School Brochure Project – GR 8 FRENCH Nom: ____________________

Due Date: _______________

You have been asked to create an innovative, creative and attractive brochure to provide information to people who have never been to Gaetz Brook Junior High School.

There are five parts to this project:

1) Page titre

2) Les personnes

3) Le plan d’école

4) La salle de classe

5) Ton choix

· Expressions utiles

· Les sports

· Les clubs et activités

· Le caféteria

Here is what each section requires:

1) PAGE TITRE - Title Page:

Create an attractive title page that will draw students, teachers and community members to your school. You can choose something such as: “Guide d’Elève à Gaetz Brook Junior High School” or “Comment Survivre à Gaetz Brook Junior High School” etc. It should be creative and artistically pleasing. Feel free to include drawings or photos. Remember, at GBJH, we are the BEARS. (Les ours)

2) LES PERSONNES – People:

On the second page of your brochure, you will list ALL members of the Gaetz Brook Junior High School staff, including teachers, office administration, cafeteria, custodial staff. In addition to their names, you will write down what their specific job is. For instance:

· Madame O’Neill - Professeur de Math, et Français.

· Monsieur DeJong – Professeur d’Anglais et Sciences Humaines.

· You may include photos/drawings J of some members of the staff. Be sure that this page is creative and pleasing to the eye.

3) LE PLAN D’ÉCOLE / A map of the school:

Gaetz Brook Junior High School has 3 levels and many different rooms. On the included map, you will see the 3 levels. You must label the map EN FRANCAIS. For instance: the stairs - les escaliers, the hallway - le corridor. Finally, you must draw the school from a bird’s eye view and include the parking lot, basketball court, baseball diamond, soccer field, etc…

4) LA SALLE DE CLASSE / A Classroom:

On this page, you will draw a typical classroom. On this drawing, you must include 15 items in a school classroom such as stapler, pen, pencil, desk, chair, etc… Make a list of these items and include a picture of them. Then, on your drawing, identify the 15 items by labeling your picture with words, or numbers that correspond to the list of 15 items.

5) TON CHOIX / Your choice:

The last portion of this project is for you to choose your own section to include in your new and exciting brochure of Gaetz Brook Junior High School This section may include any of the following (or something of your own choice.)

· Expressions utiles - Useful expressions en Français (Examples : Comment dit-on ___ en français, Est-ce que je peux aller à la toilette? Or Comment ça flippe?)

· Les sports – Sports (List all of the team sports EN FRANÇAIS)

· Les clubs et activités – Clubs and activities (List all of the clubs and activities that we have at GBJH. For example: student council, art club, jazz band, tech club, dance decorating committee, green team, drama club, etc…)

· Le caféteria - The cafeteria. (You can create your own weekly food menu for the cafeteria with prices).

Remember, this brochure should be entirely “en français”. If you have any questions about words, grammar or spelling, check the dictionary, as a friend or myself. We will be designing a class rubric for which we will use for assessment and evaluation of your work.