Attachment E CostEstBudget
The cost of this project is reasonable due to its scope and nature. The geographical area that will be evaluated in the development of this watershed plan is approximately 437,000 acres. There will be an enormous amount of coordination required among the many stakeholders within these watersheds.
The costs for this proposal were developed using current hourly rates for personnel and historical costs for plan reproduction, flyers and maps. The cost estimate for the consultants was made using current hourly rates from existing consultants that were considered to be comparable to one that would be hired for this project.
The cost estimate has been provided in a variety of formats. The cost summary table is included in this attachment and provides a summary of all costs. In Attachment D, there are two additional tables that reflect the estimated costs by task and a line item budget.
All costs are directly related to the Project implementation. The costs for project administration are estimated at $24,000.00 and are well below the recommended 5% of the total cost. These costs reflect staff time only using current hourly rates and are necessary costs incidentally but directly related to the proposal.
In item C of the summary table, staff costs and consultant costs are differentiated by a second numeral in parenthesis with an asterisk below the total amount. The numbers in parenthesis are the amount of that item that is for consulting services.
There aren’t any on-going projects that are related and important to the success of this project. This project’s completion does not hinge on the completion of a project that is not included for funding within this proposal.
Match amounts are for staff time, water quality testing, instrumentation purchases by MCWRA and GIS data sets, which were purchased by SLO County after the RFP was released on 4 January 2006.