1. (a) There will be a registration fee of £50.00 per team.
(b) There will be a monthly fee of £30.00 per team.
(c) All fees must be paid at the Leagues monthly meetings, these are held at 12.30pm on the first Sunday of each month at the Rope & Anchor.
(d) The total subscriptions will be £300.00 for the entire season. Any team falling more than 2 months behind with their subscriptions will be fined £10 administration fee. Any team who have not paid their full subscription fees by the end of the last meeting of the season will be fined £25, £15 going to the league to form part of the final prize money and £10 would be for administration.
(e) There will be a monthly meeting to be held on the first Sunday of each month throughout the season (September – June). All Captains are expected to attend or send a representative.
(f) Should a Captain be unable to attend or send a representative, the Captain must notify the Chairman by NO Later than the Saturday prior to the meeting. Failure to do so will incur a £30 fine. Failure to attend 2 consecutive monthly meetings will incur a £60 without notice given to the Chairman. Failure to attend 3 monthly meetings throughout the season will incur a £90 fine without notice given to the Chairman.
(g) AGM Meetings will be held on the first Sunday of August, this meeting is Compulsory for ALL Captains or representatives, failure to attend this meeting will result in your team forfeiting their place in the league.
2. (a) Each team to register a maximum of 15 players. Any team wishing to add players to their squad must notify the League Chairman by phone 24 hours
before the next game that the new player wishes to participate in. This
must be followed up with a text and a copy of an updated sign on sheet with the new players name added and must be produced at the next monthly meeting. If the team already has 15 players then the name of the player being de-registered is to be removed from the original sign on sheet.
The new sign on sheet must be accompanied by a £3.00 fee. A new player can sign for a team at any point during the season. (For exception see 2b)
(b) Once a player has signed for a team he/she cannot sign for another team during the first half of the season. There will be a transfer window of 1 month from the end of the first half of the season (turnaround). At this point should a player wish to transfer to any other team, the Captain of the team that the player wishes to move to MUST contact the Chairman or League Administrator to transfer them into the new team. Any player found playing for one team having already registered for another whether or not rule 2a was adhered to will be expelled from the league. Each team for whom this player plays will be fined £30.00 whether or not that team were aware of the fact the new player was already signed for another team. If in doubt then check with the chairman of the league. The £30 fine will be waived if having checked with the chairman, being given the okay and then later finding this new player was already registered with another team. That player will still be expelled from the league.
(c) A landlord and/or landlady are automatically classed as being registered for each pub team so in effect each team can have a maximum of 17 players registered at any time.
3. The team that has scored the most points at the end of the season will be known as the Champions, in the event of a tie (level points) for first place, then the team who has won the most games during the season will be awarded the title of Champions. If the tied teams have the same points and the same number of wins then there will be a best of 7 play off to be played at a neutral venue to be decided by the league committee. In the event of any other positions being tied and the tied teams cannot be separated by points or games won then the prize money for the relevant positions will be shared and those teams will appear in the league table at the end of the season as having tied and will be listed in their tied positions in alphabetical order.
4. Each team shall nominate 7 players to play a match. The Home Team must nominate their players first (In Their Match Order) and then the Away Team complete the fixture list. The games must be played in the same order as the fixture list. Unless both Captains agree to any alterations. The HOME team must enter the results on the website (through their teams login page). It is the responsibility of both Captains to check the result is correct and any anomaly reported to the league admin immediately. The website automatically calculates results but the system is : 1 point per frame won (matches are best of 7 frames). Matches to commence at 8.45pm. 4 names must be on the card by 8.45pm with the remaining 3 names no later than 9.00pm. There will be NO WAITING for any player unless both captains agree to do so and then refer to alterations of match cards above.
If both Captains do not agree to wait indefinitely or change the card if the relevant player is NOT in attendance when they are due to play then the following will apply:-
If the player not in attendance was one of the first four names on the card, he/she has until 8.45pm to be at the venue and ready to start. If the above player is not in attendance when due to play and it is after 8.45pm then the game is forfeited. If the player not in attendance was one of the last three names on the card then the above shall apply but the time will be extended to 9:15pm.
However, it is still expected that the games will be played in good spirit and it is also expected that each team will give serious thought to changing the card before invoking the above. For example the game where a player is not in attendance could be moved to a later position. If by the time he/she are due to play and if there are no other games to be played then the offending team would forfeit the game.
(a) A team shall consist of a minimum of 4 players. If any team fails to fulfil
their fixture list and drop out of the LEAGUE or are disqualified for any reason, their record will be made void and all points won against such teams will be deducted from all the other teams for the entire season. They will also forfeit all subscriptions paid up to the point where they leave the League, voluntarily or otherwise. These forfeited subscriptions will form part of the Prize Money awarded to the remaining teams at the end of the season except for an administration fee of £10.
(b) Any matches not played on the night of the fixtures after being given 24 hours notice of re-arrangement must be played within fourteen (14) days of the original fixture date. Any team not turning up for a pre-arranged match will bring into effect rule 5(c) below.
