Association Liaison Office for University Cooperation in Development
Promoting Higher Education Partnerships for Global Development
Schedule of Planned Activities by Year
(Add sheets for each year)
2003 Request for Applications
U.S.-Mexico Training, Internships, Exchanges, and Scholarships (TIES) Partnership Initiative
(Year _2 of _3_)
Time Frame(Start & End Dates) / Planned Activity / Anticipated Development Outcomes
July 12, 2005 – July 22, 2005
(Component 2.) / Shrimp Pathology short course at University of Arizona
1 faculty
1 student / Faculty and students learn state of the art techniques in disease prevention and control in Mexico’s most important aquatic crop
August 15, 2005 – June 30, 2006
(Scholarship) / Graduate education at UAZ
3 M.S. students
1 Ph.D. student / Students will receive advanced training in aquaculture and allied fields in a graduate degree program
August 15, 2005 – June 30, 2006
(Scholarship) / Graduate education in Mexico
5 M.S. students
(Split between UAT and UJAT) / Students will receive training from Mexican and US faculty in a mix of in-class, on-line and summer courses
July 1, 2005 – Nov. 30, 2005
Feb. 1, 2006 – June 30, 2006 (Component 5.) / Internships at Aqua King farm in California
2 interns / Interns will receive training and hand-on experience at a commercial fish farm in California.
July 1, 2005 – Nov. 30, 2005
Feb. 1, 2006 – June 30, 2006
(Component 6.) / Internships at Panorama Acuícola Magazine in Hermosillo, Mexico
2 interns / Interns will work at the premier aquaculture industry magazine in Latin America, which also sponsors aquaculture industry conferences/trade shows in Mexico
May 15, 2006 – June 30, 2006
(Component 8.) / Aquaculture course taught
by UAZ faculty at UJAT
1 UAZ faculty / UAZ faculty will teach graduate course at UAT for UJAT and other students. Advanced topics will be covered to improve capabilities of faculty and students
June 20-21, 2006
(Components 1 and 14.) / Aquaculture Extension workshop
taught by UAZ/UJAT and students for farmers in Tabasco / Aquaculture workshop will be offered for local farmers. This will help farmers to improve farm management, nutrition, disease control, water quality, & effluents
July 1,2005 – June 30, 2006
(Component 15.) / Update Spanish language Aquaculture training website / The Spanish language website will be available to faculty, students, farmers and the general public with an emphasis on practical methods to improve aquaculture farm ops
August 10-13, 2005
(Component 19.) / Aquacultura Mexico
Conference in Guadalajara
3 project faculty or students
1 intern from Panorama / Project members will participate in organization, presentations, workshops and publications as part of the conference
April 2006
(Component 10.) / Aquaculture course field trip to Guaymas, Mexico / UAZ students will meet with students from Mexican university
Date to be determined
(Component 17.) / Review/Presentation in Washington D.C.
1 UAZ Director
1 UJAT Director / To review project operations, achievements and future directions with ALO, the other project directors and USAID professionals.
The Association Liaison Office United States Agency
for University Cooperation in Development for International Development