April 8, 2011

Hyatt Regency

330 Tijeras Avenue NW


Albuquerque, NM

10:00 a.m.


Jose Barron, Board Chairman

Mary Tucker, Vice Chairman

Graciela Pineda, Professional Member

Leigh Reddinger, Professional Member

Justin Woolf, Legal Counsel


Victor P. Raigoza, Public Member


Eva Baca, Board Administrator

Evelyn Tapia-Barnhart, Administrative Assistant

Convene and Roll Call

The Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Board Chair, Barron.

Mary Tucker, Public Member, Present, Graciela Pineda, Professional Member, Present, Leigh Reddinger, Professional Member, Present.

A quorum was available

1. Approval of Agenda

Ms. Pineda MOVED, SECOND by Ms. Reddinger to approve the agenda as it stands.

2. Approval of Minutes (July 23, 2010)

Ms. Tucker MOVED, SECOND by Ms. Reddinger to approve the minutes with corrections.

3. New Business

a. Legal Counsel

Board Chair, Barron, welcomed Mr. Justin Woolf.

b. Complaint Committee

Ms. Graciela Pineda, Professional Member and Ms. Leigh Reddinger, Professional Member was assigned to the Complaint Committee.

c.  Requirements thru examination (without NATA Certification)

No Action Taken.

4. Executive Session

A MOTION was made by Vice-Chairman Tucker, and SECONDED by Professional Member, Ms. Pineda, to go into Executive Session Pursuant to 10-15-1(H) (1) and (3) of the Open Meetings Act, to discuss matters related to issuance, suspension, renewal or revocation of license.

ROLL CALL: Ms. Tucker, aye, Ms. Reddinger, aye, Ms. Pineda, aye MOTION carried unanimously.

Case #2011-01

A MOTION was made by Vice-Chairman Tucker, and SECONDED by Professional Member, Ms. Pineda to issue a Notice of Contemplated Action. MOTION carried unanimously

Case #2011-02

A MOTION was made by Vice-Chairman Tucker, and SECONDED by Professional Member, Ms. Pineda to close the case. MOTION carried unanimously

5. Open Session

The Board returned to open session. Board Chairman Barron stated that no other discussions took place other than that relating to:

a.  case #2011-01

b.  case #2011-02.

6. Next Board Meeting:

June 2, 2011

Albuquerque, NM

12:00 pm

7. Adjournment:

With there being no further business to discuss Ms. Tucker MOVED, SECOND by Mr. Barron to adjourn the regular board meeting. Motion PASSED unanimously.

Submitted by: ______

Cynthia Martinez, Board Administrator Date

Approved by: ______

Jose Barron, Board Chairman Date


NM Athletic Trainers Practice Board

Regular Board Meeting

April 11, 2011