At a Meeting of Whorlton and Westwick Parish Council

On Tuesday 6th July 2010

Mr. Colin Hodgson, Deputy Area Engineer, had come from Durham County Council to speak to those present about the roads and repairs, etc. He told those present about the restrictions that are at present

being enforced and the fact that DCC cannot afford to resurface a

whole road surface. Patching has to be the only option at present,

and though the road surfaces have been marked up the repairs will

not take place until September time. He spoke about winter gritting

of the C44 and how this would be looked at, but he doubted whether

the C44 would be on the list for gritting.

It was a most interesting visit and the clerk will write to thank him

for his visit.

PresentCllr. David Kinch (Chairman), Cllr. Neville Dawson, Cllr. Colin

Cummins, Cllr Ian Wilkinson and Cllr. Martin Saville

Apologies There was an apology from Cllr George Richardson

The only other person present was Miss Cherry Simpson

Minutes of These had been circulated and the minutes of the AGM for

Last meetings Whorlton and Westwick and the Minutes for the meeting

on 18th May were signed as correct.

MattersPlay Area Surfacing:

ArisingDue to poor communication the surface to renew the safety

tiles under the swings in the play area will have to be paid

for by the parish council as the form that the Chairman had

filled in and returned to James Rowlandson has been mislaid.

When the surfacing appears at the end of July WWPC will pay

for it and get the money back when the grant money appears later


Cllr Wilkinson asked about the Net Ball Basket. Cllr Tully had

inspected it, as had the Chairman, and it was decided that it could

be safely put up in the play area.

6 Grange Terrace:

Since the last meeting the clerk had reported that the house seemed

in need of some repairs and it was reported to DCC at Teesdale.

The parish council received a somewhat scathing letter stating that

in future the clerk should contact the estate agent and report any

problems to them.

Castlebeck Care – Wall:

The clerk wrote to Tom Wilson after the last meeting. The reply

stated that there had not been the funds left over after the new

windows had been put in, but next year there will be a fund

set up for the repair of the wall. The Chairman felt that the cost

quoted by Mr. Wilson for the repair of the header stones on the

wall was somewhat large.

Other Bench at the bus stop:

Matters Mr. Peter Everitt had very kindly offered to build and install a

bench for those who wait at the bus stop. His letter was read to

the meeting. Mrs. Trevor will sent a copy of the letter to Durham

county Council to a Mr. Tony Leckonby and ask his permission

for the bench to be installed.

Councillor Vacancy:

There had been no application for an election to select a new

Councillor. The Chairman asked the clerk to construct a notice

to be put on both notice boards stating that there is a vacancy and all written applications before the end of July will be considered at the

next meeting by all the present councillors.

County Durham Plan:

Various articles had appeared in local papers implying that DCC

Intended to build 16 houses in Whorlton in the field opposite the

The Bridge Inn. The first members of the council for WWPC knew

About it was from an article in the Teesdale Mercury. The Chairman,

Clerk and Cllr Saville had been to the Forum Meeting at which Graham Reed and another officer from DCC appeared and they were

given a very frosty reception by various village officers. Winston was

informed that 164 houses could be built in it. As a result of the forum meeting the chairman asked Mrs. Trevor to contact Graham Reed and

organise a special meeting of WWPC for 19th July so that this matter could be discussed.

The Chairman will be unable to attend an open meeting to be run by

DCC in the Witham Hall on Tuesday 13th July 2010 so the clerk will

go and collect any more documents that appear to be relevant.

The WWPC Website:

The Clerk has been continuing to work on the website, finding the

Google site very difficult, she has enlisted the help of an expert so this may be sorted fairly soon. Cllr Wilkinson is interested to take the

information regarding the setting up a Quality Council to the next

Village meeting. The newsletter and website all add up to part of the

requirements needed to set this up, the parish council can offer help but it is done by the entire village so this may be a good opening.

Lease for the Village Garden:

The lease has to have a second signature, the Chairman will ask

Cllr Tully to sign.

Bus Shelters:

The clerk had received a letter from DDC asking about all the bus

shelters in the parish. The parish does not have one bus shelter, and

the officer whom the clerk spoke to said he would look into the question of a bus shelter by Whorlton Grange.

There is anxiety about where the westbound bus stops on the corner,

And it has been suggested that the bus is asked to stop half way up the

pavement along the Steadings wall. This to be examined.

Cllr Dawson remarked that the bus is still very irregular and very often

has a problem before it gets to its destination in Darlington. The last letter written by the clerk has not been answered.

There was nothing to sign

Date of next meeting:

The date of the next meeting was set for

Tuesday 28th September 2010 at 7pm

28th September 2010

David Kinch
