8th Grade Mathematics, 2014-2015

Mrs. Henderson’sSyllabus


Everything we are going to learn or do each day will be posted on the board daily. Students are required to record the TALE in their agenda every day.


3rd Period: 10:34 – 11:28 (M, T, W, F)

3rd Period: 11:41 – 1:08 (Thursday ONLY)

Note: Thursday during 3rd period is

also lunch time so please

remember that sometime

between 11:41 and 1:08 I

will have a 30 minute lunch

CLASSROOM Expectations:


Be Prepared: Come to school and class with assignments neat, complete, and accurate. Be ready to learn, contribute, collaborate, and succeed.

Be Respectful: Respect yourself, all students, teachers, staff, visitors, space, and materials.

Be Engaged: Listen, participate, volunteer, track the speaker, ask insightful questions, and maintain good posture.

Be Professional: Stay organized and follow all directions and procedures.

ZAp practices at ams:


Formative Assessments: 40%

Ex: class work, homework, quizzes

Summative Assessments: 60%

Most summative assessments will be given on Friday, and one will take place after every unit, and sometimes before the unit is completed. Test days are always written in TALE and students and parents are reminded via email or Remind101.

Make-Up/Absent Work:

Make-Up/Absent Work is available for the student the day they return back school, and is due the same amount of days later that the student was absent.

Ex: if the student was absent for

two days then they will have

two daysto make up any


It is the responsibility of the student to make up any and all missed work when they return to school. If a test was given on the day the student was absent, then the student may be required to take the test when he/she returns (depending on the number of day’s absent).

No class time will be given for make-up work, and Zeroes Aren’t Permitted!!!! The student will be required to complete all missed work in the morning from 8:00 – 8:30, after school from 4:00 – 4:30, or at home. If graded work is not submitted on time, you will be ZAP’d.

Until you turn in your make-up work, it will be averaged in the gradebook as a zero (0).

  1. Redirection
  2. Student-Teacher Conference
  3. Student Relocation in Class

(Parent Contact/ Detention)

  1. Administrative Referral


Treat the Guest Teacher with respect at all times. Sit in your correct seat, give out your correct name, and behave. Inappropriate behavior will automatically be a referral to the Assistant Principal.


Inappropriate language or words that disrespect others will not be tolerated in class. Any form of bullying will not be tolerated as well. Any of these incidents will lead to an automatic detention or administrative referral.


Stealing or destroying school, teacher or student property will be reported directly to the administration. This includes tagging walls, furniture, class materials, and student property.


If you are ever caught cheating then you, and the person(s) you are cheating with or from will be automatically ZAP’d. and a zero for that assignment until it turned it after ZAP, and your parent/guardian will be notified. There is no excuse for cheating. If you do not understand the material, come to tutorials for additional help.

the flipped



What is the flipped classroom?

In traditional classroom activities, students spend large amounts of time learning new skills and concepts. The teacher stands up in front on the entire class, teaches a lesson, and the students take notes. If time permits, the class works a few example problems together and then homework is assigned. Homework is then used to practice and develop new learning (at home – with no one to help you if you and/or your parents don’t understand). In flipped classroom activities, new learning is introduced and/or supported through video clips that students view as homeworkbefore the lesson. This way, class time is then liberated (freed) and dedicated to the practice and development of new learning. In other words, you get to spend more time in class actually practicing and doing the work. In class, students can ask questions, receive feedback, and get individualized help. Additionally, teachers can monitor progress and address misconceptions as they arise.

The majority of our units in the 8th grade math curriculum have videos you are to watch and take notes on before we begin the lesson.

Please go online and google “the flipped classroom” if you would like to find out more information.

8th grade math curriculum:

The 8th grade curriculum implements the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and will prepare students to pass The State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR)

Unit 1: Representing Real Numbers

Unit 2: Equations and Inequalities

Unit 3: Intro to Functions

Unit 4: Determining Slope

Unit 5: Representing Linear Functions

Unit 6: Properties of Triangles

Unit 7: Exploring Transformations

Unit 8: Measuring 3D Figures

Unit 9: Analyzing Bivariate Data

Unit 10: Money Management


Unit 12: Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities

Unit 13: Functions and Sequences

Unit 14: Properties of Linear Functions



8th Grade Mathematics will take the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) on Monday, March 30, 2014.



You are allowed to use your electronic device in the classroom this year for educational purposes only. If you have a cell phone or tablet, please do not hesitate to bring it with you to math class. Using your device for anything other than what we will be doing in class is strictly prohibited and you will lose your privilege to use your electronic device in math class for the rest of the school year.

think through math:

online textbook:

khan academy: