“…at the appointed time.”


E-37 But all that's got Eternal Life, God will bring with Him at the coming of Christ. And you'll resurrect, not an old man and woman, not a little bitty baby, but you'll resurrect to the perfect young man and young woman of about twenty-two or twenty three years old. You'll be like that forever in the Presence of God. That's exactly the truth.


There is the Redeemer. Christ has redeemed us now. We are now redeemed, but He has not claimed His possession yet. Now, you might different with that, but just hold on a minute (See?); we'll see. See?

90-1 He hasn't claimed it. See? If He took the Book of Redemption, everything that Adam had and everything that he lost, Christ redeems back; and He's already redeemed us, but He hasn't took the possession yet. He cannot until the time appointed, and then will come the resurrection, and then the earth will be renewed again, and then He will take possession, His possession which He got when He redeemed us, but will do it at the appointed time.


75-2 And the Body must follow the Head, as the wife follows the husband. Being that Adam was not deceived, he walked out with Eve. Eve was deceived. She was in the transgression, or the entire resurrection of the whole body would've come forth at the day of the Lord Jesus, when He come forth from the grave, but He had to redeem Her, which is His Body. She has to be redeemed in order to come to Him. Do you see it? Oh, my. See? It couldn't have happen then. The redemption is going on.

Now, you see the Seals when He was in His mediatorial work back there redeeming? But someday He comes forth to get this Book that He's redeemed, and all that's in this Book would be Him, for that's the believer, the Words in the Book, and the Word is Him, and all that's in It.

“the appearing of Christ and the coming of Christ is two different things”


14 As I'm beginning to get old, and know that my days are numbered, and know now that these young men can take this message and sweep it on to the coming of the Lord, if He doesn't come in my generation... Which I'm hoping to see Him... I look daily for Him, and watch, keeping myself prepared for that hour.



There's a homecoming time pretty soon, for the church of the living God, who's been waiting His coming. Everything's in order. I'm so glad. I'm getting so tired. Oh, for that great hour. And to think that we've had a part in this junction time. Remember, "So shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man is being revealed from heaven." Now, remember, before the rain fell, Noah was in the ark. Before the fire fell, Lot was out of Sodom, for the Angel said, "I can't do nothing until you come hither. I've got to lever in my hand to pull and make the fires fall from heaven." And I think that's exactly: the Angel of destruction is holding the hand of Russia, with the atomic bombs, until the church comes together as one great body of Christ. "I can't do nothing till you come hither." Oh, if that isn't a blessed assurance. And if we see everything set in order, the going home of the church is in order. Here's the Angel of God with the same message, performing the same signs, the same wonders; everything's set in order.


167 Now, He appeared here as a physical body, looked just exactly like Hofmann's Head of Christ at Thirty-three, and blood running out of His hand, and so forth, nail scars all over Him, I wouldn't accept it. No, no, no, no. When He comes, Hisself, "Every eye shall see Him, every tongue shall confess Him; and as the lightning cometh from the east unto the west, so shall it be." See? We don't believe these cults and clans. We believe God is the Word. But He embodies Himself, taking your body and my body, and gives you gifts, gives me gifts, and through these gifts He makes Hisself known. That's the secret Food. No matter how much He'd make Hisself known by me, you've got to believe it; you've got to have a gift of faith too to believe it.

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249 But I'm asking you to receive Jesus Christ while you... You'll probably never be no closer to Him until you see Him in person when He comes in His visible body from the heavens.


E-40 …Christ is here revealing Himself, "Hiding it from the eyes of the educated, wise and prudent, and revealing it to babes such as will learn." Bringing His Church, that, showing His manifestation, revealing Himself before judgment is revealed, because He always sends an Angel of mercy before He sends a Angel of destruction.


E-81 Now, remember these two words before I leave you: the appearing of Christ and the coming of Christ is two different things. Christ is now appearing in the fullness of His power. His coming will be afterwards: His appearing before His coming.


236 …The Bridegroom call will come right through this, when the Son of man will come down and come in human flesh to unite the two together. The Church has to be the Word, He is the Word, and the two unites together, and, to do that, it'll take the manifestation of the revealing of the Son of man. Not a clergyman. I--I don't know, I... Do you see what I mean? See, it's Son of man, Jesus Christ, will come down in human flesh among us, and will make His Word so real that it'll unite the Church and Him as one, the Bride, and then she will go Home to the Wedding Supper. Amen.


307 Now, we will quickly get this. Now, remember:

Revelation 1:7... every eye shall see Him,...

Now, that wasn't the rapture then. Was it? See? It wasn't the rapture. It wasn't the rapture. What was He speaking to? The second coming.


E-33 Oh, won't it be wonderful on that day? Aren't you happy today to be a living to see the Son of man revealing Himself to His Church? "In the day that the Son of man is revealed..." What does He do? Reveal Himself in mercy first. Then the next time, He reveals Hisself in judgment to condemn those who spurn mercy.


"For as the sun shineth from the east unto the west, so shall the coming of the Son of man be." See? Yes, He'll--He'll--He'll appear, and it'll be a universal thing. And now, that will...

184-4 Now, 'course, when they find out that something has taken place (You see?), then they'll... Now, remember, that will take place immediately after the going home of the Church (after the rapture).


E-22 And Abraham said, "It's Elohim, the all-sufficient One." Remember, immediately after that Sodom was burned…

But where are we at now? God speaking right among us, through us audible, just like He did there.


181 There is a coming blessing just as the same as there is a coming wrath. Oh, we have to be looking for one of it tonight. You have to either be looking for the wrath to fall upon you and for destruction, or either you have to be looking for the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.


74 This is not popular. It makes you unpopular, but it's the Truth! It's God's command for it to be done, and God will do it. God bless you. Don't mean to scold you, but to warn you. It's better to be scorched than burned, at any time, so take warning. The Holy Spirit speaks in this last days.

All is written in the Book will escape it. Now we find out, the little flock is ready for the Dynamics to move It up into the skies, to escape all this tribulation. Someone said, the other day when I was talking, said, "Brother Branham, you don't believe then the church will go through the tribulation?"

I said, "I believe the church will, but not the Bride." The church will go through the tribulation, yes, sir, but the Bride is free from it. She'll go in the rapture, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. She'll be caught up to meet her Lord in the air, for the Wedding Supper. She has nothing to go through any tribulation about; her Lord has paid her price. We're so thankful for that.


E-40 Right at any hour that God would permit, when that final person is saved, when the completeness of the body of Jesus has been completed, Russia could send over a hundred or two hundred missiles; in ten minutes time there wouldn't be a living thing left on this continent.