Meeting Place:CYP 2222
Meeting Time:10:00 am
Participants:Jim Heath, Lala Guerra, Chris Cavalli, June Mullin, John Underwood,John Cise, James Friedrichsen, Joe Brinkley, Saad Eways, Paul Williams, Gabe Arellano, Elliot Richmond, Jeff Bechtold, Qurrat Thakur, Chris Haluska, Karl Trappe, Asif Hassan
1.) Approval of Agenda: Agenda approved
2) Approval of Minutes: March minutes were approved
3.) Information item:
a.)Adjunct of the Year Award - Julienne LeMond was presented the Adjunct of the Year award.
b.)Purchase of Capital Items–Because of prices of lab equipment increasing and the 500.00 limit not increasing,equipment that at one time was under 500.00 arenow considered capital items. It will not be very easy to purchase this equipment, but we are experimenting on how to make things easier. Arequest for equipment and an account to draw money from forthe equipmenthas been submitted and was forward to the dean. Everyone was also informed that we should have extra money for equipment because of RGC closing and there would be extra money because we wouldn’t have to worry about using hourly money for RGC in the summer 2017. If anyone would like to purchase any equipment, please email Jim Heath a request and send him a 2 or 3 sentence justification explaining what the equipment would be used for.
c.)Update on A&M Engineering Academy – Everyone was informed that the Texas A&M-Chevron Engineering Academy event at HLC hada good turnout. A lot of Admissions and Marketing people were present. Most of thepublic that showed up to the eventwere high school students and their parents. There were also some ACC students. There are now 95 students signed up for the Academy who will start in fall 2017. Students will have to have completed pre-calculus to be in the program. The deadline to submit applications is May 1, 2017. Everyone shared their suggestions and concerns.
d.)NSF Grant Writing Workshop April 7 – Everyone was reminded that the NSF Grant Writing Workshop was today, April 7, 2017.
e.)Job Opening Lab Tech – Everyone was informed that Josh Hebert, Lab Tech for Physics would no longer be working for our department after April 30, 2017. The position will be posted on the HR website. The person hired, will be stationed at the HLC. If anyone knows someone that would be an excellent lab tech for HLC, encourage them to apply. Everyone was also informed that Paul Williams would be leading the hiring committee.
f.)Educators Equity in STEM (EESTEM) II Micro-messaging Implementation- Paul Williams informed faculty aboutthe Educators Equity in STEM II program. This is a professional development training that will enhance faculty in teaching skills and practices leading to improved academic outcomes for students, especially those historically under-represented. The training is in reference to Micro-messaging. The lead person will have the opportunity to go to Las Cruses Texas for training. Travel will be paid for and the lead person will also receive a 750.00 stipend. This lead person willthen return to ACC and will form a team of 10 to participate in a training on campus through the year. Paul asked if anyone was interested in being the lead person or participate in the team to contact him. Everyone shared their questions.
g.)ACCHaoS Coordinator – Everyone was informed that Asif Hassan is the new ACCHaoS Coordinator.
4) Safety Officer Report –Only 2 or 3 people have not submitted student safety contracts. Chris Cavalli
also mentioned to everyone that CYP was without internet and phones for 2 days.
5.) Website and Technology Update –When the network is down, everything internet-based is down (this includes phones, websites, Blackboard, network-based software programs, etc.), and it is good to have an alternate plan. Everyone shared their suggestions and concerns. Jim Heath suggested that we should have everyone's cell phone numbers on a list for when situations like this happen.
6.) Committee Chair Reports
a.)Assessment–Everyone was reminded to do their assessment on problem solving for PHYS 2425 and 2426. Engineering instructors need to do the standard assessment for ENGR 1201 and 2301.
b.)Budget–Everyone was informed that a request has been made to move money to new account 6801 for equipment over $500.00 but less than $5000.00. At the end of the spring 2017 semester James Friedrichsen will ask Lab Techs for another estimate of hourly needs. Lab Techs were also asked to make sure that their PCard expenditures were up to date on the Excel sheet. Lab Coordinators were asked to check that their hourly spending is up to date on the Excel sheet.Everyone was also informed that PCard approvals should be sent to Jim Heath for approval because James Friedrichsen does not have access to the PCard system.
c.)Curriculum– Everyone wasinformed that the curriculum committee came up with 4 labs at their last meeting for PHYS 1401, 1405 and 2425. To speed things up a bit, Joe Brinkley will chose some labs that the committee already knows that can be used for PHYS 2425. Joe will then make a list of the labs and share it with fulltime faculty and lab techs. Joe also told everyone at the meeting that he will send out an email on what the committee has come up with for the first 4 labs and what distinguishes the different levels for each course. Joe mentioned that noediting on the Error hand out has been done. The hand out will be worked on, to complete by summer. The Error hand out will be discussed at the May department meeting. The learning outcomes are also being worked on.
d.)Evaluations– The evaluation process has been going really well. Most people have good syllabi, exams, and labs and have done the required administrative tasks. We are pleased with the overall quality. All evaluation committee members shared their feedback on evaluations.A few people did not submit all materials or complete some requirements. Everyone was asked to go to the evaluation checklist in Google Drive to see what we will be reviewing and be sure that we have what is required.Faculty were informed that the evaluation folders were now available in Google Drive for 2017. If they have a portfolio due in fall 2017, they can start submitting materials at any time. Faculty Input forms (FIF) may also be submitted to their folders. It is not necessary to send paper copies to Chris Cavalli or Jim Heath.
e.)Engineering Steering –Nothing to report. There are no longer enough Engineering faculty to form a committee. Plans for hiring more Engineering facultyare in process.
f.)Long Range Planning– Everyone was reminded that RGC would be closed at the end of the spring 2017 semester. Paul Mason has requested funding for new equipment for Physics labs at RGC. So current equipment from RGC is now in search of new homes. If anyone is interested in foster some of the equipment from RGC, please put in a request with John Underwood so that equipment can be sent to your campus.
g.)Program Review–Chris Cavalli informed faculty that the Astronomy Program Review was done. The Review Committee is looking it over and give comments back but have not heard back from them. Chris also informed everyone that she did a 5 minute presentation of a summary of our department last Friday. The main proposal for the Program Review was that the department hire another fulltime astronomy professor. She informed everyone that she was asked why we didn’t have Astronomy distance learning class. There was a discussion on this question.
h.)Professional Development– Paul Williams reminded faculty and staff that Sexual Harassment and ADA are mandatory trainings. Paul also informed everyone that adjunct faculty are required to complete 4 professional developmental hours yearly. Fulltime faculty and staff are required to complete 12 professional developmental hours yearly. He went over ACCHaoS events, and informed everyone that Professional Developmental Day would be the first weekend in June 2017.
i.)Scheduling–Everyone was informed that the summer 2017 schedule has a couple of problems but we are working to resolve them. Jim Heath informed everyone that there were still 15 to 16 sections for summer 2017 to fill. The job posting for new Physics faculty is now posted on the HR website. If not enough new faculty are hired, there will then be a call for overloads.The fulltime faculty section preference selection for the fall 2017 schedule has been completed. Saad Eways requested that the morning ENGR 1201 class is moved to the afternoon for summer 2017.
7.) Discussion Items
8.) Action Items
9.) New Business