Friday 14th September 2012, at Anthony Collins Solicitors, 134 Edmund Street, Birmingham
PRESENT: L Hadley* (Chair)
G Jones* (Vice Chair)
I Langley* (Secretary and Minutes)
A Quinn* (Treasurer)
M Rees*
C Spencer*
P Jennings*
*Director of AYM Ltd
Meeting quorate.
ACTIONS1. Apologies
- None
2. Declarations of interest
- M Rees declared that he was still working for the YJB on resettlement as Deputy Programme (strategy) Manager.
3. Statement by Chair
- LH stated that as she was unemployed and no longer a YOT manager that she could not continue as Chair and was tendering her resignation. LH was thanked for her service as chair over the last 3 years by other members of the Executive.
It was unanimously agreed that;
- GJ would be acting Chair until 2013 AGM in May 2013.
- Vice Chair PJ nominated by IL, seconded by AQ until AGM in May 2013.
- LH will still remain a Director of AYM Ltd and lead on workforce development issues
- IL will put out a statement regarding the change to AYM members ASAP / IL
4. Minutes of the meeting of 3 August 2012
-Agreed to be an accurate record.
5. Matters arising
- IL reported that the AYM survey of members & Yot Managers and the AYM Executive’s response to the survey and Action Plan was circulated to members on 17 August 2012.
- Constitution – AQ reported that he had taken advice from our solicitors that the quoracy required by the constitution for the AYM executive could only be amended at an AGM.
- IL stated that PJ had confirmed his agreement in writing to the accuracy of the minutes of 15 June 2012 so these minutes were now agreed as the AYM Executive was not quorate at its last meeting on 3/8/12
6. Action Plan
- IL ran through proposal the proposal submitted by Phil Sutton.
- MR felt that we should include response to consultation policy in the action plan. MR also felt that planning for the 2013 AGM should be included.
- LH suggested new YJB Chief Executive could be invited to speak at the AGM
- AQ felt PS’ daily rate is too high and we should negotiate this down. AQ also felt AYM members could assist with organising regional events and so therefore would not need the hours proposed.
- CS felt we should put a cap on what we are prepared to spend
- GJ felt there may be some collaboration with the YJB and LH indicated that the YJB may fund part of the regional events.
- AQ suggested we offered £200 per day rate = £5.5 commitment.
- Annual income currently around £10-11k. So proposed that IL approach Phil Sutton to work one day per week (flexibly) for 28 days (until the end of March 2013) @ £200 per day + expenses = £6k with a review at each Exec meeting Nov 12. IL will act as link and scrutinise expenses.
- All agreed – IL will approach PS and inform Exec members of the outcome. / IL
CS left the meeting at this point (meeting still quorate)
7. AYM website
- IL visited L Richell on 12 September but AYM website was down. (Now back up and working) so has scheduled a phone call with LR
- LR proposed to IL that monthly rate of £100 pcm for her services rather than varying amounts to be invoiced on a quarterly basis. All ggreed. IL will inform LR.
- New photos of Exec members for website – please send to IL
- LH agreed to set up and administer an AYM Facebook page which will be a closed group. / IL
8. Minutes of 16 June 2012 Matters arising
- P Dennis has been informed he is an AYM life member.
- All actions complete with exception of probation consultation (deadline now passed)
9. Treasurer’s report (AQ)
- Reported balance as at 31 August 2012 £24,586. Projected net deficit for 12/13 was £9k. Report attached to minutes.
- Currently 71 members from 51 YOTs a decrease of 23 YOTs from 10/11.
- AQ set out membership forms to all YOT managers and has had a positive response from one YOT.
- 13 members have paid but AQ doesn’t have membership forms. AQ will follow up.
- Membership form needs updating – AQ will action.
- AQ will provide regional breakdown of members
- AQ recommended subscription rates remain unchanged for 12/13 – AGREED. Proposed GJ, Seconded IL All agreed
- Individual memberships (less than 10) – Agreed £20 per annum fee. Proposed GJ, Seconded MR. All agreed. AQ will contact those members concerned
- AQ will look at some AYM badges for the YJB convention. / AQ
10. Feedback from meeting with YJB CEO
- LH has met John Drew twice and will provide written feedback for inclusion into the minutes and circulation to AYM members. / LH
11. Meeting dates
- Next Exec meeting 22 November 2012 at YJB convention Hilton Metropole Hotel, Birmingham.
22 February 2013
13 May 2013
AGM 14 May 2013 at Anthony Collins Solicitors, Birmingham – GJ will book room
12 July 2013
20 September 2013
November 2013 to tie in with YJB convention / GJ
LH left the meeting so meeting (meeting not quorate).
12. Secondments of staff by statutory partners to YOTs
- MR concerned by lack of commitment to YOTs by Probation – Reported that LH has raised this with YJB CEO and they are raising this with the Association of Chief Probation Officers. Also concerned that Probation Service Officers can be placed within YOTs as the sole Probation rep. MR will draw up an item for the next AYM newsletter. / MR
13. YOT inspections
- GJ will explore HMIP/AYM joint event with Liz Calderbank (HMIP Chief Inspector) / GJ
Ian Langley
Treasurer’s Report to AYM Board Meeting on 14th September 2012
Subscriptions 11/12 and Membership
The number of YOTs who were members in 10/11 was 74. The number of YOTs who have paid for 11/12 and are currently members is 50 and there are 70 members.
Financial Report
Bank Balance end 11/12 = £28206.64
Expenditure 12/13 (to 14th September) = £8815.32
Income 12/13 (to 14th September) = £4519.71
Nett expenditure over income = £4295.61
Bank Balance 31.8.12 = £24586.43
The difference between the end of 11/12 bank balance and nett expenditure and the current bank balance of £675.40 is due to two cheques not yet cashed.
Membership Subscriptions 12/13
The invoices will be issued for this year’s subscriptions in late November. I am recommending we retain the same subscription rates. We need to make decisions about individual members.
Attracting new members
Following on from the consultation, as requested by the executive board, an email was sent on 12.9.12 to all YOT Managers not currently members to encourage them to consider joining.
Adrian Quinn – AYM Treasurer – 14th September 2012