Coding Answers:

Where’s Felix? (STEP 3)

1. How is Felix different from the toys?

Inference: he is a real dog, not a stuffed animal or toy

Student Reponses / Correct / Incorrect
He is a real dog. / x
They look funny. (RQ) The toys look funny. / x
Because the girl is big and the toys are small.
(TMM) Because the girl is big and the toys are small. / x
He is alive. (TMM) Toys aren’t alive. / x
He’s not a toy. (expression) / x
He’s brown. He has big feet. / x

2. Why is the girl looking for Felix?

Critical Thinking: because he is hungry; because she is going to feed him; she thinks she lost him; she wants to play with him

Student Reponses / Correct / Incorrect
He might mess things up. / x
He wants to eat. (TMM) He’s hungry. / x
She doesn’t know where he is. (WTT) She looked in the tub, on her desk, on the table. / x
It’s her friend. (WI) It is good to have friends. / x
She wants to play with him. / x
Because that’s her friend. (TMM) She likes him. / x

When I Grow Up (STEP 3)

3. Which job would make her leave Earth?

Inference: astronaut; going to the moon

Student Reponses / Correct / Incorrect
She likes to go there. (TMM) She likes to go to Earth. / x
Um, space? I can’t. / x
Astronaut. / x
She is going to the moon. (RQ) Going into space. / x
Points to page with picture. (TMM) She want to be on a spaceship. / x

4. Why does the girl say that for now she is happy to be a kid?

Critical Thinking: she likes thinking about what she’ll do when she grows up; she has fun doing kid things; she doesn’t feel grown up yet.

Student Reponses / Correct / Incorrect
Because she wants to grow up. / x
She likes kid things. / x
I think it’s because she is just happy. (TMM) Because she is reading her book. / x
Because she’s a kid and she can do everything and help everybody. / x
She isn’t a grown up yet. (TMM) She likes doing the things kids do. / x

Choosing Prompts:

Elizabeth’s Song (STEP 4)

3. What makes dancing fun with Fred fun?

Critical Thinking: they get to run around the house; Elizabeth likes playing with her toys

Student Response / Correct / Not Enough Information – Prompt to Access Student Thinking / Incorrect
She likes Fred and they both like to dance in the house. / TMM / X
Because he’s a stuffed animal and he’s furry. / WI / x
They go out the door. Mom gave Elizabeth a hug and a kiss. / RQ / X
He feels happy. / RQ / x
She likes dancing. TMM
(They like to run around the house.) / X
Dancing with Fred is fun because maybe she have to go to school to stay awake. (because maybe she likes to dance before going to bed.)(because maybe she thinks it’s so fun.)(she likes to put Fred up in the air. She likes to make a silly face and dance funny.) / RQ
WI / X
(Too Many Prompts, it seems)

6. Why does Elizabeth say, “We’re ready for bed?” at the end of the story?

Critical Thinking: she is tired; her mom puts her to bed; she is sleepy now; she has done the fun things she wanted to do

Student Response / Correct / Not Enough Information – Prompt to Access Student Thinking / Incorrect
Her mom comes in and turns off the light. / WI / x
Fred and Elizabeth were so tired from all the dancing. I can see her eyes close and she is sleepy. / x
Because it was nighttime and the moon was up because she had a ball and she wants to go to sleep. / WI
(She used why and how does she feel?) / x
It’s her bedtime. They’re getting sleepy. / x
Because she is tired. / x

Choosing Prompts:

Upside Down (STEP 4)

7. What are some things Peter sees upside down?

Factual: his name, the living room, a ball, etc.

Student Response / Correct / Not Enough Information – Prompt to Access Student Thinking / Incorrect
A cat, the rug, a door. / X
His whole house. / TMM. / x
He sees his picture, cat, chair, a ball. / X
Peter likes being upside down. / RQ / x

Actual Answers: My Friend Kendra (STEP 5)

1. Who was the first Kendra?
Factual: a toy; a stuffed rabbit
2. What happened to the first Kendra?
Factual: Lisa lost her at school
3. Why does Lisa name her invisible friend Kendra?
Inferential: it reminds her of her rabbit; she likes the name
4. Does Lisa’s mother think that Kendra is a real girl? How do you know from the story?
Inferential: No. She knows Lisa is pretending.
She pats her on the head when she talks about Kendra.
5. What kinds of things does Lisa pretend to do with Kendra?
Factual: run races; jump rope; clean her room; etc.
6. Why do you think Lisa says that Kendra does bad things at school, like making faces?
Inferential: because sometimes Lisa doesn’t like to do her work and sometimes she does bad things like making faces
7. How does pretending to have a friend like Kendra help Lisa?
Inferential: it helps her decide what to do; it helps her clean her room when she doesn’t like to; it helps her go to sleep
8. Why do you think Lisa pretends to have an invisible friend?
Critical Thinking: she doesn’t have to feel lonely; it makes her feel like she always has someone to play with; sometimes it helps her to do things she doesn’t like

