Astronomy Exam #3Fall 2012

Name______Class Meeting Time ______

1)The mass of the Sun is closest to which of the values below?


A)300 Earth masses

B)3,000 Earth masses

C)30,000 Earth masses

D)300,000 Earth masses

E)3,000,000 Earth masses


2)The Sun is approximately how much larger in radius than the Earth?


A)100 Earth radii

B)1,000 Earth radii

C)10,000 Earth radii

D)100,000 Earth radii

E)1,000,000 Earth radii


3)The density of the Sun is closest to the density of ….


A)Iron, 8 g/cm3

B)Rock, 5 g/cm3

C)Water, 1 g/cm3

D)Ice, 0.9 g/cm3

E)Air, 0.001 g/cm3


4)The surface temperature of the Sun is….


A)32,000 K

B)15,500 K

C)7,200 K

D)5,800 K

E)1,600 K


5)The core of the Sun has a temperature of…



B)15 Million K

C)50 Million K

D)100 Million K

E)1.4 Billion K


6)The Sun can be functionally divided into two layers. Describe the physical characteristics of the two layers in the space below.

7)In a sentence or two, describe the functional difference between the core and envelope. In other words, what purpose does the core serve in the star’s function and what purpose does the envelope serve in the star’s function?

The core (1) produces almost all the Sun’s energy and (2) holds up the envelope preventing collapse.

The envelope (1) keeps the core under pressure to allow fusion to continue and (2) thermalizes gamma rays as they pass through.

8)The picture below portrays a proposed new space mission to establish a Hipparchus-like spacecraft in orbit around Jupiter for the purpose of measuring stellar parallaxes. In a couple of sentences, explain why a mission like this would be superior to the original Hipparchus spacecraft in orbit around the Earth during the early 1990’s.

A mission like this would be superior to the original Hipparchus spacecraft in orbit around the Earth during the early 1990’s because, with the larger baseline of Jupiter’s orbit at 5.2 AU, all stars would have parallax angles about 5 times larger than those measured from Earth. Thus we would be able to measure the distance to stars with spectroscopic parallax about five times farther away out to 2500 pc.

The four simulated images of a star field appear below with the year which they represent. One of the stars is consistently changing its position relative to the other stars.

9)Identify the star that is changing its position by circling it in each of the simulated images.

10)These simulated images illustrate what type of stellar motion. Choose from the list below.


A)Spaced velocity

B)Diurnal motion

C)Radial velocity

D)Proper motion

E)Annual motion


The table below lists the properties of five stars. Answer the questions following the table based on these parameters.

Designation / Apparent Magnitude, m / Absolute Magnitude, M / Spectral Type and
Luminosity Class
α / -0.7 / -3.1 / F0 II
β / 0.0 / 0.5 / A0 V
γ / +.9 / -4.5 / M1 I
δ / 0.45 / -1.0 / B3 V
ε / 12.3 / 14.8 / M5 V

11)Which star is the hottest α

12)Which star is the brightest?δ

13)Which star is the least luminous?ε

14)Which star is the largest in radius?γ

15)Which star has a temperature of about 2,500 K?ε or γ

16)Which star is closer star α or star γ? Explain your reasoning. α is closer because (1) α distance modulus is smaller than γ’s, or because (2) α is less luminous but brighter than γ. Either reason puts α closer.

17)How many times more luminous is star δ compared to the Sun? δ is 6=5+1 magnitudes more luminous than the Sun, so it is 100×2.5=250 times more luminous than the Sun.

18)Explain why the star γ is so luminous?γ is so luminous due to its very larvge radius as a supergiant (luminosity class I).

19)What is the approximate luminosity of star  compared to the Sun? Since ε is 10 magnitudes less luminous than the Sun, its luminosity is 0.0001 LSun.

20)What are molecular clouds and how are they related to star formation? Answer in a few sentences? Be quantitative.

Giant molecular clouds are very large clouds of gas and dust in the inter-stellar medium. These clouds are composed mostly of H2 and He with trace amounts of other gases and microscopic pieces of rock and ices that astronomers collectively call dust. These GMC’s can be 300 ly in diameter and have masses equivalent to 300,000 solar masses. They provide the raw material for stars to form if their temperatures are below 10 K. One single GMC can form thousands or stars. They are the birthing ground of stars.

21)At what wavelength is best to observe a protostar when it is still accreting gas.


A)Radio wavelengths

B)Infrared wavelengths

C)Visual wavelengths

D)Ultraviolet wavelengths

E)X-Ray wavelengths


22)What generates the heat in a protostar?


A)Proton-proton chain

B)Core helium fusion

C)Nearby O & B stars

D)Gravitational contraction

E)Radioactive elements


23)What determines the upper mass limit of a star? Answer in a few sentences.

