of Meeting held on 17 July 2007
at CAA Offices, Sipson House, Heathrow
Andy Ebdon (Chairman); Keven Baines; Tony Bisson; Phil Hall; Doug Owen; Simon Roberts;Justin Saward;Alan Simmons; Mick Skinner; Tania Wilson.
Cliff Edwards (Deputy Chairman);Tony Hines (Secretary);Alan Eccleston; Andy Evans; Jim Rainbow; John Saull; Simon Witts.
In Attendance:
Steve McNair
Andy Ebdon welcomed Steve McNair of Flybe, who attended on behalf of Simon Witts.
- Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising
Minutes of the meeting held on 17 April 2007, were approved.
Matters arisingare covered in Minutes 2 thru8.
- Group Membership
Doug Owen has been unsuccessful in finding a potential Member from the manufacturing sector.
Doug proposed Simon Gill, his former Maintenance Human Factors manager at Airbus. He has completed his PHD focussing on Maintenance HF and is currently working independently as a consultant in HF.
Alan Simmons has contacted BBGA but they have shown no interest.
ACTION: Tony Hines to invite Simon Gill to the next EMSG meeting.
Target:On receipt of Simon’s email address from Doug Owen.
ACTION: Steve McNair to investigate potential members from Embraer or other European manufacturer. Target: By next meeting.
ACTION: Keven Baines to investigate potential member from Augusta Westland. Target: By next meeting.
- Maintenance Culture/Procedural Compliance Project
Cliff Edwards had distributed a revised draft paper before the meeting.
Allto send their comments (or report “no comment”) to Cliff Edwards, copy to Tony Hines.
Target: 17 August.
Cliff Edwardsand group to decide whether this new information will enable them to progress this project. Target: November 2007 (Review at October meeting)
- Engineer Working Hours
Simon Robertsreported that the last planned meeting had not taken place.
Simon Roberts to report progress at each meeting and present a final report in April 2008. Target: April 2008.
5. Maintenance Error Prediction Modelling
ACTION: Carried Forward to January 2008 meeting.
6. RAeS Engineer Training Conference (Sept 2007)
ACTION: Andy Ebdon to report on the conference at October 2007 meeting.
- DTI Maintenance National Advisory Group
Andy Ebdon has advised Rupert England of EMSG concerns and position.
ACTION: Closed.
- RAeS Medal Nominations
ACTION: Andy Ebdon to consult Carey Edwards, HFG Chairman (c/f from April meeting).
Target: Immediate
- Conference 2007
Tony Bisson reported that, subject to clearing up a couple of minor issues, conference planning is complete.
Keven Baines offered his contact database for Flyer distribution.
Four Volunteers needed to chaperone hangar tour groups on Conference day.
ACTION: Tony Hines to distribute conference flyer to EMSG Members.
Target: On receipt from Tania Wilson.
ACTION: Volunteers for hangar tours to contact Alan Simmons
Target: Immediate
10. CHIRP presentation
Alan Simmons summarised his strategy paper on Sources of Data, covering accident reports, MOR schemes, confidential reporting etc. His opinion was that CHIRP MEMS is well developed, requiring no further EMSG input.
Mick Skinner reported that the CHIRP system is based on inputs from ten organisations that provide input via MEDA investigations. The database, which includes rectification action, comprises 800 reports, 524 of which are dis-identified.
Data analysis shows that “installation” is still the greatest source of maintenance error.
Two projects are addressing “root cause” and “risk assessment”.
It was noted that publication of Dave Hall’s MOR data-set paper (as described at last year’s conference) is awaited.
It was also noted that Military databases provide excellent safety related data.
ACTION: Doug Owen and Justin Saward to provide overview of military database to Alan Simmons Target: Immediate
ACTION: Simon Roberts to send Dave Halls paper to Alan Simmons.
Target: As soon as possible.
11. EMSG Aim & Strategy
Reminder – the “work-stream” papers are as follows:
- DATAAlan Simmons
- DESIGNDoug Owen
* “Senior Influence” was defined as meaning “influencing senior executives”
Alan Simmons paper was discussed under Item 10 (see above).
Andy Evans paper on Intervention Strategies was deemed to be a good initial document, which cannot be finalised until other work-stream papers are completed.
Doug Owen requested comments on his Design paper.
Simon Roberts and Keven Baines to cooperate on areas of overlap on their papers on Senior Influence and Active Engagement.
ACTION: Authors and Members to take action as described above.
Target: Immediate.
ACTION: Andy Ebdon to form a small team to co-ordinate the combination of papers and development of an action plan.
Target: On receipt of leaders’ revised papers.
ACTION: Andy Ebdon to consult Tony Hines about a structure for industry presentations of the strategy and action plan.
Target: Immediate.
12. Group Name
It was suggested that the Group name should be changed to make the of the focus of the Group more self evidentto the industry.
ACTION: Andy Ebdon to consider possible alternatives that would be acceptable to the Group and to the RAeS Human Factors Group, of which the EMSG is a “Standing Group”.
13. Future Meetings
Meetings will start at 1300 hrs with a sandwich lunch being available at 1230 hrs, on the following dates:
Tuesday 9 October 2007 at AAIB Farnborough
Tuesday 15 January 2008~ Venue to be agreed
Tuesday 15 April 2008 ~ Venue to be agreed
Tuesday 15 July 2008 ~ Venue to be agreed
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