Coding Student Answers: My Friend Kendra (STEP 5)

Student A / Student B
1. A stuffed rabbit. ü / 1. The bunny. X, TMM
2. Lisa lost her bunny. ü / 2. The girl lost her at preschool. ü
3. Because she was missing Kendra and she was getting lonely. ü / 3. Because that’s her favorite name. X, WI
4. Yes, because she said she’s smart and fast and silly and she goes everywhere with her. X / 4. No, her mom can’t see her. (TMM) Only Lisa and Max can see Kendra. Maybe it’s in her imagination. ü
5. Jump rope. X, TMM / 5. Race, go to sleep, jump rope. ü
6. Because Kendra can’t do her work good. X, RQ / 6. It makes her laugh and then she gets in trouble. (WI) Because she doesn’t really want to do it on her own. X
7. She used to be lonely without her stuffed animal. (WI) Because now she can go anywhere with Kendra like her stuffed animal X / 7. Because she helps her with things she can’t do like jumping rope. X, TMM
8. She doesn’t pretend. (WTT) She has a new friend. X / 8. Because she’s bored and all alone. (WI) Because having Kendra makes her happy because now she has someone to play with who helps her do things that she can’t do. ü

Coding Answers:

The Comedy Garage (STEP 6)

4. Why do people think the show is funny? Inferential: they think the jokes are funny; the jokes make them laugh

Student Reponses / Correct / Incorrect
The audience was stomming (sic) their feet, crying (supposed to be cheering-per teacher note) and laughing / X, Q
They think it’s funny because they like funny jokes. / ü
Because Max and Linda are making funny jokes. / ü
Because Max and Linda are making jokes. (TMM) They make people laugh and that’s why it’s funny. / ü

7. Why do the children want to put on another show the next week?

Critical Thinking: the first show was a success; they had fun; they might still be bored

Student Reponses / Correct / Incorrect
Because maybe next week they will be bored. (TMM) They want to put Mittens in the show (WI) Because they think she is a funny cat now and they want people to laugh. / X, L
They want people to come and laugh. (TMM) So they can get more people. / X, L
The first show was very funny and the next one might be really good too. / ü
Because they would put the cat in show because the cat will not be there only them. The cat will be up there. The cat will not get out. / X, C

Choosing Prompts: Buttercup Bates, Private Eye (STEP 10)

1. Why does Mookie look up to Buttercup, even though she is younger?

Critical Thinking: she’s smart; she doesn’t give up; she can do things that he can’t; she helps him solve problems

Student Response / Correct / Not Enough Information – Prompt to Access Student Thinking / Incorrect
Because he can’t find his case to the dog problems. / RQ / X
She doesn’t give up and looks at clues. / WIS / x
He watches her. She helps him when he needs it. / WIS / x
She can solve any mystery and he knows that because not everyone can do those things. / x
Buttercup is intelligent she helps him with things he needs to do like solve his problems. / x

4. Why does Mookie want to call in adult reinforcements when they find out where Ralph is?

Inferential: since they’re kids they could never get the dog back from an adult; he’s afraid; he doesn’t know what to do and thinks an adult would know

Student Response / Correct / Not Enough Information – Prompt to Access Student Thinking / Incorrect
He wants them to find them reinforcements to find mystery. / TMM (and after that, perhaps RQ) / X
So they could find out the woman’s name and ring the buzzer. / RQ
They need to bring the dog back to Mr. Webb / RQ
Because Mookie is confused about what is going on. Maybe an adult could help him figure out what is going on. / X / TMM
She wanted to find the case of who was the dog-napper and who wasn’t. / RQ / X

Coding Answers:

Buttercup Bates, Private Eye (STEP 10)

