ATA and CUAC Submission:

New Products and Services in the Electricity Market Consultation Paper

Energy Market Reform Working Group

COAG Energy Council Secretariat

GPO Box 9839

Canberra ACT 2601

Submitted by email to:

30th March 2015

Dear Energy Market Reform Working Group,

The Alternative Technology Association (ATA) and the Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre (CUAC) welcome the opportunity to provide feedback to theCouncil of Australian Governments Energy Council (COAGEC) regarding the regulation for new energy products and services in the energy market. We thank the Energy Market Reform Working Group (EMRWG) for preparing a very useful consultation paper and for their endeavours to include consumer advocates in this important and timely discussion.

Founded 35 years ago, the ATA is a National, not-for-profit organisation whose 5,500 members are residential energy consumers.

Through the application of our experience in energy policy and markets to our advocacy and research, and close collaboration with fellow members of the National Energy Consumer Roundtable, the ATA is an important voice for energy consumers Australia-wide.

ATA presents a uniquely two-fold perspective as a consumer advocate: with the continuing support of the Consumer Advocacy Panel (now Energy Consumers Australia) we represent all small energy consumers in with respect to the promotion energy affordability and improvements to the NEM, and speak with authority on behalf of the growing portion of the consumer base who have an active interest in demand side participation.

CUAC is a specialist consumer organisation established in 2002 to represent Victorian energy and water consumers in policy and regulatory processes. As Australia’s only consumer organisation focused specifically on the energy and water sectors, CUAC has developed an in-depth knowledge of the interests, experiences, and needs of energy and water consumers.

Our work is guided by strong principles. Energy and water services are essential for health, wellbeing, and social participation. Therefore, we believe that consumer interests – particularly those of low-income, disadvantaged, and rural and regional consumers – must be a primary consideration in the development and implementation of energy and water policy and in service provision. CUAC’s advocacy maintains a focus on the principles of affordability, accessibility, fairness, and empowerment through information and education. CUAC supports informed consumer participation in energy and water markets.

We have endeavoured to respond directly herein to the questions posed in the consultation paper, as well as exploring some related matters

  1. Do these three markets cover all new products and services that could be offered to small electricity customers?


  1. Are these principles useful for identifying whether a product or service should be drawn into the National Electricity Law and Rules?

For the most part, yes.

We are of the view that it is also important to specifically consider the extent to which the service or product in question is being relied on by the consumer to deliver the essential service of the continuous supply of electricity; and the impact on the consumer of experiencing payment difficulties and hardship.

Explicit informed consent

We note that explicit informed consent(EIC) is essential.EIC ensures that customers are given sufficient information and understand their rights, obligations and the terms of their energy or energy management services contract, whenever they enter into an agreement with the energy business.

Customers should be provided with detailed, accurate, standardised and easy to understand information about the product or service that is on offer, and the anticipated risks and benefits that may arise from their use before they sign up to the product/service. The National Energy Customer Framework (NECF)[1]however does not address the need to disclose information in plain English and to ensure that consent is provided by someone who is competent to do so. This is a concern in view of the poor practices that are often employed in marketing to vulnerable consumers from non-English backgrounds and those with poor literacy.

In a recent judgement against retailer Energy Australia, Justice Gordon said EIC"goes to the very core of stability and transparency of the energy market when considered from the perspective of consumer confidence. All participants in the industry must not only understand the central importance of the need to obtain the explicit informed consent of consumers but ensure that they have procedures in place which ensure thatthis is achieved.” In our view, this applies equally to emerging energy services.

In our experience, it is not necessarily in a business’ interest for consumers to understand, for example, the nuances of retail price offerings as businesses benefit from the ‘confusopoly’ that leads to consumers making sub optimal choices. Some of the new products and services have the potential to be more confusing than existing retail and energy service products due to added complexity.

It is therefore incumbent on government and regulators to ensure that, in addition to robust consumer protections, consumers have basic information tools to help them fully understand the new product and service. All contract terms and conditions and product information sheets must be easy to understand and accurate. In addition, full disclosure of information about product or service attributes and use is important.

We note that the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) had, in the Power of Choice Review, recommended a comprehensive consumer awareness program prior to the implementation of pricing and metering reforms to assist consumers make informed choices about their electricity consumption and realise the benefits and opportunities of taking up demand side participation (DSP) products and services. We view the AEMC’s recommendation on consumer awareness as relevant to the new products and services contemplated in this consultation paper. We note that a continuing education program is more appropriate than a once-off campaign, and government and industry may both have a role in such a program.