(c) Any team not turning up on the night without giving 24 hours notice to the opposing Captains AND the Match Secretary. and with a minimum of 4 players are fined £50.00, £40.00 of which goes to the Home Team (Landlady/Landlord) and £10.00 to the League. If this fine is not paid within 5 weeks then it will be treated as a Debit against Subscriptions and ultimately taken from any prize money awarded at the end of the season.
(d) Any re-arranged matches should be arranged between both Captains and forwarded to the Match Secretary. Under no circumstances should a match be played without the knowledge of the Match Secretary.
The first named team on the fixture list is the Home Team for the first half of the season. Fixtures are reversed in the second half. The Home Team shall be responsible for the following:-
Ø To pay for the match frames.
Ø To provide a clean table in suitable condition.
Ø Cues Chalk, table accessories (rest is a minimum requirement) and unbiased Referee(s). (See rule 11)
(a) Results for matches are to be inputted onto the website and is the responsibility of the HOME team. Results are to be inputted NO LATER than the Friday after each league match. Failure to input the result the HOME team will incur a £10 fine.
(b) Captains are responsible for registering their players on the website. Those registrations will be then approved by the Match Secretary, any team found to have more registrations than is allowed the Captain will be asked to de-register players to bring the team into line.
Acceptance of admission to the League is an acceptance of the Rules and Regulations laid down, and an agreement to abide by the same. These Rules and Regulations apply to Team Captains and Landlords alike.
Any team who goes 3 months in arrears with Subscriptions (see rule 1b) shall be expelled from the League unless the committee decide otherwise. Any Team failing to send a representative to the League meetings (see rule 1c) will be fined £30 for each meeting where no representative attends. Only one representative per team will be allowed to enter a meeting except in the case of a dispute where the committee may ask the Captains and/or the players involved to attend.
Any breach of these rules or any conduct of any player/players or Clubs likely to bring the League into disrepute will be dealt with by the Committee.
Any team making a complaint regarding a game or other Club etc must submit same in writing to the League, accompanied by a fee of £2.00, which is returnable upon the appeal being upheld.
Referees will be alternated with the home team providing the referee for the first, third, fifth and seventh games and the away team providing referees for the second, fourth and sixth games and it is expected that these referees will act impartially during the frames. In the event of a complaint regarding the Referees conduct or bias, the Committee will determine the action to be taken and can disqualify the person in question from officiating in any further matches.
No players under 16 years of age (with the approval of the home team Landlord/Lady) are allowed to play in this League.
Any other fines, which are not covered in the above rules, will be levied at the committee’s discretion and no precedence’s will be set. Any fines or subscriptions still outstanding at the end of the season will be deducted from relevant prize money.
The committee will endeavour to deal with any complaint impartially and without bias. There will almost certainly be issues raised and complaints made which may not be covered by these rules. In this event the committee will make a decision and that decision will be final.
It is hoped and expected that the Home Team will provide refreshments for their opponents in the League Matches.
Any Conditions not covered in these Rules, the Committee have the power to deal with the situation as they deem fit.
Any games which are postponed should be played within 2 weeks of the date they were scheduled to be played unless that goes beyond the date of the last game of the season. Any games not played by the date of the last game of the season will be cancelled and both teams will forfeit the opportunity to gain points from these postponed games.
If there is a problem with agreeing a date for the re-scheduled game within 2 weeks of it’s original date then the 2 teams should bring the matter to the committee and the date will be decided by the committee having consulted both teams.
If you know in advance that you are going to need to postpone a game, please consider contacting the opposing team with a view to re-scheduling the game for a different day within the week the game was originally scheduled. This must then be relayed back to the Match Secretary so alterations to the fixture list can be conducted.
Addendum to league rules
Ø In the case where a new player needs to be signed on. I must receive a call 24 hours before the game you wish to play that player followed by a text. That player must then sign the existing sign on sheet and a photo copy needs to be brought to the next meeting together with a £3 sign on fee per player
Ø The new players names will appear on your receipt for the £3 as proof in case of any future issues. Mistakes can be made
1. The Game
The game shall be known as 8 Ball Pool and referred to in these rules as “The Game”. The rules below are agreed at the AGM and any subsequent changes will be inputted.
Other Phrases are:-
“Open Table”, this is when no ball has been legally potted and the player has the choice of both types of balls.
“Free Table”, this is when an opponent has fouled and you have the choice of playing any shot other than potting the Black (unless Black is the ball “ON”).
2. The Object Of The Game
The game is played with two types of balls, 7 of each reds & yellows a Black Ball (8 Ball) and a White Cue Ball. Approved ball sets include Super Aramith Pro Cups which have a spotted cue ball and striped 8 ball. The player who pots all his/her selected colour and then the Black shall be the winner.
3. Commencement Of Play
a. Home team to break every game. All breaks must be made from behind the baulk line.
b. The opening player must pocket a ball or drive at least 2 balls to the cushion using the cue ball played from behind the line. Failure to pot or drive 2 balls to the cushion will result in a re-rack and the game re-started. If a player does not pot a ball from the break or 2 balls do not hit a cushion and he/she commits a foul then the away team will be given the choice of who breaks in the re-rack. The frame has started when the tip of the cue of the breaking player makes contact with the white ball.