Asynchronous discussion storyboard.


Discussion owner

/ Who is responsible for starting the discussion ?

Course and lecture title

/ If your online discussion is linked to a specific lecture or theme.

Discussion title

/ Enter title of discussion eg. Why was Alfred the Great so successful?


/ Which screen directs the student to this discussion? How do they get to the discussion? (eg. use main navigation or select direct link in page).
Wording / Include exact text of first message from tutor that should be pasted into discussion board.

Extra information

/ Description: Information about the room.
Introduction: Welcoming message including purpose of the room.


Discussion in NB / Who is responsible for creating discussion room in NB and setting access?
Groups / access / Which groups need to participate in this discussion? (This may affect how many times the discussion needs to be set up).
Who will be allowed access to the discussion? What type of access will they be allowed?
Are there minimum or maximum numbers of participants?
Facilitator / Who will facilitate the discussion?
Period / How long will the discussion run for?


/ Will attendance be tracked? Will the students’ contributions be assessed in any way?


Learning objectives and outcomes

/ State what the students should gain from this discussion. These should relate to the overall objectives of the course.
Instructions for facilitator / Note down anything that the facilitator needs to remember to do and when they need to it. eg. post a solution when all students have posted; lock threads after end date.




What guidance have you prepared for facilitators on how to use the discussion forum?
Preparation by students? / Is there anything that students have to do in order to prepare for this discussion? Eg. Attend a lecture; read a chapter of a book?


Evaluation / How will you evaluate the success of this online discussion?
Follow up? / Do the students have to do anything after they have contributed to this discussion? Eg. a task?
Guidance / What guidance have you prepared for students on how to use the discussion forum?