Sedentary Life Styles Questions

Define the following terms:

  1. Physical Activity
  1. Physical Fitness
  1. Sedentary Lifestyle
  1. Osteoporosis
  1. Metabolism
  1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance
  1. Muscular Strength
  1. Muscular Endurance
  1. Flexibility
  1. Body Composition
  1. Aerobic Exercise
  1. Anaerobic Exercise
  1. Isometric Exercise
  1. Isotonic Exercise
  1. Isokinetic Exercise
  1. Overload
  1. Progression
  1. Specificity
  1. Warm Up
  1. Workout
  1. Cool-Down
  1. Hydration
  1. Anabolic Steroids
  1. Nutritional Supplements
  1. Dehydration
  1. Overexertion
  1. Heat Cramps
  1. Heat Stroke
  1. Frostbite
  1. Hypothermia
  1. Muscle Cramps
  1. Strain
  1. Sprain

Using your own words answer the following questions

  1. What are the 3 components of health that physical activity benefits?
  1. What 3 body systems are affected by physical activity?
  1. How can your physical health be affected by physical activity?
  1. Give 5 ways that your Mental Health is affected by physical activity?
  1. What are some of the benefits to your Social Health from physical activity?
  1. What percentage of 9th grade students participate regularly in physical activity?
  1. What does that percentage change to in the 12th grade?
  1. What are some of the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle?
  1. What percentage of teens are considered overweight?
  1. What of the recommendations for physical activity?
  1. What are the 5 components are physical fitness?
  1. Which 2 body systems make up Cardiorespiratory Endurance?
  1. What are the benefits of muscular strength?
  1. What are the benefits of Muscular Endurance?
  1. What should you do before beginning a workout routine that includes cardiorespiratory activity?
  1. What are the types of Resistance Exercises?
  1. What is the USDA recommendation for physical activity?
  1. What are the categories of the Physical Activity Pyramid? Give examples of each category.
  1. What are some of the factors you should consider when choosing activities?
  1. What are the basics of a physical activity program?
  1. What are the components of the F.I.T.T. Formula? Explain each component.
  1. How long should your cool-down last?
  1. What is the 1st step in training?
  1. Why is nutrition important for physical activity?
  1. Why is hydration important?
  1. When should you hydrate?
  1. How much rest should teens get per night?
  1. What are some of the effects of Anabolic Steroids?
  1. Give some examples of Nutritional Supplements?
  1. What are some of the ways to reduce your risk of injury?
  1. What weather related risks should you take into consideration?
  1. What are the Hot-Weather Health risks you should be concerned about?
  1. What do each of the 3 layers for cold weather do?
  1. Why should you wear a hat in cold weather?
  1. What are the 2 main cold weather health risks?
  1. When does windburn occur?
  1. When does sunburn occur?
  1. What are some of the ways to protect yourself from sunburn?
  1. When treating an injury, what does R.I.C.E. stand for? What should you do for each letter?
  1. What are the 4 Major injuries that can result from physical activity?