Draft Memorandum of Association MLS Vani & Associates
And Advocates & Solicitors
Rules & Regulation
1) The name of the Association is “THE FEDERATION OF ASSOCIATIONS OF MEDICAL CONSULTANTS OF INDIA” and it shall hereafter be referred to as “FAMCI”,
2) The registered office of FAMCI will be situated in the city of Mumbai at the following address:
4, Ganapati Niwas, Old Police Lines, OppositeAndheri Railway Station (East),Mumbai – 400 069
Telephone Number 26844639, 26836019
Tele fax: 26821109
Email: [INSERT] Website: [INSERT]
3) The aim and objects of FAMCI are:
A) Aim & Objects
i) To encourage the formation of Association of Medical Consultants across India.
ii) To bring all Association of Medical Consultants across India together under one common forum.
iii) To promote social, cultural, and co-operative activities amongst the Association of Medical Consultants across India and its members.
iv) To arrange and hold conferences, demonstrations, debates, excursions, cultural functions, seminars, symposia, demonstrations, meetings, lectures, discussions, competitions etc.
v) To print, publish periodicals mainly for the purpose of discussing, the questions affecting the welfare of the Association of Medical Consultants across India and its members.
vi) To do all such things as are incidental and necessary for the Association of Medical Consultants across India and its members a proper place in the new Social Order and in general to increase the usefulness and advance in standards, ideals and welfare of the profession.
vii) To uphold honor the dignity and legitimate rights of the Association of Medical Consultants across India and its members.
viii) To secure proper and better conditions of service and status, emoluments, and all other legitimate rights and privileges of the Association of Medical Consultants across India and its members.
ix) To try to redress grievances and to secure justice for the Association of Medical Consultants across India and its members whenever and wherever such grievances and or / injustices persist in spite of ordinary attempts at negotiations and persuasions; these methods may include submission of suitable memoranda to the concerned authorities / organizations of effective mass protest, or demonstrations or obtaining legal opinions or instituting legal actions or any other suitable line of action as per the needs of such situation.
x) To project views of the Association of Medical Consultants across India and its members with regard to various health and education policies of the Government or any other authorities and to try to get those views accepted for incorporating in the said policies, keeping in mind health care delivery system.
xi) To promote efficiency of the Association of Medical Consultants across India and its members in the interest of public at large.
xii) To promote research and advancement of the medical and allied sciences in all the different branches of medicine.
xiii) To promote public health and medical education in India.
xiv) To publish periodicals, mainly for the purpose of discussing the issues affecting the welfare of the Association of Medical Consultants across India and its members, and also for the purpose of projecting views of the Association of Medical Consultants across India and its members on various subjects or policies; and also to publish articles increasing the information, efficiency and general knowledge of the Association of Medical Consultants across India and its members.
xv) To promote welfare of the Association of Medical Consultants across India and its members and their family members by arranging social gatherings, entertainments, programmes, games, functions etc.,
xvi) To participate with other bodies, agencies and organizations, medical or non-medical, Governmental or non-Governmental, Indian or foreign for furtherance of the aims & objects of FAMCI in India.
B) For attainment & furtherance of the above Aims & Objects
i) To hold periodical meetings and conferences of the Association of Medical Consultants across India and its members with members of other Medical Associations and of Allied Sciences and also of other professions, Societies, Clubs, Federations, and Associations, if need be;
ii) To arrange from time to time Congresses, Discussions, Demonstrations in order to organize, consolidate and propagate the generally accepted views of its members on various subjects affecting the welfare, efficiency, interest, and conditions of services of the Association of Medical Consultants across India and its members.
iii) To arrange from time to time such conferences, meetings, symposia, panel discussions, group discussions, demonstrations, etc., in order to keep the Association of Medical Consultants across India and its members well informed about the recent advances, latest trends, newer equipments, and all other advances of knowledge needed to improve their efficiency and quality of service to the profession.
iv) To encourage research and statistical evaluation of various medical problems.
v) To promote study of the socioeconomic hazards faced by the Association of Medical Consultants across India and its members, throughscholarships, prizes, rewards, grants or any other suitable sort of encouragements out of the funds of FAMCI, and in any such other manner as may, from time to time, be determined by FAMCI:
vi) To consider and express views on Questions and Laws of the Country, or on proposed legislations and/or Ordinances relating to Public Health, Medical Education, Resident Medical Students, and Medical profession, and to take such steps and adopt such measures in relation to the same, as may be deemed expedient or necessary from time to time;
vii) To conduct Education and Health Campaigns for General Public in matters of Health and Hygiene.
