ATFWG Meeting Minutes August 26, 20152
1. Welcome
Sheryl Welch, After The Fact Work Group (ATFWG) Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. on August 26, 2015. A quorum was present for the conducting of business. A list of attendees is attached as Exhibit A. Craig Williams reviewed the WECC Antitrust Policy.
The attendees were asked to introduce themselves.
2. After the Fact (ATF) Adjustments
There was discussion about After the Fact (ATF) adjustments for generators that have gone offline. One opinion was that generators should not be zeroed as an ATF tag, but adjustment should be made to reflect what actually occurred. The result would be a generator imbalance, not an energy imbalance. There have been 26 Generation/Meter Adjustments this year. It was proposed that those not be approved or changed. The ATFWG needs to define the difference between an error that should be fixed and an error that should not.
The ATF Tagging is meant for one time situations to present an accurate look of what happened. This does not hold true in creating a tag for curtailment or congestion management.
There was discussion about whether human error is a valid reason for an ATF tag. Human error affects some tags as do force majeure events. General consensus was that improper balance is not a good reason for an ATF tag.
The ATFWG used to have specific explanations for tags, but the current guidelines are vaguer now and people are not trained. The AFTWG needs to put specific guidelines for when tags are accepted. The best solution would be to have specific guidelines approved, but past attempts have met resistance. This item will be taken this discussion to the larger group this afternoon to get more opinions.
3. Adjourn
Sheryl Welch adjourned the meeting without objection.
Exhibit A: Attendance List
Kathy Anderson Idaho Power Company
Ernesto Blanco Tucson Electric Power Company
Patrizia Boden Powerex
Glenda Bracamonte Tucson Electric Power Company
Billy Cutsor Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska
Rene De La Cerda California Department of Water Resources
Deanna Doney PacifiCorp
Jeri Farrow El Paso Electric
Marilyn Franz NV Energy
Carlos Gomes
Laura Hatfield Puget Sound Energy
Craig Henry Alberta Electric System Operator
Sabrina Martz Black Hills Power
Sueyen McMahon Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Jody Melo Turlock Irrigation District
Brittany Millard Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska
William Moojen Public Utility District of Snohomish County
Paul Rice WECC
Matt Richard Portland General Electric Company
Amy Vercella Northwestern Energy
Arvella Witherspoon Idaho Power Company
Ira Witherspoon Western Area Power Administration
Lauretta Zielke Tri-State Generation
Western Electricity Coordinating Council