We are of the view that EIC should apply to all contracts, whether short or long term. The implications of the longer term contracts to with respect to EIC will be different to short term. For example, with traditional energy retail services, consumers should be able to readily change energy retailers to access better priced energy from the grid, or break a contract when their circumstances change, with little or no penalty. However, some innovative products and services for consumers inherently require a longer term contractual commitment, as material up-front investment is made in providing and installing equipment.

In these cases, a consumer should not be restricted from accessing innovative products and services by protections that are intended to preserve access to competition in the retail market, however, a service provider must be able to demonstrate EIC such that the consumer is made aware that:

  • They may be foregoing access to competition for some or all of their energy needs for some period of time. Cases exist today where consumers have been disadvantaged by a lack of awareness that they are foregoing competition when making long-term decisions to use LPG (bottled gas) appliances.
  • They may be subject to some sort of additional change to recoup some of a provider’s cost outlay if their circumstances change - for example, if they move house and equipment has to be removed or relocated.

Where the customer is disconnecting from the grid, even if the consumer is purchasing a Stand Alone Power Supply (SAPS) outright, the SAPS provider should be required to comply with EIC conditions that extend well beyond those required under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). These should include:

  • Providing a performance guarantee with respect to the frequency and duration of system outages
  • Educating the customer about the difference between living with a grid connection and living with a SAPS
  • Demonstrating that they have the EIC of the consumer, with particular emphasis on the customer understanding the above matters.

Triggers for including new consumer protection regulations under NECF

Appropriate consumer protections will, ideally, be in place prior to any new products and services becoming available in the market.

We note however that not all of these new products and services have actually been envisaged yet. Where it is impossible to predict the market for new products and services far in advance, COAGEC should have a process in place for an adequate policy response when a new product or service is introduced, with a view towards enhancing and strengthening consumer protections where this is appropriate, and responding to risk.

This process should be complemented by a robust and proactive approach to monitoring each new product and service as they emerge which would also allow risk assessments to be made. The policy response process may also more easily facilitate the entry of a new product or service where it is found that a new product or service does not warrant such strong consumer protections

ATA and CUAC have contemplated whether it might be appropriate to effectively restrict access to all new services until new regulations are implemented. With the exception of high risk services[2], we do not support banning new services outright,as:

  • it’s simply impractical to restrict new services altogether;
  • banningcould drive the services underground, giving rise to dodgy operators, to the detriment of consumers;
  • access to beneficial new products or services might be delayed some years while waiting for new protections to be implemented;
  • overcoming a general ban is a significant barrier for new entrants to any market, potentially stifling innovation; and
  • in any case it is still possible to ban individual products and services if and when needed[3]
  1. Is this principle useful for identifying whether a product or service should be drawn into the NECF?

We are of the view that it is also important to specifically consider the extent to which the service or product in question is being relied on by the consumer to deliver the essential service of the continuous supply of electricity; and the impact on the consumer of experiencing payment difficulties and hardship.

  1. Are there other products and services emerging in the electricity supply market (beyond distributed generation and storage) that we should consider in our advice to Ministers?

In our view, appropriate energy-specific consumer protections should apply to all or most current and future energy related services for households, such as

  • Energy trading arrangements:

-Buying from and selling to the grid

-Buying and selling ‘behind the meter’

-Multiple Trading Relationships

-Residential demand response

  • Energy services involving the leasing or operation of household-scale energy generation, consumption and management, such as

-Energy generation systems

-Energy storage systems

-Electric vehicles.

-Operation of smart appliances

-Direct load control

-Optimisation services across multiple loads and energy sources

  • Energy services may be provided by


-Networks service providers

-Demand Response businesses

-Electric vehicle providers

-Community energy groups

-Stand Alone Power System or microgrid operators

There are some products and services that we object to outright, and for which no level of protections is appropriate beyond outright prohibition; in particular, the use of supply capacity control as a credit management tool. In Victoria, energy retailers are prohibited from offering a supply capacity control product to customers for any credit management purposes.[4]

Care must be taken to ensure that vulnerable consumers do not sign up to new products and services (in particular supply capacity products) that would potentially cause or exacerbate any detriment to their health, wellbeing or safety; for example, consumers on fixed incomes, the elderly, those with disabilities, those who are on life support, or have medical cooling and heating needs.

  1. Do you agree that the National Electricity Law and Rules can accommodate new products and services in this market, through the framework for authorising and exempting generators and network operators?

As they stand, no.