viii) To Organize Medical Relief’s during Epidemics and in times of Emergencies.
ix) To organize various Diagnostic, Educative and Curative Camps for Tuberculosis, Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiac Diseases; Family Planning Camps, Surgical Camps, Child Health and Welfare Camps, Vaccination Drives etc. as per decision of FAMCI from time to time;
x) To possess and maintain a Library and FAMCI premises possessing various important and informative publications, Recent Books, Equipments, Furniture and all other facilities for attainment of above mentioned Aims and Objects;
xi) To raise funds for carrying out the above mentioned activities of FAMCI; to collect subscriptions and donations for attaining the Aims and Objects of FAMCI;
xii) To purchase, take on lease or otherwise acquire, hold, manage, let, sell, exchange, mortgage or otherwise dispose off moveable or immoveable properties of every description and all rights or privileges necessary or convenient for the purpose of FAMCI; and in particular to buy land, buildings, furniture, fixtures, household or other effects, fittings, apparatuses, conveyances, utensils, books, newspapers, periodicals, accommodation etc. as and when deemed necessary or desirable in the interest of FAMCI.
xiii) To erect, maintain, improve, or alter or keep in repaired and good condition; any buildings and /or premises in its legal possession obtained through purchase, lease, gift or rent, for the purpose of FAMCI.
xiv) To invest any funds of FAMCI not immediately required for any of its above mentioned Aims and Objects in such a manner as may be deemed proper or necessary by the managing committee or any other authorized committee off FAMCI.
xv) To consider feasibilities of initiating and running medical colleges or courses wherever deemed fit on No-Loss-No-Profit Basis.
xvi) Generally do all such other acts and things as may seem to FAMCI to be convenient and/or conducive to the carrying out the objects of FAMCI;
4) The income, funds and properties of FAMCI, however acquired, shall be utilized and applied solely for the promotion of the aims and objects of FAMCI as set forth above.
5) FAMCI shall not be dissolved unless the dissolution is decided upon by a resolution passed at a Special General Body Meeting of FAMCI, convened for the purpose, passed by a majority of 3/4th of the members present. In the case of dissolution of FAMCI there shall remain after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, it shall be given or transferred proportionately amongst Full Time Memberbody of FAMCI.
A) “FAMCI” means the Federation of Associations of Medical Consultants of India.
B) “OFFICIAL YEAR” means financial year commencing from the 1st day of April and ending on 31st March of the following year.
C) “OFFICIAL LANGUAGE” means English language.
D) “MANAGING COMMITTEE” means the Managing Committee of FAMCI.
E) "MEDICAL CONSULTANT” means a medical consultant having post-graduate qualifications in Modern Scientific Medicine (Allopathy) practicing and residing in India and registered with the State/National Medical Council alongwith their post graduate degree.
F) “MEDICAL PRACTITIONER” means a medical practitioner having graduate qualifications in Modern Scientific Medicine (Allopathy) practicing and residing in India and registered with the State/National Medical Council.
G) “REGISTERED OFFICE” means the office of FAMCI situated at 4, Ganapati Niwas, Old Police Lines, Opposite Andheri Railway Station (East),Mumbai – 400 069.
H) “SCRUTINIZING COMMITTEE” means three members of the Managing Committee nominated by the President and the Honorary Secretary.
The Headquarters of FAMCI shall always be located in Mumbai at 4, Ganapati Niwas, Old Police Lines, Opposite Andheri Railway Station (East), Mumbai – 400 069 being the Headquarters of Association of Medical Consultants, Mumbai on the terms and conditions to be agreed between FAMCI and Association of Medical Consultants, Mumbai. In the event the Headquarters of Association of Medical Consultants, Mumbai shifts to another premise, the Headquarters of FAMCI will also shift to the aforesaid premise.
A) Full Time Memberbody
i) An Association of Medical Consultants, with at least 25 (twenty five) Medical Consultants as its members, agreeing to (I) being named as per the name of the city in which it is located e.g. Association of Medical Consultants (Delhi) and (II) adopting the conditions set forth at Annexure A hereto i.e. is the constitutioned document of Association of Medical Consultants, Mumbai, which seeks membership to FAMCI and whose membership has been accepted by the Managing Committee on receipt of application in prescribed form.
ii) No city may have more than one such Association of Medical Consultants as a Full Time Memberbody. Breakaway factions on the basis of sub-division of a region/city shall not be allowed as a Full Time Memberbody. For example, (1) Association of Medical Consultants, Thane will not be entertained if Association of Medical Consultants, Mumbai is in existence, (2) Association of Medical Consultants, Noida will not be entertained if Association of Medical Consultants, Delhi is in existence, (3) Association of Medical Consultants, Pimpri Chinchwad will not be entertained if Association of Medical Consultants, Pune is in existence etc. unless the Managing Committee approves the same.
