Association List for Requested Documents
(Items that are bolded –are required prior to transition from the current managing agent)
- Corporation’s Federal Tax Identification Number
- Verification of accounts payable and check signing procedures
- State Non-Profit Filing
- Assessments Currently Levied
- Common Assessments including Special Benefit Area assessments
- Extra Ordinary Assessments
- Reconstruction Assessments
- Compliance Assessments
- Capital Improvement Assessments
- Property Tax Information, if any
- Budgets – including disclosures(prior years at transition)
- List of Owners paying by ACH
- Copy of Current Month’s Financial including Bank Statements and Delinquency Information (otherhistorical financial recordsat transition)
- Current General Ledger (other Y-T-D General Ledgers at transition)
- Current Trial Balance(Other Trial Balances at transition)
- Aged Receivables as of transition
- List of Units currently in Foreclosure
- Open Payables as of transition
- Cancelled Checks w/accompanying invoices
- Vendors name, service provided, copy of contract, address, telephone number, tax identification number and other pertinent information to assure for a smooth transition
- Prior Years’ 1099’s
- Petty Cash
- Loan documents, if any
- Account funds, where appropriate, are to be transferred to : ______
- Upon Completion of the last month’s financial (prior to transition) all remaining funds to be transferred along with all remaining Association Documents in possession
- Audits and Tax Returns
- Disclosure List including copies of documents to be disclosed to the Seller of a Unit including natural hazard zone disclosures.
- List of Units including unit address, Owners’ name, telephone number, email address and mailing address, Managing Agent’s name, address and contact person if applicable.
- List of Tenants including names, addresses, and telephone numbers and alarm access codes, elevator permits, etc.
- List of Board Members, names, addresses and email
- Business License
- High Rise Inspection
- Lot Files
- Grant Deeds
- Office Equipment Inventories and Leases (telephones, copier, scanner, Fax)
- Software and Software Licenses (Microsoft, PowerPoint, gate and entry, etc)
- Minutes
- Board Resolutions
- Membership Meetings - Ballots & Meeting information
- Newsletters
- Communications to Membership, Board, Vendors, Residential Board, etc.
- Board Packages
- Legal – Past and current actions pending resolution
- List of Deposits paid to vendors (Utilities, Contracts in process, etc.)
- Vendor contracts, contact information, tax identification number and all pertinent information to assure for a smooth transition. Vendor 1099’s, W-9s, Inspections performed, reports, violation notices, Certificates of Insurance and Licenses, warranties, permits, correspondence, etc. not limited to but including the following services
- Security Services
- Roofing
- Janitorial and Housekeeping
- Landscape, gardening and irrigation
- Building Mechanical Systems
- Plumbing Systems
- Lighting and Electrical
- Window Washing and State Equipment Certification
- Fire Suppression Systems
- Elevator (including telephone information, permits, elevator numbers)
- Pest Control
- Insurance (policies and claims information)
- Painter & Drywall
- Sign
- Window and Glass
- Attorney and Assessment Collection
- Maintenance, Repair and Equipment contracts
- Uniforms
- Misc. Office and Office Equipment
- Utility (gas, electric, water, trash) what are serviced, location and meter number
- Telephones (numbers, locations and purpose)
- List of Open “Action Items” pending resolution
- Health or Safety Violations closed and pending resolution
- City, State, Federal Notices closed and pending resolution
- Governing documents
- CCRs, Bylaws and all Exhibits and Amendments
- Articles of incorporation
- Rules and Regulations, including Collection Policy
- Condominium Plan
- Minutes
- Executive Minutes
- Mutual Benefit Agreement and Amendments
- Committees
- Design Review Committee
- Committee Members, names and addresses
- Master Design Standards:
- Minutes
- Application Procedures
- Application Forms
- Variances Granted
- Violations and Hearings held
- Restricted Alterations
- Sign Program
- Governmental Agencies Approval
- Amendments, Waivers and Variances
- Approvals
- Application
- Exclusive Use Easements Granted
- Original Ground Lease (if applicable)
- Inventories
- Incident Reports
Maintenance & Operations
- Reserve Study
- Emergency Preparedness Plans
- Risk Management Plans
- Amendments
- Annual Inspections
- Annual Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) Reports
- Annual Health Department Reports
- Soils, Parking Lot, Landscaped Area , walkway approvals granted
- Maintenance Manual
- Maintenance Guidelines
- Condition Inspections
- Keys
- Material Safety Data Sheets
- Backflow Device Inspections
- Hazardous Material Permits and Inspection Reports including any violations
- Access Codes
- Building Entry Access codes
- Building Garage access codes
- Floor plans, maps, plans, blueprints, drawings, architectural drawings, “As Built” plans
- Artist Renderings, Artwork, Photographs, Color Palettes, Interior Designs, Digital Logos and clip art, Digital Photos and Corporate Identity Pieces
By signing below, the current managing agent acknowledges this Request for Documents & Information.
Requested by:
DISCLAIMER: These sample forms and agreements are not endorsed by the Institute of Real Estate Management. They are presented for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for accuracy, completeness or consistency with applicable law. The user is advised to check all applicable state and federal law before using these forms, agreements, or parts thereof. Because certain forms have legal implications (e.g., management agreements, rental applications), it is recommended that downloaded versions of such forms should be reviewed with legal counsel prior to their use and that any modifications made by the user should also be reviewed by legal counsel.