Accelerated Precalculus 2007-2008

Ms. Nadja Aquino and Ms. Rosa McCullagh

Textbooks: Dugopolski, Precalculus: Functions and Graphs (2nd Edition) andThomas, Calculus (11th Edition)

Course Description: The first two quarters of this course will reinforce and expand upon the basic algebra and trigonometry skills you have learned in previous courses. We will also cover new topics such as vectors, parametrics, polar coordinates, and the conic sections. Just as arithmetic skills are necessary for success in algebra, so algebraic and trigonometric skills are necessary for success in calculus. In the third quarter we will begin to study Calculus. In all three quarters, this course requires a high level of commitment and effort.

Class Materials: Textbook, homework notebook, paper, pencil, eraser, & graphing calculator (TI 83-Plus or TI 83-Plus Sliver Edition or any TI-84). If you are buying a new calculator, please save and give to me the bar code. TI-89 will not be allowed on tests in this course.

Class Expectations: We expect you to come to class with your materials and completed homework and to be in your seats, ready to begin, when class starts. We have a lot to do and little class time, so it is important to make the most of it. Listen to and learn from others’ observations and answers, use work periods, be ready to put problems on the board, and help each other whenever appropriate. Attendance in class is essential for your success. If you must miss a class, be sure to follow your assignment sheet and complete all homework. Work will not be accepted for unexcused absences.


Homework: Do your homework in a well-organized notebook. Each homework assignment should be labeled with your name, the section number, the page number, problem numbers and the date. Homework will be checked periodically in class. Notebooks will be checked for thoroughness and organization on quiz and test days. Each assignment will be graded on a 2, 1, or 0 point scale.

Class Participation: Class participation includes punctuality, readiness for class and participation in discussion. Although not assigned a point value, your performance in these areas will be considered particularly if your grade is on the border between two letter grades.

Quizzes: There will be one or two quizzes per chapter. On some, you may work with a partner.

Tests: There will be a test for each chapter or unit. There will be approximately twelve unit tests over the course of the year.

Final Exam: The Final Exam will cover the entire course, will be included in your 3rd quarter grade, and will be worth about 15% of your course grade.

Final Grade: Quarter grades will be based on the total points for that quarter. Your final grade will be calculated based on the total points for the year.

Grading Scale: In general, 90% and above is A, 80-89% is B, 70-79% is C, and 60-69% is D.

Hints for Success:

1) We are always willing to help students outside of class during lunch or other mutually free periods.

Available periods: Ms. Aquino: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7.

Ms. McCullagh: 1, 3, 5, 6, 10.

2) Find other students to work with. A study group can be very helpful.

3) Ask questions during class. Your questions help me to know what to discuss and will likely be helpful to other students, too.

4) Do your homework every day. After class, check your work and make sure you correct any errors and confirm that you got all your questions answered.

5) Maintain a file at home for old HW, quizzes, and tests to help you review for the Final Exam next June.

6) Check out the links on the class webpage for extra review and homework help. Search for other similar sites on your own. If you find any good ones, please let me know and we will add a link to the page.