Association for Applied Psychophysiology
And Biofeedback

Section & Division Descriptions

  1. Allied Professionals SectionAnnual Section Dues: $10.00

Contact: Sajeela Ramsey, PhD, President

Phone: (703) 536-2690Email:

This section was formed to create an alliance of biofeedback professionals in order to support, protect, and enhance recognition of unlicensed biofeedback practitioners. Our members include biofeedback professionals who are researchers, rehabilitation specialists, educators, stress management counselors, health care specialists, and other biofeedback consultants who are not recognized under a specific license. Without a license, however, many of these same people who have contributed so much are not recognized as professionals, and may have their practice restricted. We urge all unlicensed biofeedback practitioners, regardless of their specialty (EMG, EEG or general) to join our section.

  1. Applied Respiratory Psychophysiology SectionAnnual Section Dues: $15.00

Contact: Kathleen Twinem-Jones, MA, President

Phone: (562) 595-5752Email:

The Applied Respiratory Psychophysiology Section promotes scientific and clinical activities in the application areas of respiratory retraining for treating psychological and physical symptoms, and the management of respiratory diseases. Most Mind/Body disciplines are included in our interest area. It also fosters research on the causes and effects of hyperventilation and effects of respiratory rhythms on other physiological systems including the body’s homeostatic reflexes. The section sometimes offers workshops and speakers of special interest to our members.

3. Child and Adolescent Health SectionAnnual Section Dues: $15.00

Contact: Shari Shamsavari, PhD, ATR, President

Phone: (707) 546-2833Email:

The goal of the Child and Adolescent Health Section is to provide a forum for members to share information and experiences in providing biofeedback services to this important segment of our population. This section is designed to address the growing use and proven benefits of biofeedback in treating a younger patient population.

4. Education SectionAnnual Section Dues: $10.00

Contact: Elizabeth Stroebel, PhD, BCIAC, Senior Fellow, President

Phone: (941) 321-8890Email:

The Education section is the oldest within AAPB, and remains one of its most active and vital. It represents a long-standing interest in the most fundamental aspect of biofeedback - the development of health changes through education. The focus of the section is not clinical educationbut instead, assisting biofeedback professionals as educators and supporting applications of biofeedback in an educational setting. The mission of the section is: To represent and strengthen the activities of educators and education within AAPB by promoting opportunities to exchange and disseminate information, materials, and educational techniques to the AAPB membership and to the public.

5. International SectionAnnual Section Dues: $10.00

Contact: Ana Maria Rossi, PhD, President

Intl. Phone: 55-51-3346-2568Email:

The International Section encourages the worldwide: 1) promotion, development and improvement of scientific research and clinical practice; 2) promotion of high standards of professional practice, peer review, ethics and education in biofeedback; and 3) dissemination of information about biofeedback to members and the public per se. Members have an opportunity to be involved in the governance of the Section, develop a network of international contacts dealing with similar issues, clarify how AAPB and the Section can better meet their needs, and can contribute to the expansion of biofeedback worldwide.

6. ISMA–USA Stress Management SectionAnnual Section Dues: $25.00

Contact: Jan Newman, MD, President

Phone: (406) 258-6284Email:

The purpose of the ISMA-USA Stress Management Section is to promote scientific and clinical activities in the application areas of stress management for treating psychological and physical symptoms and management of stress related disorders.

7. Mind-Body Medicine SectionAnnual Section Dues: $15.00

Contact: Amelia Hall, President

Phone: (941) 993-8283Email:

Mind-body medicine as a title is widely used today and has significant name recognition with both public and professional audiences. It is also an area of significant research funding by the NIH’s National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) and the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR). AAPB’s Mind-Body Medicine Section will tap into this growing public, professional and scholarly interest. The section will focus on applied psychophysiology as the common interface or theme to unite the varied elements of this rich domain. The goal is to increase participation in our organization by creative thinkers, teachers, researchers and explorers in the areas of meditation, distant healing, prayer, hypnosis and imagery, yoga, intuition and dreams, psychoacoustics, qi gong and much more.

8. Neurofeedback DivisionAnnual Division Dues: $20.00

Contact: SiegfriedOthmer,PhD, President *Sustaining Member Dues: $50.00

Phone: (818) 373-1334Email:

Membership is open to members of AAPB who are interested in research and practice in neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback). We also encourage those who are not currently active in this area to join, as a way to learn about his increasingly important and growing area. The division sponsors many activities at the AAPB Annual Meeting, including key speakers and workshops. The Neurofeedback Division Newsletter includes articles of broad interest including clinical and technical interviews, topics including insurance, ethics, and medicolegal issues, and current products, systems, and approaches. Articles for the Biofeedback Newsmagazine are also submitted by division members. Benefits of membership include newsletters and list servs, special programs and a dinner at the annual meeting, web-listing opportunities, and access to the AAPB web site’s member’s only area.

*Sustaining Member benefits include recognition in the Neurofeedback Newsletter, Certificate showing support of Division, and free web link in Member’s Only Section of website.

9. Optimal Functioning SectionAnnual Section Dues: $15.00

Contact: TBD

The Optimal Functioning Section was organized to discuss and explore uses of biofeedback and applied psychophysiology for optimizing health, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual functioning, and peak performance fields. The section holds a meeting in conjunction with the Annual Conference, and sponsors invited symposia and presentations from recognized experts.

10. Performing Arts Psychophysiology SectionAnnual Section Dues: $10.00

Contact: Kathleen Riley, PhD,President

Phone: (201) 220-6851Email:

Performing Arts Psychophysiology is open to anyone interested in psychophysiology for artists as a special population. An arts background, even if it is modest, is suggested for applicants. This section is founded on the premise that physiological sequelae of stress are not only a health problem, but also threaten the career of artists. The section encourages development of empirically-based clinical applications, empirical validation of current therapies which artists utilize and testing of arts populations with current psychophysiological models.

11. sEMG/SESNA Division Annual Division Dues: $15.00

Contact: Jeff Bolek, PhD, President

Phone: (216) 448-6362Email:

The Surface EMG Division within AAPB began as the Surface EMG Society of North America (SESNA). Our main aim is to promulgate the appropriate use of surface electromyography techniques within the context of applied psychophysiology. We provide a track at the Annual Meeting, basic workshops, and Internet dialogue on members’ interests.