Charter 12-16-14

V. Other Transmission Planning Links

On NWE’s OASIS website, there are a number of folders containing various documents and materials regarding transmission planning activities. The following shortcut will bring you to NWE’s OASIS website.

Shortcut to:

The folders outlining Transmission Planning include:

Transmission Planning

Transmission Planning – Attachment K

Transmission Planning – Economic Studies

Transmission Planning – TRANSAC

W. Public Policy Project Request

Instructions for Public Policy Project Request

Workbook to submit Public Policy Project Request

2. NTTG Regional Link Information

Documents in this section address FERC Orders890 & 1000Regional (NTTG)Transmission Planning. These documents are currently in effect.

A. NTTG Home Page (includes map)

B. Planning - Biennial Reports


2016-2017 NTTG Final Regional Transmission Plan Approved-December 14, 2017

2016-2017 NTTG Regional Transmission Plan FINAL – December 28, 2017

2016-2017 NTTG Regional Transmission Reports


2014-2015 NTTG Final Regional Transmission Plan Approved-December 17, 2015

2014-2015 NTTG Regional Transmission Plan FINAL – 12-30-2015

2014-2015 NTTG Regional Transmission Reports

2014-2015 NTTG Cost Allocation Workbook Final

C. Calendar

D. Charters & Agreements

Includes NTTG Agreements, NTTG Committee Charters, Executed NTTG Planning Agreements and Anti-Trust Policy

E. NTTG Cost Allocation Principles

Contains an explanation of the NTTG cost allocation principles and process (Published September 6, 2007).

2010-2011 NTTG Cost Allocation Committee Final Report (11/14/11 and published April 22 2013)

F. NTTG Attachment K Documents and NTTG Business Practices

G. NTTG Economic Congestion Studies

H. NTTG Frequently Asked Questions

I. NTTG Planning Committee Home Page

Contains members, process documents and meeting information, data submittals, reports, and other general information, in addition to the links to specific documents described below.


A map of the Point-of-Receipt and Point-of-Delivery can be found on the NTTG website at the following URL address.

K. NTTG Planning Cycle

L. NTTG Regional Planning and Cost Allocation Practices

This is part of the FERC Order 1000 filing. See Section 0. NTTG FERC Order 1000 Information.

M. NTTG Study Plan

Study plan containing the assumptions, data, and tools used in conducting the current biennial planning cycle.

NTTG 2016-2017 Biennial Study Plan APPROVED 07-20-2016

Amended Quarter 6 NTTG 2016-17 Biennial Study Plan Approved - 08-02-2017

NTTG 2016-2017 Regional Transmission Plan Supporting Materials

The completed Biennial reports are shown in category B. of this document

N. NTTG FERC Order 1000 Information

At this site are documents and/or updates for Regional and Interregional documents for activity related to FERC Order 1000.

FERC Order 1000: Regional

FERC Order 1000: Interregional

3. WECC Interconnection Wide Link Information

Documents in this section address FERC Orders890 & 1000Interconnection Wide (WECC)information. These documents are currently in effect.

A. WECC Home Page

Shortcut to:

B. WECC Reliability Assessment Committee (RAC)

Shortcut to:

The WECC Planning Coordination Committee is made up of four subcommittees:

Studies Subcommittee

ScenarioDevelopment Subcommittee

Modeling Subcommittee

Data Subcommittee

C. WECC Closed Session Confidentiality Agreement for non-group member participants

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