The energy market has been undergoing a considerable amount of change, including greater numbers of consumers moving to market contracts and taking up new products and services as a result of smart metering and other technological advancements. These new products, services and innovative business models were not contemplated at the time when the NECF was drafted.

Importantly, the requirement for retail authorisations and exemptions needs to be based on the provision of energy services, rather than solely on the sale of energy.

ATA and CUAC are of the view that the need for, and level of, regulatory intervention in the interest of providing consumer protection should be based not on the transaction of energy (ie on metered energy flows), but on:

  • the extent to which the service or product in question is being relied on by the consumer to deliver the essential service of the continuous supply of electricity; and
  • the impact on the consumer of experiencing payment difficulties and hardship
  1. Is the NECF flexible enough to allow the AER to ensure customers of alternative energy sellers have appropriate consumer protections?

As it stands, no.

Importantly, the requirement for retail authorisations and exemptions needs to be based on the provision of energy services, rather than solely on the sale of energy.

The NECF only gives the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) jurisdiction to regulate for sale of energy, hence retail authorisation and exempt selling arrangements apply today only where there is a financial transaction relating to the volumes of energy.

This means that providers of many energy related services, that are in other respects – including the impact on consumers - similar to those where energy is transacted, will not be regulated beyond the ACL with respect to consumer protections.

Until now, this approach has been suitable given the nature of exemptions, but now this needs to be brought up to date, as it leaves current and future energy consumers vulnerable to a lack of energy specific protections.

The below diagram illustrates 20 possible relationships arising from potential new services in the energy market. All of the new services and relationships noted currently sit, in whole or part, outside of current NECF arrangements and therefore outside energy specific consumer protections. more than a half of which involve consumers directly

Figure 1 – The connecting bars represent current and potential future energy relationships. Those in red are covered by NECF today; those in blue are not.

Consumer impacts arising from lack of regulations

Limiting regulations only to where energy is metered and traded runs the risk of creating loopholes, whereby the provider of the product or service can avoid complying with some consumer protections and other requirements simply by and not selling energy on a per kWh basis thus avoiding the need for an exemption. This is not a mere theoretical risk: it is happening today.

One example of this today is solar leasing products. Under a typical solar leasing arrangement, a consumer makes a regular payment for a solar array that remains the property of the provider until fully paid for. In this case the consumer actually takes on markedly more risk than they do under Solar Power Purchase Agreements (SPPA), as they (the consumer) carry most of the volume risk[5] Perversely, the consumers are afforded lower levels of protection under the (usually higher risk) solar leasing arrangement than under the (usually lower risk) SPPA arrangement.

One example (out of many) situations that may arise in the future is where the electric vehicle (EV) charge business providing an intermediary service to a consumer makes a common mistake - like adjusting for daylight savings - when the retailer does not, or misses a critical peak pricing (CPP) message, thus failing to switch off the battery charger on or off at the right time. This could have material cost implications for their customers.

Without options for dispute resolution, a consumer may lack a means of recourse. If there is no complaint reporting requirement, systemic issues will not be documented and potentially left unresolved.

Amending the retail exemptions framework.

In our view, the AER’s jurisdiction should be expanded to cover the provision of all energy services and not only where there is a sale of energy.

While the ACL is historically the more appropriate avenue for consumer protections where a consumer is buying a product outright and assuming full ownership and responsibility for day-to-day operations, in some cases, the ongoing energy services provided are of a nature where the ACL may be deficient and the retail exemptions obligations should be extended.

This is not to suggest that all energy services providers should be required to carry full retail authorisations – this would be excessive, inefficient, and create a compliance burden that would restrict offerings to consumers.

A significant problem with the exemptions framework today is that customers of exempt sellers do not have access to the services of the jurisdictional energy ombudsman for dispute resolution. Access to a free, independent and an impartial dispute resolution scheme is a basic consumer right.

An additional problem is that it is also unclear whether the jurisdictional energy ombudsman’s jurisdiction extends to cover the provision of energy services by even the current members of the scheme.

We are concerned that the exemptions framework can, in some instances be used to circumvent the obligation to consumer protections that are required under a retail authorisation. Some energy retailers have set up subsidiary companies to provide solar and other energy management services, and have obtained exemptions for these companies.

Customers of these exempt companies might not have access to the jurisdictional energy ombudsman for services provided by the exempt subsidiary company, and different consumer protections apply to them. In such cases were a consumer is contracted with an exempt subsidiary company they are unlikely to be aware of the implications with respect to the lesser protections.