B) Affiliate Memberbody
i) An Association of Medical Practitioners, with at least 25 (twenty five) Medical Practitioners as its members, which seeks affiliation to FAMCI and whose affiliation has been accepted by the Managing Committee on receipt of application in prescribed form.
ii) An Association of Medical Consultants, with at least 25 (twenty five) Medical Consultants as its members which seeks affiliation to FAMCI and whose affiliation has been accepted by the Managing Committee on receipt of application in prescribed form.
A) Every Full Time Memberbody shall pay a one-time admission fee of Rs. 1500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred Only) per plus applicable taxes person or Rs. 2,250/- (Rupees Two Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Only) plus applicable taxes per couple and who is/are a Medical Consultant and a member of such Full Time Memberbody,
B) Every Affiliate Memberbody shall pay a one-time admission fee of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) plus applicable taxes per person or Rs. 750/- (Rupees Seven Hundred and Fifty Only) plus applicable taxes per couple and who is/are a Medical Consultant and a member of such Affiliate Memberbody,
C) The Association of Medical Consultants, Mumbai is a 44 (forty four) year old association and has members who have paid a one-time admission fee of as low as Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred Only) therefore it will not be feasible to pay a sum of Rs. 1500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred Only) per person or Rs. 2,250/- (Rupees Two Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Only) per couple for those members. The total strength of the Association of Medical Consultants, Mumbai is [INSERT NUMBER] members and therefore the Association of Medical Consultants, Mumbai shall make a lump sum payment of Rs. [INSERT AMOUNT]/- (Rupees [INSERT AMOUNT] Only) to FAMCI as one-time admission fees for their [INSERT NUMBER] members as on [DATE]. Thereafter, each new member joining the Association of Medical Consultants, Mumbai shall pay one-time admission fees in accordance with clause 4 (A) hereinabove.
D) The Association of Medical Consultants of [INSERT CITY], [INSERT CITY], [INSERT CITY], [INSERT CITY] and [INSERT CITY] have each paid a sum of Rs. [INSERT AMOUNT]/- (Rupees [INSERT AMOUNT] Only) per member to the Association of Medical Consultants, Mumbai and which monies in aggregate amount to Rs. [INSERT AMOUNT]/- (Rupees [INSERT AMOUNT] Only) for a total of [INSERT NUMBER] members. The Association of Medical Consultants, Mumbai shall transfer the aforesaid sum of Rs. [INSERT AMOUNT]/- (Rupees [INSERT AMOUNT] Only) to FAMCI as one-time admission fees for the [INSERT NUMBER] members of Association of Medical Consultants of [INSERT CITY], [INSERT CITY], [INSERT CITY], [INSERT CITY] and [INSERT CITY]. Thereafter, each new member joining the Association of Medical Consultants of [INSERT CITY], [INSERT CITY], [INSERT CITY], [INSERT CITY] and [INSERT CITY] shall pay one-time admission fees in accordance with clause 4 (A) hereinabove.
A) Full Time Memberbody
i) Any Association of Medical Consultants, fulfilling the conditions set out in Clause 3(A) hereinabove, desirous of becoming a Full Time Memberbody of FAMCI shall apply on a prescribed form and submit the same duly filled up with all the necessary details along with the cheque/draft/pay order towards their admission fee as prescribed in Clause 4 hereinabove and modified from time to time and agrees to abide by all the rules and regulations of FAMCI.
ii) The Scrutinizing Committee of FAMCI will scrutinize the application within thirty days of it being received in the Registered Office and if found acceptable and eligible the Scrutinizing Committee shall inform the Association of Medical Consultant within a week of their being accepted as a provisional full time memberbody of FAMCI. A provisional full time memberbody will enjoy all the privileges of the Full Time Memberbody subject however to a final ratification of their Full Time Memberbody membership by the Managing Committee in its next meeting thereby confirming the provisional full time memberbody as a Full Time Memberbody of FAMCI.