The upper mass limit of a star isa about 100 solar masses. This is the upper limit because any giant molecular cloud fragment that is more massive than this 100 solar mass limit will break into smaller fragments due to the large amount of thermal energy it would generate as it rapidly collapses.

24)What determines when a star becomes a main sequence star?

A)Core helium fusion begins.

B)Supernovas ignite the star.

C)Gravitational contraction begins heating the star.

D)Radioactive elements cause the star to glow.

E)Proton-proton chain begins in its core.

25)Define the acronym ZAMS and carefully sketch in the location of the ZAMS line in the adjacent HR diagram?

ZAMS =Zero Age Main Sequence

26)What factors determine how long a star stays on the main sequence?


A)Its temperature

B)Its mass

C)Its luminosity

D)Its spectral type

E)All of the above


27)Why do high mass stars have a shorter time on the main sequence than low mass stars? Answer in few sentences?

High mass stars have higher central pressures that drive faster fusion rates. The faster fusion rates “burn” the mass of star faster and have tremendously greater luminosities than lower mass stars.. Even though the high mass stars are more massive they burn their mass much much faster than lower mass stars. Thus the lifetimes of high mass stars are relatively short due to their astronomical luminosities.

28)How does a star’s luminosity change during star’s main sequence lifetime?


A)It decreases slowly.

B)It remains constant.

C)It increases slowly.

D)It varies in a periodic manner.

E)None of the above.


29)What makes a star move off the main sequence?


A)An iron core forms

B)Neutrinos flood from the core disrupting it.

C)Shell Helium burning begins

D)Core Hydrogen burning ends

E)Gravitational collapse ceases.


30)Connect with arrows the phases of stellar evolution the Sun will go through in the correct chronological order on the diagram below.

31)What is a planetary nebula? Answer in a few sentences.

A planetary nebula is the ejected envelope of a low mass star at the end of its lifetime. The nebula is created by the last episode of shell He-burning in a flash that ejects the envelope and exposes the dead stellar core of hot carbon that remains after planetary nebula has disappeared from view after about 10,000 years. Most planetary nebula are about 1 light year across.

32)What is left when a planetary nebula dissipates?


A)A protostar

B)A main sequence star

C)A white dwarf

D)A giant star

E)A brown dwarf


33)What is the energy source for a white dwarf?


A)Proton-proton chain

B)Core helium fusion

C)Nearby O & B stars

D)Gravitational contraction

E)None of the above.



Refer to H-R diagram illustrating the evolutionary track of a 1 solar mass star to the right to answer the following questions.

34)Which of the objects listed below would be observed along the portion of the track marked (d)?

A)White dwarf

B)Planetary Nebula

C)Red Giant

D)Red Super Giant (Mira Variable)

E)None of the above

35)Which of the methods of energy production is at active along the portion of the track marked (b)?


A)Core H-burning

B)Core He-burning

C)Shell H-burning

D)Shell He-burning

E)Proton-proton chain


36)At the portion of the evolutionary track marked c, what is the source of the star’s energy?


A)Core H-burning

B)Core He-burning

C)Shell H-burning

D)Shell He-burning

E)Proton-proton chain


37)At the stage of evolution marked f, what is the composition of the object (i.e. what is it made of)?








38)In a few sentences explain how the method of energy production employed along path d creates the object found along path e.

Along the path d the star is producing energy by shell He-burning in flashs. The last helium flash is strong enough to lift off the envelope of the star and create a planetary nebula – the object created at e.

39)Describe the properties of a typical O or M main sequence star as completely as you can in a few sentences below. See the slide from the PowerPoint presentation Properties of Main Sequence Stars on the next page. You could describe either an O or an M star.

Please identify the objects that appear in the images numbered 1 to 5 below

40)The object indicated in image #1 is a(n)


A)Open Cluster

B)Bok Globule

C)Dense Core

D)OB Association

E)Giant Molecular Cloud

F)HII Region

G)Planetary Nebula

H)White Dwarf


41)The object indicated in image #2 is a(n)


A)Open Cluster

B)Bok Globule

C)Dense Core

D)OB Association

E)Giant Molecular Cloud

F)HII Region

G)Planetary Nebula

H)White Dwarf


42)The object indicated in image #3 is a(n)


A)Open Cluster

B)Bok Globule

C)Dense Core

D)OB Association

E)Giant Molecular Cloud

F)HII Region

G)Planetary Nebula

H)White Dwarf


43)The object indicated in image #4 is a(n)


A)Open Cluster

B)Bok Globule

C)Dense Core

D)OB Association

E)Giant Molecular Cloud

F)HII Region

G)Planetary Nebula

H)White Dwarf


44)The object indicated in image #5 is a(n)


A)Open Cluster

B)Bok Globule

C)Dense Core

D)OB Association

E)Giant Molecular Cloud

F)HII Region

G)Planetary Nebula

H)White Dwarf


The HR Diagram of the 91 brightest stars in the sky appears to the right. The Main Sequence appears as a dotted line and the Sun appears as the gray triangle symbol on this HR diagram.

