Information and Frequently Asked Questions Sheet for

AK/MATH 1710 – Fundamentals of Mathematics

The course Mathematics 1710 is offered at Atkinson Faculty of Liberal & Professional Studies every Fall/Winter (September to April), Summer (May to August) and occasionally during the Winter (January to April) Session. The course is designed to give students the mathematical skills and understanding that are required to enter and do well in mathematically related courses. Because of the very broad spectrum of mathematical ideas that are covered, students find AK/MATH 1710 a useful and interesting General Education course. In addition MATH 1710 is requirement for many degree programs

Who is excused from/not permitted to take Mathematics 1710?

A student is considered excused and not permitted to take Math 1710 if any of the following conditions apply:

  1. If, prior to admission and within the last two years, you have completed the following high school mathematics courses with an average grade of 70% or higher you will be excused from and not permitted to take AK/MATH 1710: (i) (new curriculum) grade 12U Calculus and Vectors and one other grade 12U math course, or ii) (old curriculum) grade 12U advanced functions and introduction to calculus and one other grade 12U math course. In this case you will also be excused from having to take AK/MATH 1710 as a prerequisite for other courses.

If you believe that you have equivalent knowledge and background, but have not completed the above courses or equivalents within the last two years, then you should contact the Mathematics Secretary in TEL 2005 for more information.

  1. If you have successfully completed and passed any university level calculus course you are not permitted to take AK/MATH 1710. This includes the following 1000 level York University MATH courses: 1000, 1010, 1013, 1014, 1016, 1017, 1300, 1310, 1505, 1515, 1530+1540, 1550.

3.If you are currently pursuing a BAS, BHRM, BHS or PUMA degree, and have successfully completed any Grade 12U math course or equivalent (new curriculum), you are considered to be excused from MATH 1710. Please consult with OSAS or your program advisor to administer this.

4. For all Computer Science students:

if you have taken advanced functions and introduction calculus, and geometry and discrete mathematics with a minimum average of 75% in all math courses and no math grade below 65% is excused from AK/MATH 1710.

*Please note that if any of the above applies to you, and you are excused from taking AK/MATH 1710, you are required to take another Mathematics or Modes of Reasoning (MODR) General Education course. Students must refer to their program of study.

What if I have taken AS/SC MATH 1510 6.0?

  1. Effective F/W 2000, AS/SC MATH 1510 together with AS/SC MATH 1515 fulfill your general education and prerequisite requirement.
  2. If you have taken AS/SC MATH 1510 and any other university level calculus course, then you have not fulfilled your general education requirement and you are required to take another Mathematics or Modes of Reasoning (MODR) General Education course. Please refer to your program of study

What are my options if I do not have the knowledge required in order to enroll in AK/MATH 1710 or if I would like to review the fundamentals of mathematics before taking AK/MATH 1710?

In their eagerness to fulfill requirements, many students take AK/MATH 1710 even though their background in basic mathematics is weak. Such students quickly become frustrated and are forced to drop the course. In order to avoid this problem, a special course Elementary Mathematics, has been designed to help students prepare for AK/MATH 1710. Those students who pass Elementary Mathematics with a grade of at least a B, will be eligible to enroll into AK/MATH 1710.

What is the Elementary Mathematics preparatory course all about?

A special course offered by the Division of Continuing Education titled Elementary Mathematics, has been designed to help students prepare for AK/MATH 1710.

This course is strongly recommended for most students wishing to take AK/MATH 1710. The course provides an excellent opportunity to diagnose and address whatever weaknesses a student may have.

Students who pass the course with a grade of at least B or 70%, will be allowed to enroll in AK/MATH 1710 and will not be compelled to write the prerequisite test. The course will focus on developing beginning skills in algebra, analytic geometry, Euclidean geometry, and equation solving together with an introduction to trigonometry.

For more information regarding enrollment in Elementary Mathematics or any other continuing education courses, please call (416) 736-5616 or visit their web site at . Continuing Education is located in 107 Atkinson Building.

PLEASE NOTE that doing well in the Elementary Mathematics does not guarantee that you will do well in AK/MATH 1710

If I am not excused from taking AK/MATH 1710, what is required to enroll in the course?

Students are required to pass a prerequisite test covering most aspects of Ontario Grade 12 Mathematics. Note that the passing grade for the prerequisite test is at least 70%. Since it often takes students a considerable amount of time to prepare for AK/MATH 1710, it is strongly advised that students begin the process well in advance of the academic session in which they wish to take AK/MATH 1710.

There is no fee to take the prerequisite test but registration is required to write it. You can register for the prerequisite test online. Please go to

and follow the link to the AK/MATH 1710 pretest registration. Only students who have registered for the prerequisite test will be allowed to take the test. All students who intend to write the AK/MATH 1710 prerequisite test must register no later than 24 hours before the test date. No exceptions will be made. The test can only be written once in an academic session. Please arrive at the specified lecture hall, at the required time, with your York University Student Photo Identification and Sessional Card. Students who do not have the proper identification will not

be allowed to write the test. The use of calculators, electronic organizers or dictionaries is not permitted during the prerequisite test. You will be informed how to obtain your results once you have completed the test. Your grade from any prerequisite test will not be recorded on your official York University transcript.

Once I have taken the prerequisite test or have successfully completed the Elementary Mathematics course, am I automatically enrolled in AK/MATH 1710?

No. Students passing the prerequisite test for AK/MATH 1710 with a 70% or higher, and also those students coming from the Elementary Mathematics Continuing Education course, must contact the Mathematics Secretary in TEL 2005 in order to be given permission to enroll in AK/MATH 1710. Once the permission has been granted, the student is responsible for immediately enrolling into the course via the web enrollment & registration system. The Mathematics Program in SASIT does not manually enroll any student into any course.


No student is guaranteed admission into AK/MATH 1710 upon successfully completing the prerequisite test or Elementary Mathematics. Permission is granted on a first come, first served basis.

How do I prepare for the prerequisite test?

Please see the attached sheet Preparing for the prerequisite test.

What are the dates for the prerequisite test?

The dates are posted on our web site. Please go to

and follow the link to the AK/MATH 1710 pretest registration. The dates will be posted as they become available.

General Comments

AK/MATH 1710 covers a great deal of material at a rather fast pace. Students entering the course without a strong background generally have to spend a great deal of time in order to do well, approximately twelve hours per week in the Fall/Winter and twenty-four in the Summer or January sessions. Consequently, if you are working full time, it is recommended that you take no more than one additional course in the Fall/Winter and none at all in the Summer or January sessions. If you have doubts about your ability to handle the course, we recommend that you take it in the Fall/Winter.

If you have any question please contact the Mathematics Secretary, Ann-Marie Carless at (416) 736-2100 ext 33203, or visit us in Room 2005 TEL Building.