1. How does the old Flower Delivery Trick work?
Factual: Buttercup phones the number she finds, pretends she has flowers that need delivering and then asks for the address
2. What does Buttercup mean when she thinks that Angela might look “too nice” to be a dog-napper? Inferential: she thinks that someone who steals a dog should look mean or like a criminal
3. What makes Buttercup a good detective?
Critical Thinking: she’s brave and smart; she doesn’t give up, she can trick people to tell her what she wants to know; she’s good at understanding clues
1. Why does Mookie look up to Buttercup, even though she is younger?
Critical Thinking: she’s smart; she doesn’t give up; she can do things that he can’t; she helps him solve problems
2. Why does Buttercup think that “clever” should be her middle name?
Inferential: because the word describes her so well, it could be her name; she knows how to trick people into giving her answers
3. Why does Buttercup use tricks to discover where Ralph is instead of just asking people?
Critical Thinking: if they had taken the dog, they probably wouldn’t tell her the truth anyway; she needs to be sneaky to find out what she wants to know; she suspects everyone and doesn’t want to let anyone know what she is up to
4. Why does Mookie want to call in adult reinforcements when they find out where Ralph is?
Inferential: since they’re kids they could never get the dog back from an adult; he’s afraid; he doesn’t know what to do and thinks an adult would know
5. At the end of the story, why does Mr. Webb offer to pay Mookie double what he had promised?
Inferential: he caused Mookie a lot of trouble and worry and wants to make it up to him

Actual Student Responses: Buttercup Bates, Private Eye

Student A / Student B / Student
Written Answer: First you call the person tell something then ask for address then you go to the house. X / Written Answer: The old flower delivery trick works by calling a person’s phone number saying we have flowers for you and ask for your address. Then say sorry these are not for you.
ü / Written Answer: She calls somebody, pretends she has flowers for them, gets their address and hangs up. I know this because on page 4 it says, I dial the number on the paper. A woman answers “Hello, this is Buttercup’s flower shop. We have some flowers for you. What’s your address?” “I’m at 1425 53rd street, apartment 6L.” “Oh sorry, we made a mistake the flowers are not for you!” Hang up. ü
Written Answer: She mean that a beautiful person wouldn’t do that. So she also means that a lady wouldn’t do that.
X / Written Answer: Buttercup means that she does not look like a dognapper at all because like all nappers, nappers look mean and she look very nice like a regular person would look.
ü / Written Answer: She means like a dog stealer that catches dogs from the wild. I know this because dog-nappers catch dogs and put them inside a pound cage. X-PE
Written Answer: Buttercup is a good detective because she is on the case and doesn’t give up. I think she is responsible. I think this because she is not giving up if it doesn’t work because detective don’t do that.
X / Written Answer: What makes Buttercup a good detective is her tricks because one trick helps her know where to go-old flower trick. Next, gum trick, she put gum on a collar and the take it off to read what the collar says because the gum has what it says printed on the collar.
X / Written Answer: She is brave and smart because she doesn’t give up and she tricks people to get what she wants. I know this because brave means not giving up and smart means to be clever or to tricking someone into doing what she wants. X
She can solve any mystery and he knows because that because not everyone can do those things. ü / He knows Buttercup is a good detective and he can trust her to help him find Ralph. ü / He looks up to Buttercup because her has a problem that he needs help with. (TMM) Buttercup will help her because she is a private eye. ü
Because she was clever in the story when she did the flower delivery trick (WTT) She knows she’s clever so it should be her middle name. ü / She had a lot of clever ideas like the FDT, hot dog, gum, etc. RQ She is reallt clever she knows how to get the address and get the dog to come.
ü / Because she’s sneaky and it describes her. She tricked someone in the story with the flower example. ü
Because she probably doesn’t want the lady to think she’s a dog-napper; she doesn’t want the lady to know she came to take Ralph back. Detectives use tricks. X / A good detective doesn’t ask questions, adds up clues RQ be if she had asked Anglea she probably wouldn’t have said she kidnapped Ralph so she has to use words.
ü / She use tricks because she’s clever and does not need anyone to help her. (TMM) She is like a spy agent, tries to be someone without getting caught. ü
Because Mookie is confused about what is going on. (TMM) Maybe an adult could help him figure out what is going on.
ü / He knows adults are smarter than kids and could deal with crimes, like police officers RQ and will help him find Ralph with no problem.
ü / They wanted to call reinforcements because they needed to find out if the dog was okay or not. (TMM) They need to call adults because the owners might be armed. X-L
Because he was sorry about all the trouble he caused and he wanted to make it up to him so he offered to pay him double. ü / Webb got him into a problem RQ he should have told Angela RQ because of what he got him into and forgetting to tell Angela.
X (L) / He wanted to pay Mookie double because he is a really good owner and because Mr. Webb is happy he took such good care of him. X-Q

Coding Written Answers: