O/Ref: IALI/EC/March/2012/Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of the Executive Committee of the

International Association of Labour Inspection (IALI)

held on Wednesday 14 March 2012

Time: 10.00am to 5.00pm

Venue: Chrysanthemum Room Wooshu Hotel, 253 Pham Van Thuan, Bien Hoa,Dong Nai Province, Vietnam


Ms Michele Patterson (MP) – President

Mr Kevin Myers (KM) – Secretary General

Mr Andrey Selivanov (AS) – Vice President

Mr. Ho Siong Hin (HSH) – Vice President

Mrs Sylvie Siffermann (SS) – Vice President

Mr. Paul Weber (PW) – Vice President

Mr. Gerd Albracht (GA) – Technical Advisor

Mr. Wolfgang Von-Richthofen (WVR) – Technical Advisor

Ms Shi Yanping – Vice President (via Skype)

Ms Svetlana Zontova (SZ) – Interpreter for Mr Selivanov

Ms Claire Lonsdale (CL) - Secretariat

Absent with apologies:

Mr Berhard Brueckner (BB) – Vice President

Mr Michel Gisler (MG) – Treasurer and Vice President

Mr. Jose-Luis Daza (JLD) – ILO representative

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Open Discussion (E.C. Members and Technical Advisers and ILO Representatives)
3 / Standing Items
3.1 / President’s Report:
MP reported that all her items had already been discussed during the day’s agenda
3.2 / Secretary-General’s Report:
KM reported that the main items he intended to discuss under this item had been dealt with in today’s agenda.
3.3 / Regional Delegate Reports:
Asia - Pacific:
HSH advised that the 5th ASEAN OSHNET Policy Dialogue was held between February -March 2012. This was the last of a series of meetings designed to develop OSH solutions and regulation / enforcement responsibilities in the ASEAN states. It is hoped that this dialogue will continue to strengthen international and regional collaboration on OSH. ASEAN has also held a workshop in Brunei in collaboration with the ILO, as Brunei intends to draft a labour safety law in 2012 and requested assistance in order to do this.
English and French-Speaking Africa:
SS reported that Africa is a big continent and there are some parts where IALI has not previously engaged extensively. Sahli Chaker is our only contact in the French/Arabic-speaking parts of Africa, but the civil unrest in the region has reduced his capacity to assist with introducing SS to contacts in the rest of Africa. SS is due to visit Morocco for personal reasons in the near future, but will try to meet with the French Ambassador there at the same time.
In November 2011, SS held a meeting in Paris with the French Labour Ministry (Dept of International Cooperation) in order to update them on IALI activities. French cooperation with African states currently focuses mainly on employment rather than OSH. The Upcoming French elections will bring a new labour ministry so SS will ask her new Director for support in her Regional Delegate role with Africa. France is organising a conference in Strasbourg in October 2012, which SS will try to publicise in Africa.
Africa has poor internet connections, so the production of a hard copy IALI flyer for distribution would be very helpful in encouraging engagement and IALI membership in this region.
MP advised that two separate ICOH and ARLAC OSH events were held in the same week in Ghana in October 2011, indicating some difficulties with organisational arrangements in the region. IALI engagement with ARLAC is now sporadic since their change in leadership several years ago. SS and MP had discussions with ARLAC and the Ghana labour inspectorate (Mr Stephen Lometey)and have confirmed that both the organisation and Ghanawant to become involved with IALI again. Communication difficulties regarding e-mail and internet affect IALI’s engagement in this region. However, there is the potential for SS to visit ARLAC in Africa to help to turn their enthusiasm into action.
GA advised that ARLAC have a special session in most ILO Conferences and that this could be a good means for SS to re-start engagement.
3.4 / ILO Update
This item was not discussed in the absence of ILO representatives, who were unable to join the meeting due to prior commitments.
3.5 / IALI – ILO Joint Activities and Proposals
This item was not discussed in the absence of ILO representatives, who were unable to join the meeting due to prior commitments.
3.6 / Any Other Business
European Parliament: Asbestos Hearing (18 -19 September 2012, Brussels):
GA informed the E.C. that a European Parliament discussion on Asbestos is to take place in Brussels on 18 – 19 September 2012. It is an official hearing and will consider campaigns from SLIC and international organisations such as ILO and ISSA. Compensation for asbestos-related diseases will be discussed, using testimony from victims.
GA has been working with the European Construction Union to prepare for this hearing and believes it is important for IALI to be present. It was agreed that GA might potentially represent IALI at this event and report back to the E.C., as it coincides with the 6th China International Forum on Work Safety and the Singapore WSH Conference, which some E.C. members are due to attend.
Psychosocial Risks Associated with Labour Inspection in France:
SS advised the EC of two recent suicides of labour inspectors in France, which occurred within the same six months. Both suicides were believed to be in relation to their work. SS believes that this is indicative of problems in France regarding work-related psychosocial risks. The E.C. agreed to explore this topic within an appropriate forum – potentially a workshop that could be organised at a future IALI Conference.
  • GA to advise IALI about informal representation at the European Parliament Asbestos Hearing and report back to the E.C.
  • Secretariat to add this event to the IALI Calendar.
  • Consideration to be given to the organisation of a workshop on psychosocial risks at a future IALI Conference.

5 / Next EC Meeting: Sunday 9 December 2012, Moscow.
The E.C. will meet in Moscow on 9 December 2012, to coincide with the RALI of CIS and Mongolia Conference on 10 December and the ILO Decent Work Event on 11 – 12 December.