45)In a list of bulleted points, describe the character of the brightest stars in the sky as completely as you can. Use the HR diagram at the right.

  • The brightest stars in the sky appear to fall into two basic types; hot main sequence stars and cool giant stars.
  • The hot main sequence stars appear to be mostly B and A spectral type with an absolute magnitude between +2 and -5. This range in absolute magnitudes corresponds to a range in luminosity of between 16 and 10,000 solar luminosities. These stars will have a short main sequence lifetime compared to the Sun’s lifetime. Some as short as a few million years.
  • The giant stars appear to be mostly G and K spectral types with luminosities over 100 solar luminosities. These giant stars are at the end of their evolution and will shortly perish.
  • Although it appears on this HR diagram that the majority of bright stars are hot main sequence stars, in truth about 75% of the bright stars are giant stars near the end of their evolution.

Use the HR diagram below to answer the following questions. Note: No calculations are needed.

46)The bright star Deneb has a luminosity of 54,000 solar luminosities (M=-7.0) and a temperature of 8,525 K (spectral type A2). What is its approximate radius?

Vega’s approximate radius is 80 solar radii. See HR diagram.

47)The companion star to the brightest star in the sky is designated Sirius b. It has a spectral type of A2 and has a radius of 0.01 that of the Sun. What is its approximate luminosity?

Sirius b would have an absolute magnitude of about -13. This means Sirius b is 8 magnitudes less luminous than the Sun. Since 8 = 5+1+1+1 then Sirius is 100×5×5×5=125,000 times less luminous than the Sun.

48)What would be the spectral type of a main sequence star with 10 times the mass of the Sun?

The spectral type of a main sequence star with 10 times the mass of the Sun would be a B2 or B3 spectral type.

49)On this page, write an essay that describes how the Sun produces energy by explaining the net proton-proton chain reaction, define the symbols in the net reaction, stating the origin of the terms in the net reaction, and describing the significance of thermalization of solar gamma rays.

Points needed to be made for full credit

  • The net p-p chain is
  • The hydrogen () is primordial created during the Big Bang.
  • The helium ( ) is created in the Sun’s core by fusing the four hydrogen atoms.
  • The neutrinos (ν) are subatomic nearly-massless neutral particles that travel near the speed of light and only weakly interact with matter passing through most matter without hindrance. They are created as a byproduct of neutron creation when an electron and proton combine to form a neutron.
  • The gamma rays (γ) are high energy photons like X-rays but higher in energy. They are massless and travel at the speed of light. Gamma rays interact strongly with matter and are deadly to biologic systems. They are created from a small amount of mass loss during each p-p chain completion as described by Einstein’s famous equation E=mc2. The Sun is converting 4.25 million metric tons of mass into energy every second to maintain its luminosity.
  • Deadly gamma rays are transformed by countless collisions within the envelope of the Sun as they beat their way to the surface losing a bit of energy with each collision. The result is that the energy lost keeps the envelope very hot (millions of K) even though it produces no energy and the gamma rays leave the Sun as benign visible and IR photons mostly.

  • Problems: Please answer in the space below each problem.

50)When the Sun expands to be a red giant, its radius may be 150 RSun. What will the average density of the Sun be at that time?

The Sun’s density as a red giant will be only 3×10-7 its present density.

51)A star is observed to have a stellar parallax angle of 0.037”. What is the distance to the star? Show your work.

The distance to the star is about 27 parsecs or 80 light years.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Region / WavelengthRange
Gamma Rays / Less than 0.01 nm
X-Rays / 0.01 nm to 10 nm
Ultra-violet Rays / 10 nm to 380 nm
Visible Light / 380 nm to 740 nm
Infrared Radiation / 740 nm to 200,000 nm
Microwaves / 200,000 nm to 5 x 106 nm
Radio Waves / Greater than 5 x 106 nm

52) The bright star Acrux in the constellation Crux has a temperature of about 29,000 K. At what wavelength does it emit light most strongly? Using the electromagnetic spectrum below comment on whether humans could live safely around this star?

The star will emit its maximum radiation at 100 nm which is deep into the UV portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. This would not be a safe star live around because of the very high flux of UV hard radiation.

53)The star Vega has a luminosity of 59 L and a temperature of 9,520 K. What is its radius compared to the Sun?

This is a Stefan-Boltzmann Law problem; . Taking the ratio of this equation and the same equation applied to the Sun yields

Vega’s radius is 2.85 times larger than the Sun’s radius.

Astronomy Formula and Constants Sheet for Exams