March 23, 2009(20th Meeting)

I.  Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III.  Roll Call- Quorum Met

IV.  Approval of Minutes

V. Guest Speakers

A.  Lisa Devorak- San Marcos Police Department. Noise Ordinance and ACT Program.

Noise from neighborhoods and trash. ACT program creates positive relations between the student body and the local community. San Marcos is a unique community and a general population of 50,000 people. Conflicts in cultures and norms between the community and the students... Not immediate program but in the next few months there will be progress. What does it mean to be a global citizen? How do people attach themselves to you? What are the needs of the children in the community? Parent’s authority plays a part in the process of community togetherness. No preparation in a large scale. Students and non-student residents have a bias. Education- how do you learn the codes and ordinances when you move off campus? Working through the consequences through unreasonable behavior. People in this community say that students need to be educated on the issue. San Marcos is a university town. Retention is what the University and San Marcos have in common. People are appreciating the events that are put on. An adopt a neighborhood program is when the students adopt a certain area and talk to the people. (LUNA)- extend time. Michelle Lopez- part of the staff. The ideas and projects will be accomplished but not all right away. A committee of students and residents has been formed to make decisions for the program. The night out program is coming up in October. Family round up booth has been made and pack it up and pass it on as well. Putting together an ad campaign and putting them in the starplex. There is a webpage ( ) ACT labels have been put on the different apartment complexes that are participating. How this program can really help is also for City Council and commemorates to go out and do these programs. Expectations of students are important. Sophomore transitions have been started and the transition from the dorm is another idea.


Senator Domaschk

Emblems on the apartment complexes. Accountability.

Date closer to where people will be living in their homes.

Excessive Noise- included and not limited to have been added.

Senator Thomas

How will students get involved?

Members can only be appointed to the committees.

VI.  Public Forum

- Scott- University Star- Star debate on Wednesday in Flowers Hall.

VII.  President’s Report-

- ACT Campaign. UPD ride along. Good experience to do the things with the “other side.” Talk to the different party goers. Be an intermediary. Transportation to the bars and community and students.

Seniors to work the polling stations.

Interested in Mass Communication students to write for a paper.

Wednesday people are needed for San Marcos master plan. 4:30-6. Need 8 people. Election commission is a 5 p.m. on Wednesday.

VIII.  Vice President’s Report

-  Bobcat Build is next week. Jason needs people sign up.

-  ACT campaign is a good way to talk between the community and students.

-  Banquet is May 4th.

-  Relay for Life- April 17th-

-  Debate is next week. Attendance is still required for the debate on Monday. So don’t be late because Sloane will count you absent!

-  Committees are next week.

-  Change will not be made to the election dates.

-  Composites will be coming up- tentative set for April 20th.

-  Flowers- tailgate for baseball game against Texas Tech. Pitch at 6:30.

-  Stadium is in operating order.

IX.  Committee Reports

A.  External Affairs- Working on the banquet.

B.  Student Life- Attending the last baseball game. Ideas for next game. Talked about writing legislation about meeting for all committees. Yearly and semester goals. Hand sanitizer in the computer labs. What it is to be a good senator? Presentation we give people for the new rules. Requiring office hours for student senators. Programs with loud crowd. Senator Vargas- bell tower bills.

C.  Student Relations- Address the grievances- Clarewood route. Discussed safety on campus. Emergency buttons and bigger golf carts. Waiting times for the Bobcat Bobbies.

D.  University Relations- Chartwells have upped their prices. Submit a budget to the senate.

X. Advisor Report(s)- No report.

-  RHA- Elections are this Wednesday. Fellow senators are running.

-  City Council Liaison Committee- Final reading is coming up. Address the issue. Email is going out to touch base on the issue.

XI.  New Business

XII.  Old Business

“Motorcycle-Friendly”- SRS 2008-2009- Senator Michael Guzman. Friendly Amendment to change name to Neal. Reduce congestion on campus. Make campus greener. Setting up a system to allow temporary permits. Ray- inclement weather day will be determined. ( Extending parking spaces and too add places by LBJ. Parking by the rec. center as well. Vargas- temporary permits. PASSED- VOICE VOTE No Nay’s

XIII.  Questions

XIV. Announcements- Mandy- College Democrats will be at the tailgate. / Neal- meets the candidates night is this Thursday. Matt F.- Fig’s living learning community. People getting ready for medical or dental school. Olicia- Bobcat Pause/ Luna- Friday tour for college awareness. Vargas- Tuesday (Gina Lauren) poet speaking. Tucker- this Friday (softball game) All Day.

XV.  Adjournment- Mandy-Adjourned