Athena SWAN Divisional SAT, 19th September 2014, 15:00-16:00, BME meeting Room
Attendees: Serena Counsell (SC), David Cox (DC), Prachi Patkee (PP)Marta Varela Amaral (MVA),Kazumi Chia (KC),
Apologies: Rafa Torres (RT), David Edwards (DE), Reza Razavi (RR), Erica Andreozzi (EA),Verity Birch (VB),
- Action Plan
Attendees reviewed the objectives in the Divisional Action Plan:
- Objective 1.1– Career day/ Post-doc/ PhD form–Initiate discussion with Martina, post-doc champion at IoP to share ideas.
- Action – MVA to contact Martina
- Action – PP & EA to schedule another PhD student/ post-doc forum
- Objective 1.1 – outreach – EA suggested that the post-doc/PhD groups could link to things that already happening for the CDT. VB agreed and advised that there would be four open days held, with about 60 students attending each. VB suggested that there will also be a number of school visits that are currently run by academics, but that it would be good if PhDs and post-docs could attend. SC commented that there were other initiatives taking place in Perinatal Imaging led by Anita Montagna and Diliana Pecheva.
- Action – EA and PP to speak to post-doc and PhD forums about the above, see what support they would need to achieve this and to feedback to the group.
- Action – SJC to ask AM and DP to send details so we have information on these activities
- VB advised that the CDT is linking up with the ‘Brilliant Club’, that trains PhD students to undertake outreach, and suggested that this could bed broadened this out to include post-doc and PhD forum. VB suggested a Taster day in October or November as a date to work towards.
- Objective 3.1 –fellowships -SC has a list of fellowship application up to October 2014 and will collect this information every 6 months from Pam Mellen. In the last 12 months, 12/22 applications have been from women scientists in the Division.15 applications were unsuccessful and outcome is awaited for 7 applications. DC raised issue of ACFs and it was decided that new AS admin lead would collate data on ACF numbers.
- Objective 3.1 – fellowships - KS has contacted a person from Graduate School to come in September and give a Divisional seminar on what support and training is available for graduate students at College level.
Action - PP is leading on this and suggested dates are early 2015
- Objective 3.1 - Monitor exit interviews –2 people have completed exit interview in the last 6 months. HR will provide SC with exit interview data every 6 months.
- Objective 4.1 – improving monitoring of job application success rates – SC advised that there are problem with the e-recruitment system, which makes monitoring difficult. SC will keep Committee apprised of any new developments with e-recruitment.
- Objective 4.4 – recruitment committees – SC advised that monitoring this via e-recruitment may also be difficult
- Objective 4.5 – Divisional mentorship scheme –
Action - SC to send out feedback forms before the end of October 2014
SC will also review KCL mentorship schemes and feed-back at nextmeeting
- Objectives 5.2 & 5.3 – committee chairs - feedback from Department manager to be requested in January 2015 when new AS admin lead is in place.
- Objective 5.6 – maternity return rate – data to be collected by new AS admin lead
- Objective 5.7 – ‘emergency child care fund’ – There was a discussion on how expand the current pilot scheme. KC suggested that, in the few instances where additional short-term child-care could not be provided by the member of staff, requests for funding should be supported by their line manager.There was a discussion about having a monthly budget to prevent the allocation being exhausted in a short time. The mechanisms for extending this pilot will remain under review.
- Maternity/ paternity support group. KC suggested a virtual forum. KC will initiate and new AS admin lead will be point of contact as KC goes on maternity leave soon.
Action – KC to set-up virtual support group
- New academic lead
- Action - SC to speak to TS & RR about recruiting a new academic lead.
- It was agreed that we will seek new Committee members following appointment of new academic Lead.
- Admin support
- SC to discuss new AS admin lead with Lorna Thompson.
- Next meeting
The date of the next meeting was agreed - Friday 31st October at 2:00 in the Perinatal Dept Meeting Room.