Minutes of meeting held
At Crown Court, Newton Road, Tilbury
Thursday 7th August 2014
Present: Apologies:
R I Barnard-Hill Colin Elliott Debbie Quick V Penn Lorraine Fugl
Cllr Worrall Moses Aboite June Brown
Simon Bennett Suzy Hardy Jill Bacon
Ray Smith L Morgan Clare Baldwin
Roy Coombes Steve Andrews Cllr Okunade Cllr Liddiard S Quick Jack Doodes G Hammond Anne Barnard-Hill
Rita Copeman P Lawrencce
M Arnell Terry Brown
M Ryan Y Pitcher
J Merrigan Annie O’Brien
Kate Williams Jonathan Biddle
Jeanette Head S Seager
P Lockley C Lockley
1. Welcomes and apologies- Welcomes and apologies noted.
2. Minutes of last meeting – Read and agreed.
3. Matters arising – Cllr Liddiard confirmed that the changing rooms on the Daisy Field are due to be demolished next month.
Concerns were raised over the recent issues with Travellers on the Anchor Field and the Daisy Field being made secure.
Cllr Worrall confirmed that the Forum have been raising the issue of replacement shin rails/fencing to make the sites secure for at least the last 5 years when money was available but nothing was done and now Council budgets have been severely cut.
Concern was raised over the time the Travellers were on the site. Steve Andrews from the Council Traveller Team explained that they are guided by Government regulations and that many of Thurrocks Bye-Laws are out of date.
Steve A explained that there are also differences between Housing and Highways Land and what can be enforced and the Traveller Team have to apply to the Courts for removal.
Steve A also explained that the Police can exercise Section 61 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act as long as there are 6 vehicles present and the land is prevented from being used for its rightful purpose which means that the site would be cleared more quickly.
Steve A confirmed that in the case of the Travellers in Tilbury they were moved on by the Police but he was not sure why the few that had moved to the field across the road had remained.
Residents raised concern that vehicles were still mounting the pavement to park outside Muscle Mania and that signs regarding parallel parking in Civic Square had still not been put up.
Action: Debbie to follow up with Julie Nelder.
Cllr Worrall fedback that she is still following up the parking of the Lorry Cabs at Tilbury Station along with the dust on the roads around the Broadway due to the work on the Ports Distribution Centre.
Ray asked that his thanks be minuted for the input from Cllr Liddiard on getting the drop kerbs sorted in Spencer Walk.
4. Police Update – No Police present this evening.
5. Speaker – Kate Williams, Local Area Coordinator for Tilbury introduced herself and gave out some leaflets explaining her role. Kate reported that she is keen to get involved with the Community and is happy for residents to contact her via e mail mobile 07789924209 or pop into Crown Court on a Monday morning or the Labour Office on a Tuesday morning as they have kindly agreed for her to use some space to meet residents.
Action: Leaflets to be displayed in the Forum Notice Boards.
6. Funding requests – Barney gave an update on the situation on the Manor Allotment Site and the need for a new lock and keys which would cost £125.
Vote was taken and carried with no objections for lock and keys to be funded by the Forum.
7. Local Office Update – Sam was present from the Housing Office and confirmed that an order has been agreed and submitted for the missing shin rails around the Anchor Field to be replaced but is unsure of the date for completion. Residents were aware that some of the rails were destroyed following an RTA. Could money be claimed from the vehicles insurance?
9. AOB – Dawn from Wates gave an outline of their “Building Futures” scheme which is a 2 week programme of practical and theory for those over 19 years not in education or unemployed which leads to the issue of a CSI card to enable work in the Construction industry. Last years scheme was very successful and 16 lads completed the course. At the end of the programme Wates are looking to then involve those on the course in a local project so please let them know if anyone has ideas on this.
Cllr Liddiard also reported that a “Skills College” looking at Constuction Training is running at Blackshots.
George asked if there was an update on the meeting regarding Sheltered Housing held on the 16th July. Clr Worrall reported that the Scrutiny Committee accepted thatcharges be implemented for new residents and she has a copy of the full report which she is happy to print out for the Complexes so all residents can view it.
Les asked if there was any update regarding the St Chads Site. Cllr Worrall confirmed that approval for the “Glorianna” Housing Scheme goes to Cabinet in October. There was also confirmation that Governemnt funding had been secured for high quality affordable homes to be built on the old Tilbury Market Square. However, this raised concerns with residents over lack of parking around the Town for accessing local amenities.
One of the Local Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators raised concern regarding the Garages in Adelaide Road. She reported that the Police were aware but there are safety concerns regarding Gas Cylinders.
Action: Sam from Housing to follow this up with Bill Sargent who is now in charge of Council Garages.
Annie reminded residents of the Tilbury Fest taking place on the Anchor Field Thursday 21st Aug 11am-3pm. Leaflets are available giving more details.
Next Meeting-Thursday 4th Sept 2014 7pm Crown Court Newton Rd Tilbury